I love you since then and there

After Goodbye, What's Next?

"Key!!! Open the door!! You have to open the door so that I can help you!!Hurry!!" Kibum try to break the door but he doesn't have enough energy. Hus lungs starts to break down because of all the smoke he exhale. He look back and he saw that the fire starts to crawl into his spot.

His heart was beating so fast, ge can escape this tragedy if he run now but be don't want to. His twin brother was still inside the room and he heard him crying. He run fast ti his daddy's tool box and grab the hummer. He smash the doorknob a number of time before it gave it. When he open the door he saw Key at the corner, crying. He run towards him and try to stop him from crying.

"Key!" He shake his brother "Key! You have to get hold of yourself. We have to get out of here." He said and pull his brother up.

"Kibum hyung! We’re going to die. There's no way can escape." Key said and was still crying. 

"No Key, not until I am here." Kibum said with a soft voice. He doesn't want to give his brother any sign that he is too was scared.

"But hyung-" He look up and was surprise when he saw his brother's face. "H-hyung..y-your face!!" He said and he touch his brother face that was half burn.

Kibum ignore the pain in his face and grab his brother's wrist and drag him outside. He look for a way where there is no fire. When he saw that there was not a lot of fire in the kitchen he run there still dragging his brother. 

They are almost at the door when Key trip. He look around and feels his heart almost stop when he saw the falling wood that will fall on his brother. He run and cover his brother and the wood fell in his back. He almost scream in excruciating pain that he feel in his back. But he still managed to stand up and help his brother.

"Hyung leave me here. Go save yourself. I-I can't stand anymore." Key said while crying. He saw how his brother take the pain that must be to him.

"No Key."Kibum said and smile at his brother. "We can survive this. Just grab into my hand."

Key look at his brother's smile. Smile that shows everything will be okay He gave his shaking hands to his brother and gather all his strength to stand up. They both took a step toward the door and push it together. 

When they got out in the house they run away from it. They saw a lot of people that was outside. But just before Kibum and Key can hug their mother they fell in the ground.


Key open his eyes in a very white room. He look around and saw his brother sitting beside his bed. 

"Hyung" he called the other who turn tis head and look at him. He almost choke a sob when he saw the bandage that was covering his face.  There was also a bandage wrap in his body.

"Yah. How come you just wake up today? You’ve been sleeping forever." Kibum said and smile. "Are you okay??"

He just nodded his head and look away from his brother. He feel guilty. If he should not forget to turn off the stove this should not happen, his brother should not be in this situation.

The brothers stay at the hospital for another one week before they got discharge. When they reach their new home Key lock himself in his room. He was crying because of the guilt that he feels. It was already midnight when he stop crying. He step out on his room and walk to the kitchen. He look for a knife and when he got one he return to his room. There he cut himself at the back. The same place where his brother got his wound by saving him.

The pain was unbearable, his hand lose its strength and the knife fell from his hands. He pause a while to adjust himself from the pain. Then when his back feel numb he grab a lighter and just before he could open it the door open.

"KEY!!!!" Kibum run towards him and grab the lighter and throw it away. "What do you think you’re doing?!!" He hug his brother who starts crying.

"H-hyung, I'm s-sorry. Because of me you suffered from so much pain, your face was broken." Key sob in his brother's neck. "I-I j-just want to have it too. I am your twin, no matter what happen we should always be the same." He continue.

"No Key. You’re wrong. We are twin but I won't let you feel the same pain that I feel now. Did you think that I saved you just for you to be hurt by yourself? Please Key, don't do this. Don't hurt yourself. Seeing you like this gives me more pain that this burns." Kibum said. He stand up to get some clothes to wrap the wounds of his brother to stop it from bleeding. "Don't move there. I'll call mom so that we can go to the hospital.

After another three days in the hospital, Key's parents decided to send him abroad to treat his depression and they thought that he might hurt himself again when is seeing his brother.

"Hello?" Key answer the phone panting. He just enter his house when the phone rings.

"Hello Key" The voice at the other line greeted him.

"Hyung!!" He was excited hearing the voice of his brother. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. How about you? Have you seen my letter?

"I'm okay too. I have it now it I still haven’t open it" He said and look the envelop in his hands.

"Go open it now and tell me what you think about him."

