I Will Keep Holding Into You

After Goodbye, What's Next?

Taemin open his store early in the morning because of his deliveries that day. He was busy stocking his product when the door chime clatter.

“Hi, good morning.” He greeted the guest and approach him.

“Hello.” The guy answer and took a sit at the counter stool.

“Any coffee?”

“Ah yes, but I am not sure what to get since this is the first time that I visited your café.” The guy said and look around the place.

“Is that so? Do you want any suggestion from me?” Taemin observe the face of the guy. He was pretty to be a man.

“Sure. I want my coffee strong and unsweetened.”

“Then you have two choices. The latte one or the café marocchino. The last one is my new product, it is stronger than the latte because, beside the espresso, it has a pure cocoa powder and less milk.” Taemin explain to his customer.

“Hmm…one café marocchino then. Thank you.” The guy smile that makes Taemin smile too, this is the first time he saw this guy but he already feel comfortable with him.

“Are you going to drink it here?” Taemin ask and the guy nodded. “I am Taemin by the way. And you?”

“I am Key.”

“Nice to meet you.” Taemin started to make the coffee when Jonghyun arrive.

“Taem baby. Good morning!” Jonghyun greeted him and saw Key. “Oh, Key good morning. I didn’t know that you are drinking coffee.” He ask and sit beside the guy.

“Good morning. “ Key answer softly without looking at the other.

“You know each other?” Taemin ask looking at the both of them.

“Of course. This is my lovely manager.” Jonghyun answer and put his arm around Key who just slap it out. Jonghyun take what happen as nothing.

“Your manager? Is he the one that you said you hated the mo-” Taemin didn’t finish his words when Jonghyun cover his mouth.

“A-a-ha-ha-ha. What are you talking about Taemin, a-ha-ha-ha.” Jonghyun said with his fake laugh, he lean toward Taemin. “Yah!! Watch out what you are talking. I don’t want to get fired you know.” He whisper to the younger and remove his hand.

“Taemin-sshi, I think I am going to take my coffee out.” Key said and pull out his wallet.

“Are you sure?” Taemin ask and the other just nodded. After putting the coffee in a take-out cup and took the payment. He watch his customer left the store and look at Jonghyun. “Did you just chase out my customer?”

“Me? Why me?”

“I am sure that he wants to drink his coffee here but when you came, he just left.”

“That’s not my problem. And that guy really doesn’t like me, he is always glaring and scolding at me. It is so hard for me to work with him. Well I don’t really care since the feelings are mutual.” Jonghyun said and look around as if he was searching something.

“What are looking for?”

“It was a surprise that Minho is not here. As far as I know, he is the first and last customer of your shop.”

“It’s because I open early today.” Taemin reason out and realize that it should not be his answer because Jonghyun look at him with a curious eyes.

“So, you are tellingme that you are expecting him to come.” Jonghyun tease the younger.

“O-of c-course not. Why should I?” Taemin said and blush a little.

“If you say so.” Jonghyun said and smile.

“Oh yeah hyung. You said that you met Minho the other day right.”

“Yup, why?”

“You didn’t told me what the two of you talk about. Did you said something weird to him?” Taemin ask and notice that Jonghyun choke a little.

“The truth is he ask me about the living together issue.” Jonghyun answer and a little nervous which he doesn’t know why.

“And what did you answer?” Taemin observe Jonghyun expression and when the guy avoided his look, he got suspicious. “You…you didn’t possibly told him that it is not true, did you?”

“Of course….” Jonghyun look at Taemin but look down again. “…I did.” Jonghyun said and smile nervously at the younger.

“Hyung!!!” Taemin lost his temper and wants to grab the elder’s collar but the other successfully avoided it.

“I’m sorry Taemin, but I have to go now. I am going to be late.” Jonghyun said and run towards the door. It’s not good to stay any longer together with Taemin when the younger is angry. He might break his face at any moment.

“YAH!! Kim Jonghyun! Come back here. What work? It’s your off today!” Taemin tried to call the older but he already left the store. “That stupid guy.” He mumble to himself.

He almost lost his energy when he remember Minho’s stupid expression last time. Why is this happening to him? How he wish Minho will not come today because he might get in to the jail by killing that stupid frog guy. He was in the middle of thinking when someone came.

“Morning, Taemin.” Minho greeted him. Taemin just glare at him and continue the work he just left when Key arrive. “I think you should better serve me first.”

“The store is not ready yet.” Taemin said facing his back to Minho.

“But I saw someone who is carrying your cup. And I am surprise that you are open this early.” Minho said and move toward Taemin to help him lift the box. When their hands accidentally touch each other, Taemin got electrocuted that’s why he move away his hand which make the box drop at Minho’s feet.

“OUCH!!” Minho said and sit down to touch his foot.

“S-sorry.” The younger said but didn’t bother to approach Minho. “You shouldn’t help me when I am not asking your help.” He said arrogantly.

Minho look at him sharply. “You are welcome, Taemin.” He said and stood up. “I think I should better go now. You are busy.” He grab his bag and starts to walk abnormally when he turn around at Taemin when he notice that the younger was being uneasy at where he is standing “It’s okay love. I am not angry.” He said and smile.

