
Mr. And Mrs. Lee Jonghyun
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Lee Jonghyun + Kim Taeyeon + Marriage = Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jonghyun.  


Urgh! Let’s just scratch that shall we? Seriously that just made me wanna puke my stomach’s content. It’s not a freaking marriage! It’s a war that I myself don’t know if I can survive to see daylight tomorrow.


I know that I’m being a drama queen, over reacting about this matter but hey, Kim Taeyeon and marriage really can’t be put well in one sentence. For me, marriage spells TROUBLE! Wanna know why? Let me give you 5 reasons why I think marriage is troublesome.


Number one: Every morning you have to wake early just to make breakfast for him. So, there goes your precious sleeping time. FYI, I like sleep more than I like my so called ‘husband’. Plus, you might even have to cook lunch and dinner for him if he insisted to eat at home. Arghh! No way. Cooking is surely not my virtue. Nope. I do understand the whole concept of cooking and cleaning but not as they apply to me. So, I guess my husband should really hire himself a personal chef if he expects me to cook meals for him every day.


Number two: To prepare and iron his clothes before he goes to work, and make sure he looks dashingly drop dead handsome before he walks out from the house. Nahhhh… Ironing clothes is the second most hated things on my house chores list. Sometimes, the wrinkles on the clothes really make me wish that I could just burn the clothes down into ashes so that they won’t piss me off anymore. And to make sure he looks decent enough before he goes to work is really a menial job because people always said that the husband’s appearance reflects how good his wife is. Urghh! Sorry, I don’t have time to care about someone else’s fashion statement. I would rather slump lazily on the sofa and do a movie marathon alone.


Number three: Your privacy will be invaded! TOTALLY! You have to share everything with him, your bedroom, shower room, heck even food! Yeah, marriage is about sharing and I don’t do well in sharing things. I’m an only child. I don’t like to share. What’s mine is mine, not his!


Number four: Marriage is like a cage. When you tied the knot, you are basically giving him the power to control your freedom. And for me, freedom is the oxygen of the soul. I am a free spirit. Either admires me from the ground or fly high with me but NEVER EVER try to cage me.


And lastly: Marriage does not guarantee that you will be together forever, it’s only paper. It takes love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith in your relationship to make it last. Love? Nope. We don’t have that. Respect? Okay. I do respect him as a human being. Heck, he should be the one to respect me more. I’m a year older than him! Aigoooo… Awkward much, right? Trust, understanding, friendship and faith? Well let’s just say we don’t have any of those things. Basically we’re strangers that were pushed down from the cliff by our parents and ended up being stuck in the deep valley of marriage together.


My gaze set their orbs to the sparkling diamond ring on my finger. I let out a sigh before throwing my gaze to Jonghyun that was lying on the bed, his eyes closed. My hands reached for the comforter that was placed on the couch. It has been 3 days since we are married but I never for once sleep next to him. Nope! No way! I won’t ever do that! Despite earning the title as my husband, he is still a stranger and I don’t intend to share the same bed with him. So, I slept on the couch peeps! See how nice I am to sacrifice my bed for him! Kekeke…  


Knock! Knock!  Knock!


Haish… It must be omma. Only she would have the nerve to come knocking at a time like this. I shoved the comforter quickly into the dresser, afraid that my omma would suddenly barge into this room and busted us for not sleeping on the same bed.  


I opened the door and my omma’s smiling face greeted me warmly.


“Is Jonghyun still asleep?” Omma asked.


“Yeah. Do you need something from him?”


“Ani… Wake him up. We’re having breakfast later.”


I flashed a smile to my omma before she made her way downstairs.


Okay. Cut the smile; stop being calm and freak out! How to wake him up?!

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Dear subbies, please check the chapter 25. Link for the new story. Please check it coz I'm not gonna continue the story here. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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burning55 #1
Chapter 24: I like this cute
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 25: Suspense!! Lmao. I thought taeyeon died but i also jumped into conclusions without reading so my bad. XD nice story author-nim ♥
Chapter 24: Read this in one go..for a while i thought taeyeon died during childbirth..hehe. Nice ending. ;)
Chapter 6: This is cute..jonghyun falling for her first..;)
Chapter 1: Hi. New reader here. :) I just discovered this fic bec jongtae is my new crackship. So far so good. It's really entertaining & i look forward to their relationship development. ^^
Chapter 26: nice :) looking forward to it. but cn u make a new story thread :p it gets confusing lol
Leehyunwoo479 #7
Chapter 26: What? Spongebob? Hahaha. Taeyeon falling for a spongebob a.k.a Mr Lee Jong Hyun.. Please updaye soon if you have time..
ipone24 #9
Chapter 26: Waaa Jongtae..
No for troubles, pls..
Update soon author-nim..
Chapter 25: i really want your idea become true :)