Seeing You Again

After Goodbye, What's Next?

Minho put down the last box of this thing at the top of the table. He just finish getting all his thing in his old apartment which he use to share with his wife or he should say, ex-wife. He and Yuri decided to end their five years of marriage when Yuri told him that there is another man that he loves. It is hard for Minho to accept that Yuri had fallen out of love for him but it is more difficult if they are going to stay in a relationship where the other one is already fallen out of love. For Minho no matter what happens, marriage should only be for those who love each other.

He knew Yuri for almost Ten years now. She was the first person he got close when he move into another town ten years ago. And because of having the same interest in life it's not that long enough for them to fell in love. After Three years of dating, Minho propose which Yuri accepted. He really did love her. Her being a simple minded person, caring, understanding and outspoken. But unfortunately, their marriage didn't work out. Yuri said that she found happiness and love in the presence of other man, which she said "Love and happiness that I didn't felt when I am with you." 

"Ah, this is so depressing. I should start moving now and start fixing this place." Minho said while looking around the apartment. It is not big at the same time not too small for a single person like him. "How ironic.Six months ago I am a married man. Never in my wildest dream that I am going back in the status of being single." Minho mumble to his his self.

Minho starts to open all the boxes and start organizing his thing when his phone rings. It took him a while to answer his phone because he have to find it between his scattered thing. After another two rings Minho manage to find it and answer it immediately.


"Yes, hello Minho. Are you busy?" the caller ask.

"Yes. Why?"

"Can I meet you for a moment?"

"Why? Is there any problem." He ask. It's Taeyeon, his customer/friend who recommend this place to him.

"Yes, I need to discuss with you my order today. I can't meet you tomorrow because I have an urgent meeting in Jeju tomorrow morning and I have to go there this evening." Taeyeon explain.

"Okay, but I still need to see your place so that I can measure your window." He said while putting his coat on.

"I know that's why I am giving you my key since I am staying at the hotel until my flight."

"Okay then. Where are we going to meet up?"

"There is a cafe near to your apartment. Just cross the street and turn left at the corner. You will see a cafe there called Merveilleux Cafe.Just wait me there I just have to finish my meeting and I will fly over there." Taeyeon said while laughing.

"Okay. Take care in your way. Bye" Minho hang up.

It's not that hard for Minho to find the cafe since it's not that far from his apartment. It just took him fifteen minutes walk. When Minho arrive at the cafe, he stood at the front and observe it. "The name really suit the cafe. Wonderful." he thought and he open the door.

"Good Morning." The man in the counter greeted him.

Minho thinks that his world stop at that moment when he recognize the man who just greeted him. It was the same smile, the same eyes, the same voice all about the man is the same. "Taemin." He said softly and wonder if the man in front of him hear what he said.

"It is just you or are you with someone?" The man ask.

Minho didn't manage to answer immediately because of his shock , when the man talk again. "Sir?" the man try to get his attention "How many chair?" he ask again.

"Oh, sorry. For two please." at last he answer.

"Please follow me." the man lead the way to the corner where there is a small table  and two chair. "Do you want something now or are you going to wait for your friend first?" the man ask.

"No, I am getting one latte now. But please don't put any sugar."

"Okay, just give me a second and I will get it to you." and the man walk away.

Minho can not stop himself by staring the man who is now in the counter making his order until the man came back to give him his coffee. 

"Is there anything I can do for you?" the man ask when he notice that Minho still staring at him.

"Ah no. Thank you." He answered and look down to his coffee before he can say something to the man.

"Okay then. Enjoy your coffee."

As the man walk away and turn back in the counter Minho still keeps on thinking if this man is really Taemin. But why does it seem that he didn't recognize him. Did he really change that much for the past years. Minho's mind was still occupied by Taemin until Taeyeon arrive. He was amaze by himself that he still manage to do business while thinking about Taemin. He doesn't even remember how the business with Taeyeon ended at that day. 

It's already been one week when he first saw Taemin again or maybe it's just his look alike because for that one week he went back to the cafe three times and Taemin didn't show anything or said something that can make him sure that it was really Taemin.

Today is the fourth time that he is in the cafe. There is only one customer at that time because it's already ten o'clock and the cafe is about close. But he want to make sure today if this man is really Taemin since he can not have a proper sleep for the past week.

He seated at the chair in the corner. The cafe counter looks like a bar where you can watch the bartender making your drink. He saw Taemin busy washing the cups in the sink behind the counter.

"You're back." Taemin said when he notice Minho. "As usual?" when Minho nodded he started making the coffee.

"Of course, I love your coffee." he said and get the coffee Taemin handed to him.

"You're still not change Minho hyung. You still love your coffee strong." Taemin said looking straight at Minho's eyes.

Minho was so shock that he nearly drop the cup of coffee, but luckily didn't happen. 

"So you really are Taemin."

"I am Taemin." with a smirk in his face. "For the your last visits here, i try to ignore you," he pause when the last customer say his goodbye. He look back at Minho and continue. "but i got tired of it since you are coming and coming back." Minho can not say anything. All the question that he wants to ask when he found out that this man is really Taemin, seems like it got stock in his throat.

Taemin lean forward. "How come a married man doesn't wearing his wedding ring?" Taemin ask and hold Minho's ring finger. Minho was taken aback by the man action.


"Are you happy being married to a woman? Are you happy with that life? Which what you said in that day? normal life?" Taemin cut what Minho and with emphasizing the last two word.

"Taemin look, I am now-" Minho was again cut by Taemin by saying,

"How I wish I didn't meet you again." Taemin said with full of hatred in is voice.


A. N

"Here is the first chapter, sorry that it is so boring, but I will try my very best for the next chapters. I hope you guys will look forward to it."

thanks for those who subscribe to this story, please check my other stories if you like^_^

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)