"Him?" he ask curiously while opening the envelop. His eyebrow raise and he don’t know the reason but when he saw the picture his heart skip a beat. “Hyung, who is he?”

"That’s him Key. The man that I love. The man that I want to spend the rest of my life.” Kibum said with so much love in his voice while. “That’s Jonghyun.”

Key lost his words while staring at the man that was beside his brother. “Jonghyun.” He mumble to himself.


“I’m not Kibum.” He saw how Jonghyun eyes become even wider. “I’m not Kibum hyung. I am…” he pause. “….his brother. I am his twin brother.”

Jonghyun feels like his mind was not functioning well and was not sure if he heard the other guy. “Twin?” He mumble and starts to chuckle. “Are ing kidding me. Kibum doesn’t have a brother let alone twin.” He said and starts laughing.

“Did he tell that to you? And what really you know about my brother?”

Jonghyun think. What does he really know about Kibum? That guy never talk about himself that much. But he really doesn’t care since what important for them that time is their love.

“As expected. He never talk about himself.” Key said and fix himself.

“So from the very start you already know me?” Jonghyun ask him. “Did your mom told you that I killed your brother that’s why you hates me from the very first you saw me?”

“No she didn’t told me that because she don’t know that I know you.” Key pick his bag that fell in the ground and put it in his shoulder. “Should I tell you something interesting?” He look at the others eyes and notice him raising his eyebrows from curiosity. “I didn’t hate you. And even if my mother told me that it was your fault that my brother died, I don’t think that I will hate you but instead I start to hate myself more for…” he pause and tried to look away from the man in front of him “…for loving the same man as my brother.”

Jonghyun feels that his heart will break down anytime soon from all this revelation. Key was Kibum brother, his twin brother. Key didn’t hate him but instead hate himself from loving him. What’s next? What will Key be revealing soon? That Kibum is alive and in somewhere being treated? His mind was really and mess now.

“So, can you now stop coming near me. I don’t want to fall you anymore, I don’t want to betray my brother.” After saying that he walk away from the dumbfounded man. “Thank you for saving me.” He said before he continue to walk.

Jonghyun didn’t know how long he stand there before he had his consciousness and start to walk home.

“Why is this happening now?” He ask to himself, sat down to his couch and buried his face in his palm.


The next days when the both of them was in same shift the atmosphere in them was so awkward. They are not talking at all even it was about the work and they are not even looking at each other that’s makes the whole shift was so long for the both of them.

That day they are both in the locker room changing clothes after their shift when Jonghyun notice Key like he was looking for something. He hesitate to ask what’s wrong but he just gather his strength and walk towards the guy.

“Are you looking for something?” He ask looking at the man who is ruffling his things.

Key look at him and hesitated to answer but he needs to find his wallet. He doesn’t have any more grocery and he needs his money now. “M-my wallet. I can’t find it.” He said in a low voice.

“I’ll help you look for it.” He turn around and started to search the room just before Key could complain. He was in the middle of looking the wallet when he heard Key.

“Jonghyun I told you. You-“

“Key let’s be friends.” Jonghyun said and found the wallet under the chair but he still remain sitting and his back facing Key. “I know that it would be hard for you but didn’t you think that Kibum will be sad looking us like this.” He sigh and stand up to face Key who was looking down. “Kibum is important for the both us and I know that you still want him to be happy even if he’s not here anymore. You said you love me right, can’t you use that love as love for a friend. I am being selfish now but Key I want to be close to you”

“I- I don’t know Jonghyun.” Key said and from that point he knows that Jonghyun already rejected his love by offering a friendship. But the other was right, he still want to make his brother happy, his savior.

“I’m not rushing you Key. But I still want you to know that, I want you to be my friend.” He walk toward Key and gave him his wallet.

Key look at Jonghyun who was now smiling at him. The same smile that he wears in that picture. He know that this will hurt him a lot in the future but he wants to try. He wants to give himself a happiness just this one, he thinks that maybe this is his brother plan for them. To meet each other and be friends.

“I will give time to think.” JOnghyun said who was still smiling. Key just nodded and put his wallet in his bag. “So.” Jonghyun put a lively voice to drive away the weird atmosphere. “Are you going home now?” He follow Key ath the door.

