Ch. 20

It's not just about fighting

omg finally updatiing~~~~~


I sigh, as the bell rang. My head really hurts, I dont really know what happened, but do I care, not really in the moment. I look at the others, who seem to be getting up as well. I look down at my poporo box, that seemed to be eaten, but not by me. My precious poporo sticks, so sad. I am sorry I could not eat you myself. 

I am going crazy.

Speaking of crazy, I am curious as to where E.den went. I mean its not like I care, but, well, I am kind of curious. "You guys ready to go, King you ready," Rasa asked as he looks at me and I nod. As we start walking, we come to a immediate stop as we hear this high pitched voice, a voice that sounds familiar.

"King oppa!!" 

I furrowed my brows at the sound of my  name being called. I turn around and see this flow of brown hair an someone crashing into me for a hug. I stay still, as I am completely confused. What the heck?

"Oppa, I havent seen you in a while," she pulls away smiling and I could not help but widened my eyes. Its her!

"Umm... Kyumi right?" I say, hopefully I did not get the name wrong.

She giggles smiling, as he nods her head, "Yes, again thank you for saving me!" she was the girl who I took her to my bed to rest. Glad to see that she is doing okay.

I smile back at her, "No problem."

"So where are you going oppa?" she asks me.

"We were just about to leave to our next class." I tell her.

"Oh.." she looks behind me and smiles, "oh hello!"

I turn around and see all kinds of different expressions. "Um.." I can feel my cheeks heating up for some unknown reason. "Guys.. this is Kyumi.. Kyumi this is.."

"Oh I know! They are E.den's friends!" she smiles. E.den? Oh right, she knows him. Doesnt E.den have to date her for his mission. I look back at them and I really do not like the way they are smirking.

"So how do you guys know each other," Ao asks and I inwardly groan. Why, why do you have to ask?

"Oh.. he helped me a while back, again thank you oppa!" she giggles as she leans in and kisses my cheek.

What he ?

My eyes go wide and my I am certain my cheeks are flaming red, my body stiff. But thats not the point, she kissed me! She really kissed me! Why did she kiss me? Is something wrong with her, no wait is something wrong with me? Oh my god, if E.den saw that I am so screwed! 


! ! No! I dont wanna die! Someone just kill me now before anything happens to me! I feel like crying. I gulp loudly as I turn around an see a much more furious looking E.den behind us. Damn! I am so going to die! I wonder if it is too late to go hide in a hole. Why does he have to come in the worse time possible.

Kyumi beams as her eyes go wide, "Oppa!!!" she squeals as she runs to him, hugging by his neck. "How have you been?" 

I am really shocked to see E.den expression softens when he looks at her. He wraps his arms around her waist and he smiles, "I am fine, how have you been? Havent seen you in a while."

She giggles as she nods, "I know.. we should hang out more." he nods as he kisses her cheek making her blush real bad.

Wow, they seem like the perfect couple. But..

Its not fair! How come he is always nice to others, but towards me he is so cruel. Is he still on the fact that I am different is why he treats me like that still. It really is not fair, and I do not like it one bit. It just gets me mad and seeing them like that is only adding on to that anger, and I really cant stand to see them so lovey dovey like this.

I wonder if they are dating yet?

I flinch out of my thoughts as I hear the bell ring. Well, it is class time. More like gym time. I turn around and see the others start to walk as well. I follow them while J-hyo says something that I do not bother to listen at all whatsoever. I leave the lunchroom and Rasa and I start to head one way saying goodbye to the others.

"I didnt know you knew Kyumi," Rasa breaks the silence.

"Hmm yea.. they seem really close." I say really not wanting to talk.

"Yea, in case you were wondering, he doesnt really act like that. He just pretends to be like that, that is how he was ordered to be like in this world."

I guess that makes sense, though it still pisses me off. We walk in the gym and head striaght to the locker to get changed. I just magically made my gym clothes appear. Apparently today is a fitness test, so we wll be doing thing like running or something. My gosh, I really am not in the mood. I couldnt help but think about my hyung. 

It still hurts me that we ended the conversation like that. I want to talk to him. I want to see him. I sigh as I take off m clothes and change into the gym one. After changing I follow everyone out to the gym where our teacher, whose name in which I do not know at all, stands there looking all high and mighty. He has some couple of balls i his hands and arounf him were other equiment.

"Alright, I want you all to run around the gym ten times afterwards come up to the front doing ten push ups, then doing ten sit up followed by twenty pull ups. In this corner are the jump ropes, which you will be doing fifty times and then I want to see everybody doing thirty squats. After you finish I want you all to come up to me! No slacking, and no whining girls! I want this done before the end of this period!" he yells as he blows his whistle. My god, is he trying to kill us, well the humans, I can do it. 

