Let's Talk About The Past

After Goodbye, What's Next?

Taemin, who is busy making coffee at that afternoon was distracted when someone enter his cafe.

"TAEMIN!!" the girl shouted as if calling him from the other side of the mountain. 

"Yah Krystal, your too loud. Your disturbing the costumers."  Taemin said and go back to what he is doing.

Krystal sat down at the counter stool. "Sorry Taemin. You can not blame your friend, I just got excited when I see you." She said and made her order. "You little cold-hearted man. Why you didn't contact me after you open this cafe." She ask and look around the cafe. All the table is occupied by the costumer, most of them are businessmen whose having a meeting. The inside of the shop contradict the name of the shop, because even if the name means wonderful, once you enter it the feelings will change into cold and empty feeling because of the interior design. But it is still didn't stop to attract customer since Taemin's coffee is really great.

"Forgive me, but after I open this store I suddenly got busy and I forgot to reach you." Taemin give the coffee to his friend. And excuse himself a moment to deliver the coffee to the customer. And came back after a while. "So what made you visit me. I am surprise that you still have time to meet me now that you are so busy planning your wedding."

"Tsk, because I am not like someone else who forgot his friend when he is busy." Krystal answer sarcastically.

Taemin mumble a soft sorry. "So, what made you meet me?" Krystal is the one who help him to find a good place to build his business and a place to stay in this area. They meet when he is in university. Krystal use to have a feelings for him but he kindly rejected her saying they are not match since he is gay. Krystal know everything that happens to him in the past. 

'Nothing really. I just want to make sure that you are still alive. We haven't meet for a long time, I think I last saw you two month's ago."

"Two months? Really Kryst? Is that long for you." He laugh how her friend always exaggerating everything.

"Of course, Two months feels like it's already been one year." she said and pouted.

Taemin pause from what he is doing "If two months is feels like one year. Then how about ten years? A century?" Taemin ask himself when he thinks about that ten years. Before he will start to buried his mind in the past again, he sake his head and throw away the thought of it.

"Are you okay?" Krystal ask when she notice that Taemin is shaking his head.

"Yup. How's your preparation?"

"It's going smoothly. I only got three months before I will throw this single status." she smile.

Taemin chuckle. He's happy that Krystal found her true love. "Well, congrats to you."

"Thank you Taemin. You have to,no, you must go to my wedding no matter what happens."

"I will, I will not miss that in this world." They both laugh.

"So how was your house renovation? Did you already found a material that you want in your counter sink?'' Krystal change the topic.

"Not yet. I am so busy here that I can't find a time to mind my house." his house in a process of renovation but still not finish since he persist that he wants to  choose the material personally for his counter top

"That's what I want to say to you today. I know a someone who can help you to find what you are looking for. He help me and Jhonny a lot in our house. I will introduce him to you next time." Krystal suggested. "And why don't you find some helpers to help you in this shop?" She ask curiously.

"That is too much expense. I am still saving some money for my house. Maybe after the renovation I will hire one." He already thought about looking for some helpers but the expenses in this store and in his house is too much for him to compensate a helper.

"Okay, do that. Don't over work yourself. I notice that you loss weight." she observe Taemin's face and notice how much weight he loss since there last meeting.

Taemin wants to say that it is not because of over work, but because of lack of sleep by thinking nonsense thing. After talking for almost an hour. Krystal said her goodbye and promise him the she will be back.

After one week since Krystal met him, the girl called him if he can close the store early because she wants to meet him the person who can help him about his counter sink. Taemin who is currently cleaning the cafe, stops when the chime of the door clang. He put the broom aside to meet Krystal but stop suddenly when he saw the man who is standing beside his friend.

"Hi Taemin." Krystal greeted him and lead the man to in one of the table. "He the one that I am talking to you about. Taemin this is Minho, Minho goon this is my friend Taemin who is having a hard time to find his perfect counter top."

Taemin is still shock to see Minho again, it is true that Krystal knows everything that happens to him in the past but Krystal didn't know Minho by the face, just his name since he didn't show her any picture. 

"Nice meeting you." Minho extended his hand to offer a handshake. Taemin accepted it with his trembling hand.

"N--nice to meet you." The handshake didn't lasted long since Taemin pull his hand immediately. "Just give me a moment so I can make a coffee for the both of you.'' He wants to run away. Why Minho is here again.