“N-no.” Key tried not to cold just like in the past when Jonghyun was asking him question.

“Where are you going? Can I come to you, since I don’t want to go home now.” They are in morning shift today that’s why Jonghyun think that it was still early for them to go home.

“Grocery.” Key gave him a short answer.

“Then let’s go.” Jonghyun said and drag the other.


“Yah! Is that all you are getting?” Jonghyun shouted in the grocery when he saw Key’s basket. It was just fruits, snack, milk, and cup noddles.

“Why? This is what I’m eating.” Key said and walk to the cashier.

“No. That was merely a snack not a food.” Jonghyun drag him and he get another basket. He put a vegetables, fish, meat and lot of foods.

“What are you doing?” Key said and look at the other who was busy getting foods.

“Doing a grocery? This is what you are getting when going into a supermarket.” Jonghyun look at the basket and when he was satisfied in what in there he drag Key again in the counter.

“But I am not a kind of person who was eating that much. It will just rot in the fridge.” Key said and tried to stop Jonghyun. “And beside I don’t want to spend my money in those foods.”

“And where are you spending your money beside foods?”

“Clothes, shoes and bags.” Key answer that makes Jonghyun smile.

“That not the right way to spend money you know. Don’t worry I’ll help you pay.” He put the foods in the counter to be scan and take out all the snack.

“Why are you taking that off?”

“Because that’s not healthy.” He was so busy organizing thing in the counter while Key was busy putting back all the snack Jonghyun disregard. “Aish, this guy. I am sorry ajhumma. But we’re not going to take this.”

“Yah!!” Key lose his temper and he feel regret that he let this guy come with him.

Jonghyun just smile at him and continue what he was doing and gave the money after.

“Let’s go.”

“Hey Jonghyun your being too much.” Key said with the same tone just like before.

“Tch. Come on that fine. Since we’re friends right?”

Key bite his lower lip and think that it is the best thing to do?

They are already in the entrance when they saw Minho and Taemin.

“Hey.” Minho greeted them.

“Hey guys. How are you” Jonghyun greeted back

“We’re fine just going to have some grocery in this boy’s house.” Minho said and notice the man beside Jonghyun. “Oh, it’s you?” He pointed the Key.

“Did you know Key, Hyung?” Taemin ask and was surprise when Minho nodded.

“I saw him once when I went to Jonghyun work place.”

“” Jonghyun mumble to himself when he remember what he told to Minho that day.

“Are you guys living together now? Did you manage to confess your feeling to him?” Minho ask that’s makes Taemin and Key shock.

“Hyung I thought you hate your manager.” Taemin was confuse now.

“That’s your manager?” Minho ask. He didn’t know that, Jonghyun manager that Taemin was talking about the other day was, this guy.

“Aish..the two of you really have a bad mouth. I think I have to tape those lips of yours.” JOnhyun said and look at Key and was now nervous when he notice that Key was angry.

“But that’s what you told me.” The two younger said.

“Look. Key is a friend of mine. I don’t hate him nor love him in that way. Just..just leave us alone.” Jonghyun said and grab Key’s wrist and walk away from Minho and Taemin.


“Give me that now Jonghyun.’ Key said and pull his wrist into Jonghyun grip.


“I can carry that now to my house.” Key said with a cold voice.

“I’ll take you home this is heavy.” Jonghyun said and starts to walk. “I said it Key. I want to be your friend and I am doing it as your friend.”

Key sigh while looking at the other. Now he really regret what he was doing. This situation will just hurt the both of them. He have to think of something to get out of this before he will fall deeply.

“Hey! Led the way. I don’t know you way home.”


“I think Jonghyun hyung found his right one now.” Minho said while looking at Jonghyun and Key.

“I don’t know hyung.” Taemin said with a little worry in his voice. “I just wish that they will not hurt themselves in the future.

“Why so?” Minho ask but the younger didn’t answer.

Taemin was concern at Jonghyun now. He told him everything about Key and Kibum. He was worried that in the future Jonghyun will feel the same pain that he felt in the past when he lose his first love. He was also concern at Key. What will gonna happen to them? What will gonna happen in the relationship they called friendship?

“Hyung I just hope you are doing the right thing.” Taemin said in a very low tone so that Minho will not hear it.




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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)