Buried Memories

After Goodbye, What's Next?

“Jong? Can I ask you something?” the guy with the blurry face ask him.

He look at the guy’s face but still can’t recognize him. “Of course what is it?” He ask and was sure that he mention the guy’s name but he didn’t hear his voice when he said it.

“If ever I want to leave this town, will you come with me?”

He took his time before answering. “Yes.” He was surprise with his own answer because he thought, how he could leave together with someone he can’t recognize.

The other guy smile at him, he blink and when he open his eyes they are already inside his car. His driving in a very narrow road, it was already dark and the only light that give the road is the head light of the car.  He was holding the guy’s hand with his free hand while the other is holding the wheel. They are laughing and talking, but he was not sure what they are talking about.

“I am so happy Jong, so much that I think I am ready to die now.” The guy said and kiss his hand. “I love you.” He added and look at him.

He look back to him and found himself saying the same thing. He look at the guy closely and tried so hard to see his face clearly but didn’t succeed. He was not paying attention to the road that why he didn’t notice the car that is in front of him and was approaching them. I was already too late for him to turn the wheel to avoid the car. An eye-blinding light cause him to close his eyes and he lost the other guys hand.

“I love you Jong.” He heard but this time it sound as if it was coming from the ground. He open his eyes and realize that he is now in the cemetery kneeling at the ground in front of a grave. He was crying when an old lady approach him.

“You kill my son.” The lady have a black veil that is covering her face and looking down at him. “I will let you live so you will then feel the guilt and pain.” She look at the grave. “But it is good now, because I’d rather see him lying there instead on being with a person like you.” She look back at him. “You kill him. You kill my lovely Kibum.”

He look at the grave and notice the name ‘Kim Kibum”, “I kill him? No!”

”NO!!!!” Jonghyun sat down when he woke up from his nightmare. He was panting and sweating a lot. He look at his night table and grab the picture frame. He touch Kibum’s face and starts to cry. “Why? Why did you leave me alone here? You said we are going together. How could you just die alone?” He was sobbing so hard. “I can’t even remember your face. Your voice, your touch. Forgive me Kibum, because I am slowly forgetting everything about you. Forgive me.” He said and hug the picture.

That night he didn’t sleep at all because of the repeated nightmare. It started when the day he saw that scare at the back of Key. He started to be hunted by the memories that had been buried a long time ago. And what makes him more confuse is that, Key was nowhere to find now because after that incident the guy stops coming to the store. Is it really possible to think that.. Jonghyun shake his head to drive away the thought. He must be crazy thinking about that.

“I hope you here what I just said hyung.” He heard Taemin.

“Huh?” He said and look at the younger who just rolled his eyes.

“Then I am right. You really are not paying attention.” The younger continue doing some coffee.

“Sorry Taemin. It just that I am thinking about something.”

“I can notice that.” Taemin deliver the coffee to the customer and comes back to the counter. “So what are you thinking hyung? Is that a problem?”

“Sorry baby, but not today. I am thinking too much now and I feel like I am going crazy if it continues.”

“I think I don’t want to hear you call my boyfriend like that Jong hyung.” They both at the door and saw Minho standing there.

“Boyfriend? Who is your boyfriend?” Jonghyun ask and look at the both guys. “Don’t tell me…you guys..?” He pointed the both of them.

Minho smile and walk toward his boyfriend and put his arms around Taemin’s shoulder. “Whatever you are thinking the answer is yes.” Minho said grab the younger closer to him.

“Why didn’t you told me Taemin?” Jonghyun ask with a little sadness in his voice.

“I think I did. But someone had been spacing out since I start talking here.” Taemin take Minho’s hands in his shoulder. “And you, can you go away. I can’t concentrate in my work.”

Minho put his lips at Taemin ear. “Why? Are you starting to feel weird now?” He whisper.

Taemin glare him. “You are being a nuisance Minho. Go away.” He said and shove Minho’s face away from him.

“Aish, this person. You don’t have to feel shy just because Jonghyun is here.” He said while laughing Taemin just give him another glare but this time it is sharper.

Jonghyun laugh at the scene in front of him. “Yah you guys. Are you really okay now? I don’t see any difference from before.”

“Of course we’re okay now.” Minho sit at the other side and start drinking the coffee Taemin handed him. “That’s just how we show our love.”

“Ah yes..” Jonghyun laugh and stand up.

“You’re leaving?” Taemin ask the elder when he notice him standing.

“Yup I have work today. After night shift.” Jonghyun said while putting his hat on.

“But it is still early. Night shift starts at seven right? It’s only five thrity.” Taemin gave him a change to his payment.

“I know. But I have to do something first.” He look at Minho who was making himself busy reading. “Beside this guy is obviously want me out here.” Minho look at him and smile.

“I am amaze that you can read my mind hyung.” Minho laugh while saying the joke.

“If it just Minho don’t mind him. You can stay here.”

“YAH!” Minho shouted which makes Taemin laugh. Making his boyfriend jealous makes him happy. He’s such a sadist person.

Jonghyun just laugh and garb his bag to leave the shop. He was happy for the two that they already are together now and wish that everything will be alright in the future for the both of them.

