In His Grave

After Goodbye, What's Next?

“Why is he still not home?” Jonghyun look at his watch in the nth time. He was waiting for Key that night but it was already midnight but the other is still not home. He look at his watch again realizing that it didn’t move even a minute. The he heard voices and saw Key together with Onew. He look at Key who was laughing and notice that he is drunk. He run toward them and help Onew to assist Key to stand.

“Yah. Why did you drink? You are working in the in the hour tomorrow.” Jonghyun ask and want to carry Key alone and kick Onew away.

Key look at him with a half lidded eyes. “Hey it’s J-jonghyun. My friend.” Key smile and take his arms around Onew’s shoulder. “What are you doing here my friend?” he ask after his hiccup.

“Hey stand up straight your heavy.” Jonghyun tried to pull Key to make him stand staright. He look at Onew who was looking the key of the apartment at Key’s bag.  Once the door open Jonghyun pull the other and put him straight to his bed. Key was eyes was already close but still awake. “Why is he so drunk?” He ask Onew who was putting Key’s bag at the cabinet.

“I don’t know. Maybe he was just stress.” Onew answered and look at Key who was mumbling nonsense words.

Jonghyun went out of the room to get some water when the other complain that he was thirsty. When he got back he saw Onew taking off Key’s shirt.

“YAH!! What are you doing?” He said and run towards the two.

“He puke.” Onew said and put Key’s shirt aside and he stood up to get a new one. “Can you get me a towel so that I can wipe his body? I don’t want him to smell like puke when he sleeps.”

Jonghyun doesn’t want to do what the other said but he realize that it is the best thing to do. He walk fast to get some water and a towel and give it back to Onew. “You sure now how to take care of him.” He said while he was watching the other wiping Key’s body. “I can do that to.” He told to himself.

“Besides being his councillor, we also live in the same house for almost a year. Of course I know how to take care of him.” He said and put the shirt on to Key.

After Onew wipe Key, the other was now in his dreamland. “I think we should leave him now. He’s already sleeping/” Onew said and walk towards the door.

Jonghyun doesn’t want to leave Key because the other might need something and he wants to be in his side. But Onew call him and he doesn’t have any choice that to leave Key.


The both of them was in the kitchen drinking their coffee. Jonghyun doesn’t want to leave Onew and Key alone, not today that Key is drunk, this guy might do something in his friend. Jonghyun was thinking that and his full attention was in his coffee that’s why he didn’t notice that Onew was staring at him.

“Are you staying?” Onew ask him.

He look up and saw that Onew was staring at him closely. “How about you?”

“I am staying here.”

Jonghyun raise his eyebrows, Key didn’t told him that this guy is in his apartment all this time. “I thought you are staying in a hotel?”

“At first that is what I want. But Key said that is not necessary and suggested that I can stay here.” Onew answer and take a sip in his coffee.

An anger rose at Jonghyun chest. So Key didn’t just prepare a food for this guy but also offer him to stay in his house. How annoying. Jonghyun look down to avoid any eye contact with Onew since he doesn’t want to make his anger to be that obvious. He is not good at hiding his true feeling.

“So you want to stay?” Onew ask again.

“Yes.” Jonghyun said with a determination.

Onew take a deep breathe. “You can stay here, I just going to look for some hotels to sleep tonight” He stood up and put his cup on the sink.

Jonghyun was puzzled at what Onew said. “Wait. You don’t have to do that. I can sleep anywhere. You can have the couch.

“It’s okay Jonghyun. Stay here tonight because it may be the last time you can spend your time together with Key.”

“W-what do you mean?” He ask in confusion.

“Just ask him when he wakes up.” That’s it and he walk towards the door.

Jonghyun was still standing there and looking at the door that is already close. He’s still thinking what the other said. He look down and think what might be the reason for Onew to say that to him. Is Key’s leaving? He concluded.

He turn around and walk fast into Key’s room. He saw the other who was in his deep sleep. He sat at the corner of the bed and stare at Key.

"Yah." he said softly. "Are you leaving?"

Key move a little after waht he said, Jonghyun got nervous that he might woke up the other. He stood up and headed to the door when he heard Key speak.

"I'm sorry hyung. I am so sorry to love him." Key said in his sleep and he saw that one tear fell in his eyes.

