The Broken "Us" Ten Years Ago

After Goodbye, What's Next?

"Let's end this now before everything will get mess up again"

Taemin's words are still stuck at Minho's head. He look up in the sky and took a deep breath.

"How much pain did I gave you, Taemin-ah?" he ask himself knowing very well what is the answer.


Since the day that they got together, Minho was genuinely happy being with Taemin. The boy is very lovable and cute that makes him love him more each passing day. It was their first month together when  Taemin ask him if they can go  into a date. At first he was hesitating to say yes, but since Taemin's using his aegyo it is impossible for him to say no. 

He just realize how childish Taemin when the boy recommended to spent their day in the amusement park because because he wants to ride the ferris wheel together with him. 

At that time they are currently standing looking at   the roller coaster which Taemin wants to ride but Minho continuously saying no.

"Come on hyung. Your such a kill joy. This the main attraction here. We should ride it." Taemin pursue his boyfriend using his super effective aegyo.

"But Taemin the line is so long. Before we could ride there this place is already close." Minho reason out not looking at the boy.

"Oh come on hyung. You are so exaggerated it's only 12 noon. This place will close at nine in the evening and I am sure that, riding there will not take a whole day." 

"And besides I am hungry so we should better eat first." After saying that Minho pull Taemin's arm but the younger pull it back.

"That's what you said a moment ago. And after we eat you still don't want to ride this." Taemin pouted. "Okay if you really don't want to ride here I will go by myself and wait for me then we can eat or you can eat first while waiting for me" He smile and made his way to the ride. But Minho stops him.

"Yah!How could I eat just by myself." Minho said.

"Hyung that it so easy. Go to a food stand and order something you want. You are old enough to eat by yourself." Taemin answer.

"Yah!" Minho stops himself to make his voice loud. "That's not what I mean. Of course I know how to order and eat by myself. What I mean is that how can I eat alone while we are in our date. " Minho said with a low voice so that no one can hear them.

"But you don't want to come with me in that ride." Taemin continue to pout.

Minho sigh as a sign of surrender. " Okay, Okay. I got it." he took a deep breath. "I'll come with you." 

Taemin smile and pull his boyfriend to the line. They took almost an hour before they got into the ride.

After making themselves dizzy in the ride Minho went straight in the bench and sat down. He feels his head and soul are still left in the air and he feel like throwing up. 

"Should we eat now hyung?" Taemin ask holding his laugh looking at the older face which turn pale.

"Do you really want to kill me Lee Taemin. How could I eat feeling like this. I am god damn dizzy." Minho said. His holding his face down.

"You should have said to me that you are scared to ride it so that I didn't have to push you to come with me." Taemin said playfully.

"Who said that I am scared in that stupid ride. I said I just feel dizzy." Minho said angrily. And look at his boyfriend who is smiling. This boy is lucky because if he is not that dizzy he could kill him.

"Is that so hyung?" Taemin ask with a little tease in his voice. "But your face is so white now.Is your soul already gone back to your body?" Taemin continue to .

"You should better stop now before I cut your little tongue." Minho threaten the boy but Taemin didn't feel any fear. 

"Aigoo. So cute." Taemin playfully pat Minho's head. "Come on hyung, stand up and let's eat I am hungry. There are still many rides that we must try." Taemin said and start to walk. 

"Yah! You little- " he stand up but almost sit back immediately when he feels dizzy. "Yah! Wait for me!" He said after his dizzy gone and run after Taemin.

They rode the ferris wheel lasty and went home. Minho send Taemin home and when he was about to go home Taemin pull his head and kiss him in the cheek.

"Thank you hyung. And I love you." he said smiling and run away to his house. Minho smile and touch his cheek.

Each passing day their relationship had gone deep but their relationship remain secret in the school. But many people notice how close they are and started to question there relationship.

"Hyung!" Minho turn around and saw Taemin running after him and when the younger reach his place the boy suddenly hug him. The student that around them started to gossip which make Minho shove Taemin away.

"Hyung?" Taemin ask surprise to what the older did.

"People are looking Taemin." Minho said in a low voice.

