Can We Try?

After Goodbye, What's Next?

Minho is sitting in his balcony, his mind is still occupied by the thought of Taemin and the guy who hug him out of the blue. He wants to know who the hell is that and what is his relationship with Taemin. But the way he look at it, they must be in that kind kind of relationship. From the way he called Taemin with that endearment, "Baby? How girly" he thought and the way he hug him, "Yeah, they maybe have a relationship." He mumble to himself.

He ruffles his hair in frustration."I'm really going crazy if this continues." He said and look up in the sky. How can the sky ten years ago is still the same as it is now but why does everything under the sky have change so much that he almost forget how it was before. But he knows that there is a small part of his mind and heart that has been occupied by Taemin and it didn't go away for the past years.

Minho thought if ever he would be given a chance to go back, did he want to change the way it was? But he was happy in his last ten years, he got a job that even if it is really not his dream job as long as it gives him the money to live it is okay with him. He got the chance to meet his ex-wife that even though it didn't work, he's still happy that he got married to her and it would be unfair to Yuri if he continue to feel the regret at what he done ten years ago.

Minho filled his lung with the air and release it slowly. "Past is past, what just I can do now is to live in the present." After finishing his coffee, headed inside his house to get some sleep, if possible.

It's been one week now since Minho is in Taemin's house to help him in his counter top. Since Taemin don't want to spend anymore money to compensate an installer, Minho offer if he can do the work. For the first two days, the two of them have a hard time to talk to each other since Taemin doesn't want to talk to him. Whenever he was asking something, the younger just nodded and give him "yes"  or "no" as an answer. And when his working time is done, the boy  was almost kick him out to the door. Taemin, closed his shop for that week because he wants to finish the renovation. and Minho remember when Taemin said that the sooner they finish the work, the better.

"What are you doing just standing there?"He saw Taemin standing at the kitchen doorway holding a hammer.

"I'm just thinking Taemin, and checking if my work is good. I don't want any complain after." He answer. "And also I am hungry. Can I eat now?" Minho smile at Taemin but the younger gave him a sullen glance.

"You can have your break now. Just come back at one o'clock so that we can finish everything before six." After saying it he turn around to finish his work. But Minho stops him.

"Oh, Yah." Minho grab Taemin's arm but the younger pull it back immediately.

"What? I said you can have your lunch now."

"But I don't want to get out just to have a lunch, beside it is so hot outside.' Minho complain and suddenly clap his hand when he think something. "Can you cook for me?" he put his more adorable smile to convince Taemin.

"No." Taemin answer as fast as the speed of lightning.

"Why?" Minho ask disappointedly.

"I can't cook." Taemin answer with a serious face.

"Are you joking? What kind of person are you, who can't cook?" He ask again because he is not convince in what Taemin said.

"Do I look like I am just joking? And even if I know how to cook I will not cook for you." Taemin, still wearing his serious face.

"And who are you going to cook for? That Jonghyun guy?" Minho bit his lip and close his eyes while avoiding Taemin's eyes realizing that it is not a good thing to say.


"Ahhh..whatever. If you don't want to cook I'll cook for myself." He said and headed to the fridge to check what Taemin have but he was surprise to the find that fridge just have one container of kimchi, fruits, water, one cartoon of egg and banana milk. Minho smile at the last thing he saw, banana milk, as expected to this boy. But then he realize that Taemin fridge doesn't have any food. "Yah Taemin what's this?" He ask and pointed inside the fridge.

"A fridge?" Taemin answer philosophically.

Minho took a deep breath, "I know that this is a damn fridge. What I mean is that, why you only have this kind of food in your fridge? you can not even call this as a food." Minho said angrily.

"I have a coffee shop remember, there's a lot of food there." Taemin and play the hammer in his hands.

"What is in your coffee shop is just a snack. And what are you eating after you finish working?" looking at Taemin's hand, he's worried that the hammer might fall in his feet.

Taemin stop what he is doing and think for a while."There's a lot of convenience store near here."

"Yah! The food there is not healthy. And can you stop playing with that hammer. It might fell in your feet." But Taemin continue what he was doing to irritate Minho more. Minho shake his head and grab the cartoon of the egg. "How can you survive by just living your life like that." he said while washing the rice.

"I'm not gonna die just because of that." he said and look at Minho's back."What you did before already kill me Minho-hyung." Taemin wants to add but he change his mind.

That day they shared what Minho prepare though Taemin doesn't want to have a meal with older. But Minho didn't leave him alone until Taemin just surrender. He thought that it's just one time. But he was wrong because the next day Minho bring a lot of foods and stuff his fridge with so much foods and starts cooking again.

"What are you doing? Cooking again in some else kitchen?" Taemin ask when he saw Minho preparing the ingredients.

"Until I finish your counter top I am going to cook my lunch here." Minho answer and turn around to look at Taemin. "For you as well." He smile and bring attention to the ingredients.

"No, I don't want to. Besides it-" 

"Aish.. be quite. I can't concentrate here." Minho cut Taemin from complaining and reasoning. "Come here, just help me prepare this so that we can early." Minho pull Taemin and sat him down in the chair in the dining table. He give him the knife and some vegetables.

"But I don't know h-"

"Do it nicely, Okay Taemin-ah?" Minho smile sweetly to Taemin, which makes the younger blush. Luckily Minho already turn around.

It's already been ten minutes but Taemin still didn't finish cutting one vegetables. Minho notice it and  approach the younger. "Yah, what's taking you so long by just peeling and cutting those vegetables."

"Because this stupid knife is keeps on slipping in my hand. And why the hell do we have to peel this? Why not just cut it and eat as it is." Taemin who already loss his temper. But still peeling the vegetables.

Minho laugh softly and realize that it is not good for Taemin to continue the work because anytime soon the younger might hurt himself. But before he could say Taemin to stop, the younger shouted from pain.

"AAHHHH!!" Taemin cut his one finger.

"Are you okay." Minho ask and grab Taemin's hand and the blood that makes Taemin flinch.

"W-what are you doing. Let go of my hand." Taemin tried to pull back his hand but Minho hold it tightly.

"It's more effective to stop the bleeding. Stop struggling." Minho said still Taemin's blood.

"S-stop it now Minho-hyung. I think the bleeding already stops." Taemin said still trying to have his hand back but still not succeeded.

Minho look at Taemin, He call him again Minho-hyung without coldness in his voice just like the days when they meet again. He don't know but that alone makes him happy. He notice Taemin is blushing but he wants to touch the younger's face, Taemin stood up and hardly pull his hand back.

"I- I need to go to the washroon to apply some medicine in my wound." But when he took his first step, he slip because of some woods in the floor. But Minho suddenly grab him to prevent him from falling but unfortunately the loss their balance and fell down together. Taemin fell at the top of Minho and put his hands in the older's chest so that their face will not touch.

Their eyes meet and Taemin don't know how to look away. It seems like little by little he is drowning in Minho's eyes that no matter what he do he can't save his life. Minho's hand move at Taemin's neck to pull it down slowly until their lips meet. Minho slowly move his lips because he doesn't want to scare Taemin. But when the younger didn't show any sign that he doesn't want what Minho is doing, the older deepen the kiss. Minho lips towards Taemin's neck and place his hand into the younger cheek and kiss Taemin's lips again.


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)