I sigh as I start my running and see Rasa coming up to me. "Hey, King, I have an idea!"

I look at him confused but give in anyways, "Okay, what is it?" I ask as I look around, seeing a lot of people barely even trying.

"We should race, see who finishes it fast," Rasa smirks looking at me. I sigh as I think about it, I guess it would fun. I slowly nod and he immediately grins going full speed. I gaped at him, highly surprised and shocked. What the heck, are you serious? Why is he using his powers? I growl haking my head, no, just no! If he wants to play like this then fine by me! I start to run faster as well, catching up to rasa, amking sure not to make it obvious that I am out of the human's oridnary speed. 

Rasa and I finish the run in a few mintues trying not to seem to obvious. Before I knew it, he already doing push ups at the front and I wonder how the hell did he get there so fast. I get there and start doing the push ups but on my fifth one he is already done. The hell? Why is he going so fast, isnt he afraid that someone might catch on to us. I groan as I finish this and start doing the sit up this time not caring becasue I dont want to lose to him. I catch up to him finishing when he finishes and he looks surprised but only smirks at me. We race to the bars and I jump on starting my pull ups, honestly, this is too easy. But this is the human world, in our world its much different and even trying to do pull ups there, well, lets not talk about it. After I finish I see Rasa going over to the jump ropes and I race him there. Jump ropes are easy. We finish that in no time.

When I finish, I start to do the squats but before I start I hear a yelp. I look over and see a girl who fell from the bars. Worried, I go over and pull out my hand. "Are you okay," I asked, it looked like it hurt.

She nods turning pink for some odd reason and grabs on to my hand. She smiles, "Th-thank you and I am fine!"

I smile shaking my head, "It's no problem. Are you sure you are okay, you dont need to go to the nurses office?" I ask just in case.

She just merely shakes her head and I smile, "N-no I am fine, but thanks anyway o-oppa.."

I nod and wave to her as I go back and I gasp seeing him almost done. No! I quickly go over and start doing squats. But by the time I finish he is already done. I groan, "Not fair! I was helping someone!"

He chuckles shaking his head, "Doesnt matter.. besides I waited for you also," he laughs and I huff. We both go to the teacher already having it finished and there is still a lot of time left.

The teacher looks at us and nods, "You boys did a good job. Fastest records also. You guys have the time to do whatever it is you want, and I want you boys to start getting into competitions with teams," he points at us.

Rasa just laughs, "We will see coach," he places his arms around my shoulder and drags me away going into the locker room.

"Why are we going in there," I ask highly confused with this whole situation.

"Ehh.. lets rest and change our clothes... he wont care." he says and I agree with him. For the rest of the period we just talked and I got know know him a little better. He is pretty cool, but still so cocky. When the bell rings I start to head out waving at Rasa and start heading towards my next class.

But I hear my name being called and I look back, it is J-hyo. "Oh hey," I nod towards him.

We walk into class and I see him smirk to the teacher who then blushes. Oh god, I dont even want to know. "King, welcome, I hope you are feeling better," she tells me and I smile telling her I am okay. She places me beside J-hyo who is looking intently at her.

"Why do you keep staring at her," I ask him, though I should be regretting it.

He smiles, "She was fun to mess with," I blink not really understanding what he is talking about but I dont want to ask, I dont feel like being all creeped out right now.

"Okay.. I guess," I shake my head looking back up at her as she starts the lesson.

"So.. how do you know Kyumi," he asks which catches me off gaurd.

"Oh, uhh I helped her when she was hurt. E.den was fighting something at the time," I say while starting to write down my notes.

He looks at me a bit shocked, "I see.. I didnt know E.den was there as well. He and Kyumi seems close."

I nod looking at him, "Yea, he told me that he needs to date her for his mission."

 J-hyo just freezes and stares at me wide eyed, "What?!?!"

"What," Iook at him confused.

"He needs to date her? When was this? No, how did you know? Better yet, why didnt I know? How can he not tell his best friend this, and he told you? I cant believe this guy, I am his best friend, so I should know! Bastard, wait till I see him," he growls and I just stare at him blankly. I dont have a good feeling about this. Lets just hope, everything goes well for me.

I turn back around, and continue writing down notes trying to ignore J-hyo. So he never tols J-hyo this? Then that means I was the only one that knew, but why bother telling me? Hmm, I guess it was the situation we were in, probably trying to warn me not to get close to her or steal her away. I scoff, like that would ever happen.