After he finish making a coffee he walk toward Minho and Krystal table and put down their coffee. He sat down at Krystal side and start to discuss the business. He honestly love all Minho's suggestion because it is in his taste but not sure if it is wise to work with Minho. They are in a middle of the discussion when Krystal phone rings. She excuse herself and pick up the call. While Krystal is in the phone the two of them remain silent until the girl came back.

"I am sorry, but I have to go now Taemin. Jhonny called me and it's look like there are some problem." she said while packing her things. "Just continue to discuss your business, and call me what is the result. Okay? Bye." and she headed out.

A deafening silent is what happen next after the door close. 

"So, which one do you like?" Minho broke the silent.

Taemin didn't answer immediately and took a deep sigh. "I don't think that this is gonna work." he said while looking in the papers in front of him.

"Why? Don't you like my suggestion?" Minho ask misunderstanding Taemin's point.

Taemin look up at Minho with so much coldness in his eyes. "Don't act as if you don't know what I am talking about."

"I don't know Taemin. Explain it to me."

"Did you turn in to a stupid person for this last ten years? Do you think that I will accept this and will meet you everyday? Didn't I already told you that I don't want to see you anymore." Taemin answer and he really, really want to hurt Minho because of his anger.

"Taemin, I separate my business to my separate life. This is a pure business matter, I hope you can be more professional too." Minho said while placing more papers in the table. "Now choose."

''What made you think that I will choose to make a business with you." He ask challenging Minho.

"Because beside our company, you can not find any other company who can produce a material that will meet your taste."

"Aren't you being conceited right now? Your company is not the only hardware that I can look up." Taemin use to love how sure Minho about himself, but right now he hates it.

"Am I?" Minho smirked. "Then look up to the other company if you can find something that is in your taste. But I doubt it, knowing how meticulous you are? Your house will never get finish. And didn't you feel sorry for your friend who spent her time just to help you?"

Taemin clench his fist under the table. If he will not accept this business, Krystal will ask him and he is not sure about himself if he will gonna keep to her that the Minho in the past and this Minho now is the same. He doesn't want to make his friend feel guilty for introducing them to each other.

Taemin pick up one paper and gave it to Minho. "I choose that." he said and stand up from his chair. "I think this meeting is done now. I will just gonna call you." He get the cups in the table and headed to the sink but stops when Minho speak up.

"How have you been doing in this past ten years Taemin-ah?"  Minho ask.

Taemin swallow hard. The way Minho called his name right now is just like how he called it ten years ago. "That is none of your business. And why are you still not packing your thing. Didn't I said that this we are done discussing the business."

"But I want to talk to you Taemin, I want to know what happen to you after I broke up with you and after I left the town." Minho stood up and walk towards Taemin, the boy's back is facing him.

"You don't have to know anything. And in my memory, didn't you avoided me after you said your goodbye, avoiding me as if I have some contagious disease. And then suddenly moving into another place. What right do you have to ask me now about those things?' Taemin said coldly. Holding his breath and tears to fall down.

"Taemin, I am sorry."Minho said softly.

"Just stop it." Taemin release his breath that he has been holding, luckily his tears didn't fell down.

"Taemin-" He was about to touch Taemin's shoulder when the door of the shop open.

"Taemin! Baby!" The guy who enter shouted and run toward Taemin and hug him. "Yah, I miss you."

Minho froze from where he is standing, his eyes glued at the two boys whose hugging.

"Yah Jonghyun, what are you doing here. I didn't remember having a plan with you today." Taemin who was shock but still manage to hide it. He secretly take a glance at Minho.

"Aish, this cold-hearted person." Jonghyun said who raise his fist and punch Taemin's shoulder softly when he notice Minho. "Ah sorry, you still have a customer. I saw the close sign outside that's why I thought that you are now alone here." He said and turn to Minho and said said sorry.

"That's okay. He's here to make some business with me about my counter top but he is about to leave now." He look at Minho sending the message that he should better leave.

Minho starts to pack his things and headed toward the door. "I'll call you to check your place so that I can measure your counter. Bye." And he step out.

 "I don't think that, that man is just an business partner.' Jonghyun who have a great instinct immediately feel the weird atmosphere between the two. "Who really he is?" He ask Taemin who starts to do the dishes.

"Just someone from the past that I already forgotten." Taemin answer.

Jonghyun is not contented from the boy's answer but didn't bother to ask anymore. He look at the door where Minho headed out.

"Who is that guy?" he ask in his mind and return his eyes at Taemin's direction.



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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)