Taemin look around.He knows that Minho is still not ready to publicize their relationship but that's okay with him. Beside it's not like the other people is the one who can make their relationship work. It's just between the two of them alone.

Taemin return his eyes to Minho. "Are you going home now hyung?" Taemin ask. "Can we go to that cafe?"

"Not today Taemin, I want to rest because I been lacking of sleep." Minho start to walk headed outside their school ground.

""Then can I come to your house?" Taemin persist to spend the day with him.

There are two girls who hear what Taemin said and Minho hear what the girls talking about.

"Isn't is strange. Taemin and Minho oppa is so close."

"I know right. And I am so curious why Minho oppa doesn't have any girlfriend. He is so cool and handsome to be single."

"Maybe he's..." The girl pause to look at Minho and the look at her friend. ""

"Oh yah. don't stop that. They might here you.'' The other girl said softly.

"And maybe he and Taemin is in a relationship. They are so close."

"Eww. That is disgusting. Gay relationship." 

Minho who hear all those thing take a deep breath and look at Taemin who keeps on talking beside him. "Go home now Taemin."

"But hyung I want to spend the spend the day with you. Please?"Taemin beg him.

"Okay. But we are going in my house." He surrender he doesn't want to go in a place where some student might see them. He doesn't want to here any gossip at all.

In Minho's house Taemin is busy making them a coffee while Minho is the couch watching TV. Taemin sit beside him and rest his head in his shoulder.

"Are you mad hyung?" 

"No Taemin. I am not mad." he answer. But the way he speak contradict his answer.

"Sorry hyung. I shouldn't have hug you in school. But I was just happy seeing you.''

"That's. Okay Minnie. I am not mad." He said and kiss Taemin's head.

Minho look at Taemin who is now sleeping using his lap as a pillow. His mind is a mess right now. He is concern about Taemin's feeling for him. He is worried that Taemin is so in love with him and the boy is not that concern about what will happen in the future. He knows that for Taemin he and he alone is enough for the boy, which makes this things scare him.

"Minho-hyung, I love you." Taemin mumble in his sleep.

Minho throw his head back and it in the back of the couch. When was it. When he start feeling burden about Taemin's feeling.

Taemin and Minho are on the roof of the school building taking their break when Minho suddenly say,

"Taemin-ah. Let's break up." Minho said looking at the boy whose expression is shock.

"W-what are you taking about hyung. Don't joke like that." Taemin said but his eyes started to be watery.

"I am serious. Let's break up."

"But hyung why. Didn't you said you love me?"

"I did Taemin or maybe not ,maybe I just got carried away when you confess your feeling."

"Hyung explain it to me properly. Why do you want to end this.''

"Taemin nothing to be explain. It just that I realize that relationship is not a normal one."

"What do you mean by not normal? Love is the most important in a relationship. We love each other which makes this relationship normal."

"No Taemin. This kind of relationship should be shared only by opposite gender, not like us. Do you know that people are already critizing us when they are noticing how close we are."

"I don't care what the other people think. And why did this kind of relationship can only be shared by different gender. Hyung, relationship is not about gender, it's about love."

"That is one thing that's why I want to end this. You are so unaware in your surrounding. Of course people critisism is important, do you think you are going to be happy in this abnormal relationship in the future? Let's stop now Taemin and let's just be normal." Minho stood up and walk toward the door but Taemin stop him.

"Hyung, I-"

Taemin's words was cut when Minho sigh and pull his arm back.

"Let's end this here now, Taemin-ah. I realize that I want to have a normal life. And it would be hard for me to have that if we continue this relationship. I am sorry Taemin and goodbye." and headed inside the building.

Taemin cry his lungs out at that night. In the morning he tried to talk to Minho but older avoid him, he tried it in the next day and the next day until he just found out that Minho transfer into a new school. Far from their place far from him.



Sorry for all the flashback, but I want to write what happen to them ten years ago so that in the next chapters i will put very small detail in their past.

Thank you for all the readers, subscribers and soon to be subscribers^_^

(if you want, listen to this song, I think this is exactly how Taemin feels)

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)