Doongie to the Rescue~!

A New Beginning

Haena’s P.O.V.


“What is taking Dara unnie so long?” I muttered, glancing out to see if she was returning soon. I was getting bored and it looked like people were enjoying themselves thoroughly on the dance floor.

“To heck with it!” I declared, standing up and ready to party.

Just then, Dara unnie appeared and pulled me back down.  “What are you doing! Get down so no one sees you!” she ordered, smacking my head. I rubbed my head, scowling at her. “But I wanna dance! Look at all of them having fun…” I pouted, giving Dara unnie my puppy-dog eyes.

“Don’t give me that look… You know I won’t fall for it,” Dara grinned mischievously, “Besides, there’s something more fun and exciting than dancing!” She winked at me while I just stared at her with an eyebrow raised. Whatexactly is she up to?

“Kekeke, come nearer. I’ll tell you a secret,” she said, gesturing me to come closer. Then, she cupped her hands by my ear and whispered, “I sent Seungho and Joon on a quest to find you. Whoever found you first will get to keep you!” She clapped her hands with joy.

“SSANTOKKI PARKKKK! YOU DID WHAT?!” I exclaimed loudly, only to be muffled by Dara’s hand clamping my mouth shut. She looked around before pulling me back into the corner. “Shh! Don’t you understand this game? I’m trying to help you decide and you scream at me? Chh. Such ungratefulness!”   I glared at her, “Oh really?”

She nodded her head vigorously. Well, I guess she didn’t understand the dripping sarcasm from that sentence. I gave a deep sigh and thought about it. Dara was always a good friend to me so… let’s just go with what she says. No harm in trying.

“Arasso… Where do I hide?”




“This is such a lousy spot,” I grumbled, rubbing my arms, trying to keep me warm.  “Why do I have to hide in the cold? I told her the refreshment corner was a good hiding spot but noooo, ‘it’s too obvious a spot. How about the balcony’ she says,” I complained again, pacing up and down.

I sat on one of the chairs and fiddled with my mask. The feathers of the mask are tickling my skin, causing me itches. “Ah to heck with it! There’s no one here anyway!” I pulled off the mask and turned to face the sky, admiring the bright full moon.




At some other part of the ballroom…


Seungho and Joon were searching in a mad frenzy.


Joon ran around, pulling off the masks of every girl he sees  that looks like Haena. It earned him glares and maybe even a slap or two.

“Sorry... Wrong person…” Joon apologized to the fuming girl while massaging his swollen cheeks and fled immediately, starting his search again.


Seungho rolled his eyes as he watched Joon. He would not succumb to silly and foolish actions like Joon. Instead, he would be a man and…

“Dara! Please tell me where she is! I’ll even give you my latest and newest iPad 2! Please, please just tell me!” Seungho wailed, grabbing on to Dara’s leg, refusing to let go. Dara face-palmed herself and covered her face, embarrassed by the sight of a grown man clinging on to her leg getting unwanted attention from the students.




“Aish, this is so horrible. Who knew that Haena was so good at hide and seek?” Joon groaned as he slumped into a chair, tired from all that running around. Seungho followed suit and sat down.

 “I know right… When we were young, we had always played hide and seek, and always, she would lose! Why is she such a pro now?” Seungho sighed, wiping the beads of perspiration off his face.

The two of them closed their eyes, thinking in deep concentration about her location.

Suddenly, familiar voices rang beside their ears.

“Hyungs! What are you doing sitting down here? You should get some food! I highly recommend the Banana ice-cream!” Mir cried gleefully, grabbing a seat beside them. He placed his HUGE bowl of ice cream on the table and started scarfing it down.

 “That buddy over there is suffering from a massive case of sugar rush. It’s his 32ndbowl already,” Cheondung replied, shaking his head at his friend.

“Eh? Ice cream? Don’t you get scared of it now? That Nana girl once almost stabbed your eye while feeding it to you, isn’t it? I hear she's here and looking for you~” Seungho teased mockingly.

Upon hearing that, Mir’s face turned white. He had already forgotten about that traumatizing incident yet his hyung had to bring it up again.

“Suddenly, I don’t feel so well. Here, Doongie, you can have it. I’m going to the bathroom to puke. And probably hide in there forever. Goodbye.” With that, Mir pushed his unfinished bowl of ice cream towards Cheondung and ran off at lightning speed to the bathroom.

“Serves him right for eating so many bowls of ice cream!” Cheondung smirked, digging in to Mir’s unwanted ice cream. “Mmm… This is really not that bad! Me likey!”

“Haish, at least he had time to eat. We’re so busy searching for Haena that we have no time to eat…” Joon sighed.

“Why are you looking for Haena noona? Is she in trouble or something?” Cheondung asked, scooping ice cream into his mouth.

“Nope. It’s just that your noona – Dara Park— said that she’s hiding somewhere and the first one to find her will get to be her boyfriend,” Seungho explained.

“She’s hiding? But I just saw her at the balcony-” Cheondung started, but the two boys dashed towards her hiding place without even listening to him finish his sentence.

“Aish… I’m all alone now…  Oh baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely~ But at least I have you, my darling banana ice cream!” Cheondung grinned, kissing the ice cream bowl. 




It's me!!!! I'm back from the craphellsofmyfrickingexaminations! Woohoo! And i updated as soon as it was done soooo.... YAY ME! XD

Anyway I might be double updating today. If I don't, then it'll be probably tomorrow since I still have my other stories to work on~ ;P 

Soooo. This story is ending soon, probably in the next one or two chapters. Ahhh i feel sad knowing that it's ending! ;(

But stay tuned to the ending to see who Haena goes with in the end! :D



Comments and Subscriptions highly appreciated :D (Oooh! This colour is so nice! :D)



A very happy yangsunshine laugh(As you could probably tell XD)

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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!