Taemin look at him. “A-as if I do care if you are angry. That will be a good thing for me so that you will stop coming here.”

Minho smile and go back at Taemin and ruffle his head. “You really are cute when you are to lying. But that’s okay love. I will just grasp it all since it looks like that you need something to convince yourself that you hated me.”

The other slap Minho hands and turn his back on him. He even heard the small laugh that Minho realize before he headed out the store. Taemin wants to slap himself for exposing himself to Minho so much, but it is hard for him to hide his true self when hi is in front of the elder since he already know him for a long time. That no matter what he do to put a mask on, Minho can easily pull that down and expose the true him.

Taemin sigh and shake his head to drive away any thought that might distract him from his work. He pick up the box in the floor to start putting the stock in the shelves when he found something that is in the floor.


“Jonhyun, you drop something.” Key said when they are in the locker room.

“Oh thank you.” He pick up his wallet. “Thank you again, I cannot afford to lose this thing.”


Jonghyun was surprise that Key was the one who is starting a conversation. Most of the time it was him who would ask a question but sadly the other just ignore him. He wants to do the same thing but then he realize that it would be rude. He was about to answer when the other speak.

“That’s okay, you don’t have to answer my question if you don’t want to, besides I don't really care." Key said and grab his bag.

“It’s because it is from my first love, someone that I don’t want to forget. And this is the only thing that reminds me of him.” Jonghyun said and look at the wallet in his palm with so much love in his smile.

“You should better throw that thing, it is so old now and dirty." Key was surprise at what he said and saw how Jonghyun expression change from soft to anger

“What right do you have to say that?” Jonghyun ask in a small tone but there is a warning in his voice.

“Isn’t it be better to remember someone without anything that can remind you of him? You said that it is the only thing that can remind him of you, so you will gonna forget him if you don’t have that wallet. Right?” He started to move towards the door. “Beside that wallet is so childish.” After saying that he walk out the door.

“Aish that guy. I really hate that guy.” Jonghyun said not knowing Key is still at the other side of the door and leaning his back on it holding back his tears. Jonghyun shake his head and look down at the wallet in his hand, with a design of pororo. “What childish it is so cute.” he mumble and smile.


“Hello love. Minho greeted Taemin as soon as he enter the shop ignoring the stare from the other customer. “Here.” He handed him another bunch of red tulips.

“Can you stop coming here with those flowers?” He said and ignore the flower in the counter. Minho pick it up and put in the vase replacing the old one. “And stop calling me love. It is so corny and it gives me goose bumps.”

“Why should I. I love calling you that.” Minho said. “Besides Jonghyun calling you baby which is cornier. Baby?” He mimicked Jonghyun’s way of saying it. And acted shivering. "How childish"

“That’s my idea.” Taemin said and glared at Minho again.

For some people, when someone glare at you, they will feel scared and will hate the one who is glaring. But for Minho, Taemin’s glare is like a normal stare. “Ah, is that so?” Minho smile and went back at the counter stool. And stare at Taemin. “Why I feel like that you are becoming more and  more prettier this day.”

“Go home.” Taemin said and turn around so that Minho will not see him blushing. He hates himself for still blushing and affected by Minho’s compliment after all those years. And what makes him more irritated is that no matter how much he convince himself to chase Minho away, it becoming more and more hard this days.

“Come on. Are you not getting tired of pushing me away?"

"Are you not getting tired of following me?" Taemin ask back.

"No." Minho answer. "You know why?" 

"I am not interested."

"Because I already made a decision Taemin." Minho continue disregarding Taemin answer. "I made a deision that I am going to spend my life time to get you back even if that's the last thing that I will do. I am going to wait for you to accept me again."

Taemin look at the other and saw the sincerity in his eyes. He look down. " Then you are wasting your time." 

"Nope.You are worth it." Minho said smiling. "Oh yeah, did you happen to found something here in your shop yesterday?" 

"What thing?" Taemin ask pretending he doesn't know anything.

"You know, something unusual in your shop." Minho said.

" Sorry, I don't remember picking up something unusual here in my store."

" That's strange, I am sure that I it with me yesterday." Minho whisper to himself. He wish that he didn't lost it somewhere and that he just forget to bring it yesterday and it is just somewhere in his apartment. Though his wallet only have a few money, his credit card and an i.d, he still worried for that one thing that is inside of it. All the other thing can be replace, but not that one. " I have to go now Taemin. I have to look for that thing."

" Why do you have to search for something that is already lost?" Taemin ask.

" Because that thing contains an important thing to me." He stood up and headed toward the door. "Bye love. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

When Taemin saw Minho already left the store, he open the drawer that is under the counter and pick up Minho's wallet and open it. He lift Minho I.D and what is in under it made his heart skip.

"Why? Why you still have it all after all this year?"



*sob* *sob* I'm so sorry for this boring chapter *bow*. I can't think properly because of my work and my studies.

Please bear with me and hope you still look forward fir the next chapter.

Thank you so much!!!





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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)