He sigh. “Now what I will going to do before my shift.” He look up at the sky. He still have an hour to spend. In the past he spend most of his time at Taemin’s shop before going to work, but that is not a good idea now. He don’t want to be a third wheel and he don’t to witness any sweet moments between those two.

He just decide to go to the park and play some games that is in his phone. When he enter the park he saw some boys playing a basketball and hear them laughing make him laugh too. He sat at the bench under the tree when he notice someone familiar. Key.

Wants to run towards the other but then stop when he realize that the other is looking at him too and looks surprise. He try to lift his arm and gave a friendly wave but the other just turn his back on and starts to walk away. This time he run after the other.

“Yah!” he grab the other arm. “Where are you going?” He ask and pull him so that he can see his face.

“Work.” Key answer shortly.

“Work? Where?”

“What where? Is there any other place that I have been working on?” Key ask and pull his arm away from Jonghyun grip.

“You’re still working there.”

“I don’t remember submitting my resignation.” Key starts to walk now.

“But it’s already been a week since I last saw you in the store. I thought you quit.” He said and follow the other.

“Why would I quit my job? It’s hard to look go a job now, you know.”

“Well because..” He can’t say the reason because it might change the atmosphere. “Nevermind. So why did you took a long break?”

“I got sick.” Key answer and enter the store.

“You’re sick? Are you okay? Are you sure that you can work today?” Jonghyun ask and was surprise by himself by asking those question. It makes him wonder when he started to harbor any concern feeling with this arrogant guy.

“I said I got sick. Past tense.” He wave at the guy who is in the counter.

“You’re early guy’s its only six.”

“It’s okay. One hour is not that long.” Key said and headed toward the locker room. Jonghyun was still in his back.

“But I think you still need a rest since being sick in a week must be very bad.”

“I am okay now, Stop being overreacted.” He said and put his bag inside his locker.

Jonghyun shake his head realizing that it’s not a good idea to be worried with this guy. He looks at him changing and saw the scar in his back he was looking at it and didn’t notice that key already have a shirt on.

“I wish I will not melt by you keep on staring at me.” Key said with a serious face.

“Oh no you won’t. Knowing how cold you are with that hard ice that covers you? I think even my hottest stare will not melt you.” He said arrogantly and start changing too.

In that one hour of them staying in the locker room, no one started a conversation and just make their life busy with their own world.

Because they are in the night shift it was not that busy which makes Jonghyun more tired. He hates this shift especially when he is with Key. He feels like the time was moving so slow. He was looking outside hoping that a customer will come when he heard a noise. He look around and saw Key sitting at the floor.

He run toward him and notice that Key was sweating. “Yah! What’s wrong with you?” He ask but the other didn’t answer and starts panting. He feel his forehead and he was right when he thought that the Key is sick. “I knew it you’re still not okay to work.” He stand up and grab the phone to call their boss.

“Yes sick he is burning with fever and sweating a lot.” Jonghyun look down at Key and he starts to worry when the other starts to sway because of dizziness. “Okay sir. I will just leave the key at the drawer and use the back door when we leave. Thank you sir.” As soon as he ended the called he go back at Key and help him to stand but the other slap his hand.

“Come on Key, stop being childish and let me help you.” He guided the other to the locker room and leave a little bit to close the store. When he return he found Key lying in the floor and unconscious.  “Aishh!!”He said and showered his palm into his face.

He put his jacket to Key and carry both of their bag. After he close the back door he put the other in his back and starts to walk heading his own house. He was surprise that the guy is not that heavy which makes him carry the guy until they rich his home. He put Key to his bed and headed out to get some medicine and some wet towel to wipe the other’s sweat. When he came back he saw Key coughing.

“Here drink this.” He gave h the water and the medicine. Key look at him as if asking where he is. “You’re here at my house since you just pass out in the store.”

“I-I have to go now. I don’t want here.” Key stand up but then got back on the bed when he feel a sharp pain in his head. “AAHH!!” he touch his head.

“Stay here tonight and take a rest. You’re still sick, how could you go to work.” He ask while wiping the others sweat.

Key didn’t answer and feel a little drowsy. The medicine starts to work now. Little by little sleep starts to pull him in. Jonghyun just look at the others sleeping face and changing the towel in his forehead from time to time. He also check his temperature and was glad that it is going down. And after a long time he succeeded to let Key fever gone. It was already twelve midnight and he starts to feel sleepy too. He grab the basin at the side table when he accidentally look at Kibum’s picture. He grab it and look closely and his eyes turn in a big ball. He look at Key and back to Kibum picture.

He remember one thing, Kibum had a small heart shape mole at the back of his left ear. He put down the frame and slowly lift Key’s hair to look at his left ear. His chest starts to hurt because of his rapid heartbeat and his hands starts to sweat too because of the nervousness.

He look closely at Key’s ears and almost lost his energy after looking. His body was shaking as he sat down at the floor.




Because no school today all I just do is to write. ^_^

Here you go the start of Jongkey.

So can you tell me if it is really his first love or not??^_^




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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)