Though, I cant help the fact that it makes me a little bit happy since I know something no one else knew before. If I had known that, then I would probably never have told him. Its not like I want something special from him, its just, I dont know. Hard to explain.

The class went by fast and I was already up. I looked over at J-hyo who has been grumbling things none stop. Wow, this really got to him. We went out seperate ways and I head to my last class. As I walk in I stop, remembering who is in my last class. Looking over at my seat, I see E.den there with Kyumi talking. I blinked not realizing that she was in this class too. I guess thats how she knew me. For some reason I dont have a good feeling about this. I guess it reminds me that I am having an arugement with my hyung and seeing other so friendly is not doing anything good for me.

I sigh as I walk to my seat and sit down. Kyumi looks at me and smiles, "King oppa hi!" he waves at me and comes to me and hugs me,.

I smile back hugging her, "Hey Kyumi." I could see E.den glaring at me through my peripheral vision. I inwardly sigh, should have known. The teacher comes back and Kyumi goes back after kissing E.den on the cheek. I blinked surprised, are they already dating? I sigh and shake my head and look at our new teacher, My eyes widens as I see who is in front of the classroom. It is none other than Mr. Choi.

He smiles, "Hello class, I will be your new history teacher hope you will welcome me in open arms," he catches me looking at him and he smiles. I cant help but smile back.

I flinch as I could practically feel myself burning and look over to see E.den, whose eyes are burning with fury. I would be lying if I said I was not scared. I simply tried to ignore him while I stared back at Mr. Choi hoping to listen to what he was saying. But alas, it wsa too hard. I looked over swallowing slightly, "You okay?" I actually had the nerve to ask. I should get a reward.

Bubble tea it is!

He looks at me glaring, "Mind your own buisiness." Okay, I tried.

I sighed, trying to learn but well my mind was elsewhere. I couldnt help but think what J-hyo had said and the fact the Kyumi is in this class and the fact that they could possibly be dating. I shiver, I hope not, I dont want to see lovey dovey stuff with them.

You know, now that I think about it, I havent read in a while. I should summon my books back at home. Yea, I could finally finish some books and start readin the ones I havent. I also can re-read some also. I smile as I recall the times I had missed doing while I was here. I should start doinf the again, I should also start to bake again. Though for who?

"Why are you smiling at him, its so god damn annoying," I hear E.den growl while rubbing his temple. I blink and look over at him with a raised brow. Smiling at him, at who? I look at him confused hopefully this day would end so I wouldnt have to endure this any longer.

After a long excruciating day, the class finally ends. That means I can stop feeling the dark aura from E.den and I can have my bubble tea! As I was getting up I saw Kyumi run towards E.den and hug his arm. He smiles at her ruffling her hair. I watch them and I coulnt help but frown. I turn aorund and walk out the class room without saying anything. As I reach outside, I facepalm as I forgot to say bye to Mr. Choi. Oh well.

Off to get bubble tea. But before I make another step I hear my phone ringing. My eyes shot wide as I stare at the ground. What if it's hyung, what will I do? Do I want to talk to him? I bite my lips, trying to think. Of course I do. I sigh, taking out my phone and answering it. "Hello?" I can feel my heart beating fast as I start to tremble.

"Yo dork!"

I freeze as I recognize that voice. No, dont tell me. I can feel my eyes twitch as I clench my teeth. Why, why him. "Jaedick!"

"Yahh, watch your mouth. Respect your hyung!" he says and I feel my blood boil.

"Why are you calling me!?" I growl, feeling irritated.

"Look dork, I am calling just to tell you that you better go home now."

I can sense something in his voice. "Why?"

"Just go," he sighs, "there's... someone there that you need to take care of."

My heart skips a beat as I thought of my hyung being there, but the last part just shot my hopes down. "Take care of? Who?"

"It's.. a kid."

"A kid, why a kid?" I question, okay this is not making any sense.

"It's... your brother."

I freeze as I just stand there. My brother, my brother? I have a brother? I have, a family? "A.. brother?"

"Yea.. you should go, and see him."

I can feel my voice cracking, "How do you know?"

"He has the same blood as you," I hear his voice become so soft.

"How did you..."

"Please... no more questions... I.. I cant answer them anyway.."

I just simply nod wanting to go home fast. I dont really care at the moment, I want to see him. I say my good byes to him as I rush home. Brother, I have a brother. I have... a brother. I can feel tears swarming in my eyes as I try to hold them in. As I run I can hear my phone ringing again. Hyung, it has to be hyung! I pick up the phone eargerly, "Hyung!" I practically shout but all I receive is silence, "hyung?"