Joghyun doesn't know but looking at Key right now feels his heart is being tear apart. He wants an answer to all his question, why does he feel the pain right now? Why does he feel pissed looking at Key and Onew? Why does he feel that he wants to kiss all the tear in Key's eyes right now?Why? So many why that he wants to know the answer.

He step out on the room when he notice that Key was back to his sleep. He sat doen at the couch and buried his face into his palm.

"What is happening to me?"

The next day Jonghyun didn't wait anymore for Key to wake up when he leave the apartment since, he have to prepare for his shift. He can talk to Key at the store. After taking a quick btah and putting a clothes Jonghyun left his house and get his coffee at Taemin's shop but didn't stay there for a long time. When he arrive at the shop, Key was already there and changing his clothes.

"Hey." He greeted him when he enter the locker room.

"Hi." Key greeted back.

"How are you?"

"I am okay now just a bit dizzy because of the hangover. I didn't know that I drink so much last night." Key answer while he was in front of the mirror fixing his hair.

"I am surprise too that you are so drunk like that." He said and stare at Key.

Key look around at Jonghyun and smile at him. Jonghyun was so confuse on how Keyw as acting today.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He ask.

"Yes. Why?"

"Hmm..nothing your just acting different today."

"What do you mean?" Key ask and sit beside him.

Jonghyun feels like his heart was jumping when Key sat beside him. "N-nothing really. I am just surprise that you are smiling at me."

Key look down. "I am sorry Jonghyun. I should not act like that at the first place. Sorry for acting a cold person whenever I am with you."

Jonghyun starts to get nervous on now. Why Key saying this now. "Yah. What's wrong with you?"

"I just want to say it. And also thank you for always cooking a foods for me. I really enjoy all the dishes that you made." Key look at Jonghyun and smile at him again.

"It's not a big deal." Jonghyun smile at Key too.

"I just hope that I can cook for you to."

"Of course you can. We have a plenty of time, I just have to wai, right?" Jonghyun ask and look at Key and was confuse on how that other stare at him.

Key sigh and stood up. "Let go. It's time to work now." Key said and headed towrads the door.

"Hey you didn't answer my question.” Jonghyun run next to Key. "You're going to cook for me right?"

Key didn't answer and just walk straight to the computer to sign in. "I hope so too Jong. But that not gonna happen now." He thought to himself and have a quick glance to Jonghyun.


The next day Jonghyun was surprise when he didn't see Key at the store. He's supposed to work that day. He ask the other manager and he found out that Key already quit the job. He doesn't remember anymore how he managed to finish his shift because his been thinking Key for the entire day.

After he finish changing his clothes he run outside the store and headed at Key's apartment. After some knock the door open.

"Hey Jonghyun." Key greeted him and open the door wide so that the other can enter.

Jonghyun didn't answer back and look around the apartment. Some of Key's stuff was already in the box. "You're packing." he said.

Key goes back to what he was doing. "Yup. I am going back to US Jonghyun." He said while putting some furniture in the box.

"Why?" It was the only question that comes in Jonghyun's mind.

"Because that's where I belong." Key answer and tried his best not look at Jonghyun.

"When are you leaving?"  He ask and his wyes was glued at the guy whose busy packing his stuff.

"Three days from now. I am coming with Onew hyung." Key didn't notice that the box was already full but still stuffing some of the furniture. 

Jonghyun sigh. "Then, can I send you?"

Key gulp before turning at Jonghyun. He tried to put a smile in his face. "Sure, why not?"

That day Jonghyun help Key to pack all his stuff, for him that was the only thing that he can do for the other. He wasn't sure if it's really okay to send Key away. 

"Thank you Jonghyun. You really help me alot." Key said after they finish packing.

"No problem."

"Can I ask you a favor?"


“Before my flight, can you come with me at my brother’s grave?”

Jonghyun look at Key with a confuse look. But never the less he accepted it. “Sure.”


Jonghyun was waiting for Key at the living room. It was the day of Key’s flight. All his luggage was in the car that he rented. Onew will just meet them at the airport since he stayed at the hotel last night for some reason. He was staring at nothing when he heard Key called him. He turn around and saw the guy standing in front of him.

“Ready?” He asks and tried to smile.

Key nodded and carry his last luggage. They are already in their way at Kibum’s grave but neither of them was talking. Once they reach the cement, Key ask Jonghyun to stay in the car and just wait for him.

