
A New Beginning

Haena's P.O.V.


--At the Campsite--


"Uwaa! This place is seriously breathtaking!" I exclaimed, looking at the greenery that surrounded us the moment we reached the campsite.

"Noona! Don't be fooled by its beautiful exterior! There are bears! And just between you and me, I'm scared of bears!" Mir whimpered.

Joon rolled his eyes and replied, "Mir-ah! Don't be stupid. There are no bears here so stop scaring yourself. Let's go, everyone is already gathered in front of the entrance." 

With that, Mir stopped talking and obediently followed Joon but he kept spraying himself with some spray called a "bear repellant". He's really weird. 


"Okay, students. Now we'll be splitting all of you into different groups for the camping activities. There will be seven groups namely Avocado, Pear, Apple, Mango, Papaya, Banana and Strawberry. Your form teachers will be passing down a name list to see which group you are in and after that, please proceed to meet the camp counsellors of your respective groups. They are already wearing t-shirts with the group name on the front," the principal announced.

Soon, the list was passed down and all of us began checking our groupings. When we knew what group we belonged to, we started making our way to the counsellors. Unfortunately, me and Joon weren't in the same group since mine's Avocado and his was Banana. 


"Oh! It's Dara unnie!" I exclaimed as I spotted her wearing the 'Avocado' shirt. Yay!

I was going to make my way to her when I heard someone say, "So, you're in Avocado, huh? What a coincidence."

I spunned around and came face to face with Seungho. "Him?! Again?! Am I seriously that unlucky?!" I muttered under my breath.

"Er.. Yeah," I said.


Just when he was about to say something else, the camp counsellor for our group, AKA Dara unnie, spoke up. 

"Okay, everyone. These are your cabins. Girls on the right, guys on the left," she paused, pointing to the cabins behind us then continued, "So, go put your belongings inside and we'll meet out here in five minutes to prepare for the campfire."


Everyone did as they were told and we were back here promptly in five minutes.

"Now that we're all here, we need to set up the campfire. Some of you will stay here and prepare while the rest go and collect firewood. So now I'm gonna tell you who's picking firewood," she stopped to look at her clipboard and then continued, "Gyuyeon, Joongki, Minri, Haena, Hyunwoo and Seungho will go and collect wood. To those of you who's staying here, I'll give you all more instructions later."


You cannot be kidding me. 


I quickly went into the forest to avoid him and followed the trail up the hill. "I hope he doesn't follow me," I muttered. 

"Too late. I'm already behind you," Seungho announced, giving me the shock of my life.

"What the! Since when were you behind me? And why didn't you follow the others?" I replied, annoyed. 

"Well, everyone paired up and since you were all by yourself, I decided to do you a favour instead of letting you go all by yourself."

"Chh. I don't need anyone to follow me. I can take care of myself," I retorted, rolling my eyes at him.

"Oh really?" he said sarcastically, moving closer and closer to me, forcing me to move back, nearer and nearer to the edge of the trail.

"If it weren't for me, you'd already have been a victim of those drunkard guys."

"That was weeks ago. I won't do something that stupid like drowning myself in alcohol for a guy ever ag- AHHHHHH!" I cried as I lost my footing and grabbed Seungho to stop myself from rolling down the hill but that didn't work and we tumbled down the hill screaming. 



Hello! OK i'm so sorry for this really short chapter that's not really that exciting because I had writer's block again. Ugh i'm so sorry if this chapter but i'll work on it.  Anyway, comments and subscriptions are greatly welcomed! :D






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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!