"What did you call me?" 

My heart stops beating as I come down to a stop. I know that voice. It's E.den. "E...den?"

"Did you just call me hyung? Did you think I was that damn teacher!" I can hear his angry tone but I just stand there confused.

"What, teacher?"

I can hear him sigh, "Nevermind. Why the hell did you tell J-hyo about Kyumi?" I stop and inwardly groan, crap! Why?

"Uh... it was an accident, I swear. I didnt know it was a secret," I whisper as I start to run again. I want to see my brother.

"What the do you mean that you didnt know! You werent suppose to say anything!"

"I am sorry! How was I suppose to know that I had to keep my mouth shut," I finally reached my apartment with the use of my powers of course. I run up my stairs and start to unlock my door, "besides," I open the door, "whats the worst that can hap....pen.." I drop the phone in my hands and I ignore the other calling my name. But my eyes widens as I see a little kid curled up on my couch. I can feel my tears go down my cheek. Hey, dont judge me okay! I am about to meet a family of mines, one with the same blood. I just, dont know how to contain my feelings.

I slowly start to walk towards him. I look confused as to why he is wearing a mask. I bend down, looking at him and I can feel his head move to see mines. I guess he is not asleep then. I look at him and he seems to be treated wrongly. His clothes are tattered, he had bruises all over his body and it looks as if he has not taken a shower in a long time, nor eat. I can feel my heart ache as my lips quivers. What happened to his face?

I reach my hand out wanting to take the mask off but he backs away from me shaking his head while shaking. He looks scared. "it's okay.. I wont hurt you. Dont be scared, my name is Woosuk, and I am your brother," my voice cracks as I look at him. He must have been suffering. He seems to ease a bit, as I reach for his mask, "Its okay, dont be afraid." I touch his mask and slowly take it off.

But as soon as I do that, I scream a bit covering my mouth while dropping the mask. I regret screaming. The boy seems to flinch and take back the mask putting it back on. I can feel myself trembling as I try to calm myself. I hear a faint sniffle and my heart shatters to pieces. "I-.. I am s-sorry.. I didnt mean to.. s-scream.. please dont cry."

"King!" I look to the door and see E.den there looking worried. I would question as to why he is here but right now I am too occupied with my brother. I look back at him. He continues to cry, and I feel horrible. I didnt mean to make him feel bad at all.

"I am sorry.. please dont cry," I whisper wanting to hold him. I can tell why he didnt want to take the mask off.

His face, it's deformed.


i am dooooneee yay/!!!!

sorry for the longgg wwaaaiiittt!!!

ii really hope you liked this chapter!!

please leave comments below thank you!!


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..this group disbanded.. bjknfdmdv it was really upsetting for me.. but i will continue to finish this fic! for whoever may still read this!


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Chapter 23: so like are you going to finish it ??
Pandaluuv #2
Chapter 22: Hey! ^^
So I don't realy konw how to start this... well I will just try. And just a little warning: i'm not a native speaker so sorry for any mirtakes. ^.-
First I have to say that I realy love your story. ^.^
I'm an LC9 fan for not very long time but I realy love these guys. So I was so happy when I found your story.
It's realy sad that there are just a few LC9 storys and also not so many fans how it seems. I think they are realy great and should get mor attention. -.-
And then to your story. I love how you write. It's funny and can be sad at the same time. *-*
I love how you describe E.den. Also his behavieour towards King... I love it. <3 More I can't say.
I think the whole idea of the story is realy great and nice to read.
It's sad that you haven't updated for such a long time. A half year? Do you even write this story anymore? I would love to read from you again. Please update..... ^-^
Chapter 22: So after a day I had caught up with the story and now I wait. I FEEL ALL THAT BETWEEN KING AND EDEN THOUGH!!!! anyway update soon
Chapter 22: Yayyy you updated!! ^^ i didn't even realize how much i missed this fic before i saw this was updated :DD i could be your beta, but I have three fics to finish xD but if u don't find anyone else, I'm always willing to help :)
Yay an update ~! I think Yeongyeon is cute! I cant wait for another chapter. I wanna see some more E.Den and King action~
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 21: Kawaii!!!Kyeopta!!! This chapter was slightly sad but extremely cute. E.den calling King by his name was a huge step forward. Also how E.den came after King forgot about him being on the phone, dropping said phone and scream was too cute. He even comforted King by telling him what to do in that situation. E.den x King shipper because of this story. Hope the next chapter comes soon.
Chapter 21: Awwwwwww!!!!! This is a great chapter. Hehe Ao going and spying on them hehehehe