When reach his brother’s grave his tears starts to fall. He sit at the ground and touch his brother’s name.

“How are you hyung? You must be lonely since no one is here. Mom is always busy in his work so Dad is.” He gulp the sob that wants to break free from his throat.

“I’m sorry that I just visit you now because I don’t know how I should face you.  I have a big sin that I committed and I know that it is already late to ask for your forgiveness. But hyung, please forgive me, forgive me for loving the same person as you are. I am so sorry for staying in place that is already occupied by you.” Key tears starts to fall like a water on falls. He sniff.

“That’s why I decided to leave now hyung, I have to look for a place where I belong.” Key chest starts to hurt because his been holding his sob for a long time now. “I know I have said this to you once but I want to say thank you. Thank you for saving my life, thank you for introducing Jonhyun to me. You and he, are the reason for me to recover from my depression. And thank you for giving me a chance to meet the person that I will going to love for the rest of my life. Thank you hyung..thank you.” He mumble that word for a thousand time until he feels that it was not coming from his mouth at all because his sob succeeded to break free. He buried his face in his palm and let himself cry infront of his brother and saviors grave. It was only Kibum who he can show this weak side of his.

He didn’t know how long he cried until there’s no more tears that is coming from his eyes. He feel that his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pull it out and saw Onew’s number in the screen.

“Key. I am here now.” Onew said.

“Okay.” Key said before hanging up. He look at his brother’s grave for the last time. “I have to go now hyung.” He said and touch the grave. “Goodbye hyung. I love you hyung and I miss you so much.” He stood up when he feel a sudden shiver in his body. He smile and look up in the sky. “Did you just hug me hyung? Did you already forgive me?” A tears start to form again but before it fell from his eyes he blinked it away. “Thank you.”

When he return at the parking lot he saw Jonghyun and Onew waiting for them. He took a deep breath and walk towards the two.

“Key, why is Onew hyung is here?” He ask because he was confuse at why Onew was there when he supposed to wait for them at the airport.

“I ask him to.” Key said and he take out his luggage at Jonghyun car.


“Let’s say our goodbye here Jonghyun. I just realize that it is not a good idea for you to send me in the airport.” Key said and mumble a thank you at Onew when the other get his stuff.

“But it’s okay for me Key.” Jonghyun was start to panic now.

“Please.” Key said with a begging voice. He look at the other who was lost of word. “Goodbye Jonghyun.” He said and walk toward Onew’s rented car.

Jonghyun wants to follow Key when the car already move but his feet was still frozen in the ground. He just watch as the car disappear. He feels like his knee lose its energy. He get inside the car and drove it at Taemin’s shop. He needs someone to be in his side now. He needs his friends.

It was a good thing that there’s just few customer when he arrive. He move straight at Taemin who was busy writing his daily sale report.

“Hyung?!” Taemin was shock seeing the elder since he know that he’s supposed to send Key today.

“He already left Taemin.” Jonghyun said with his head down.

“Why are you already here, I thought that Key hyung flight is at 3:00 pm.” He look at the clock and saw that it’s just one in the afternoon.

“He change his mind. He doesn’t want me to send me to send him anymore.”


“I don’t know.” He answered and was shock when he felt a hot liquid that was falling from his eyes.

Taemin was shock as Jonghyun too. It was the first time he saw the other cry. “Hyung?”

“I am really stupid to just realize it now.” Jonghyun said with a bitter smile while he was wiping his tears.

“I think it’s still not that late hyung. You can still fix everything.” Taemin said with assurance in his voice.


“Go hyung. Go fetch the one that you love.” Taemin said and push Jonghyun at the door.

Once Jonghyun get inside the car he dialed Key’s number and but the other was not answering his phone. “Please Key answer you’re phone.” He beg as if the other can hear him. When Key was still not answering his phone he dialed Onew’s number which he secretly took at Key’s phone when the day the other was drunk.

After a five ring Onew answer the call. “Hello?”

“Hyung, Onew hyung it’s Jonghyun. Can you put Key on the phone?” He ask and heard the other sigh. His eyes got widen when after hearing what the other told him. “What!!!?” He said and step on the break immediately.

Key..” He mumble and draw the car back. “Key.”





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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)