Him? Again?!

A New Beginning

Haena's P.O.V.


--At Home--


"Oh my god! Where's my toothbrush?! Oh right, it's there by the sink!" I said, frantically rushing to get it, and dumped it in my luggage.

Today was the day of the school trip but I had totally forgotten about it until Joon called and told me that he'll be coming over to pick me up to go to the airport together. 

How could I have forgotten about it, seriously? I was so looking forward to the trip! But then, with the tons of homework Miss Park had been dumping on us, it's no wonder that I couldn't remember it. 

Without wasting more time, I hurriedly gathered the rest of the things and threw it into my luggage. 

"There! Finally!" I sighed, relieved, wiping of the beads of perspiration on my forehead.


Ding dong! The doorbell rang. It must be Joon! Phew! Luckily I'm still on time.

I grabbed my luggage and dragged it down the stairs.


"Okay, I'm ready!" I said as I opened the door.

"How do you know it was me? Are you psychic?" Joon asked in amazement as he helped me put the luggage in the trunk of his car.

I rolled my eyes at and chuckled. 

"You're the one who said that you're coming to pick me up at 2pm and oh, surprise, surprise, it's 2 on the dot now!" I said, my voice lined with sarcasm, as I pointed to the time on my watch.

"You're so mean to me sometimes," Joon pouted and punched me lightly on my arm. 

The both of us then got into the car and drove off for the airport.


--In the Car--


"Have you got everything ready? Passport? Toothbrush? Wallet?" Joon asked, eyes glued to the road.

"Yes, yes and yes, APPA," I replied cheekily, empasizing on the word appa.

"What about your costume?" 


Joon burst into laughter after seeing me so frustrated.

"What's there to laugh about? Without the costume I can't attend the party!" 

"Chill, Haena. You can still buy it on the island," Joon told me.

After hearing that, I began to relax.

"Oh. Right. I forgot..." I said sheepishly.


--At the Airport--


As soon as we stepped into the airport, we were overwhelmed by the number of people in there. Usually it was dead quiet but today, it was filled with students from our school and they were, well, not on their best behaviour. 

I spotted Seungho and his usual passe, G.O. and of course, Eunjin. My heart fell a little when I saw Seungho and Eunjin being intimate. It makes me mad to see her still being able to be with Seungho without feeling guilty for cheating on him. But what does it matter? I don't care about him anymore. Right...?


"Noona! Hyung! You're here!" Mir cried, running towards us as we gathered together with our class.

"Yeah.. Was the whole school invited for this trip? Why is it so crowded and noisy?" I asked, glancing at the students chatting and playing a fool.

"Nope. Only our level is going. The school doesn't have that much money, you know," Mir replied a-matter-of-factly. 

"I was being sarcastic, Mir. You and Joon are so alike!" I chuckled.

"Hey, don't compare me to that babo!" Joon joked, poking Mir in the ribs.


Soon, the tickets for our flight were handed down to us one by one by our form teacher. 

"What's your seat number?" Joon asked excitedly while looking at his ticket.

"Erm, 32A. You?" I replied, checking my ticket.

"Darn it! I'm seated at 40D! That's so far away from you," Joon said sadly.

"It's okay. I'll come visit you at your seat when I'm free," I smiled and said, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace, oblivious to the students who were looking at us. 




"Here's my seat. See you later, Joonie!" I said, stopping to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Noona! How come you only gave Joon hyung a kiss! What about me!" Mir whined, pointing to his own cheek.

"Er.. Okay.. I'll give you one too..?" I answered, leaning in.

As I was about to kiss his cheek, Joon pushed Mir's face away.

"Yah! Don't you dare lay hands on my girlfriend! See you later, Haena!" Joon said as he grabbed Mir's ear and dragged him away with Mir yelling in pain.


"Mir and Joon are so cute, always fighting," I chuckled softly as I settled down onto my seat. I looked beside me to see who was occupying the seat next to me and saw a guy, face covered by the newspaper he was reading. 

Shrugging my shoulders, I ignored him and took out my iPod to listen to my music.

"Don't you know that you're not allowed to use electronic items while the plane is about to take off?" the guy next to me asked.

I blushed and hastily took out the earpiece from my ear and was just about to apologize when I realised who he was.


"Yang Seung Ho? Why are YOU here?" I spat.

He laughed. "I don't arrange the seat plans, you know. The airline company does."

"Oh. Right." I replied, embarrassed by my stupid question.

After a a few minutes of awkward silence, he spoke up.

"You look prettier now."

"Yeah, er thanks."


So for the next three hours, we did our own things, only speaking to each other if it's necessary and finally, we reached the island. 

Thank god. I thought as I reunited with Joonie and Mir outside the aircraft.


We were going to collect our luggage when suddenly, I heard someone calling us.

"Yah! Haena! Wait up!" 

All of us turned around and saw Dara unnie dragging a half-asleep Cheondung, running towards us. 

"Unnie? Why are you here? I thought it was a trip only for students of my level?" I asked.

"Yeap. But I'm here as your Camp Counsellor and I'm also going to be joining all of you for the masquerade party! Isn't that cool!" she beamed.

"Really?! That's great! I have to buy a costume for the party here and I'm so glad to have female advice instead of those guys over there," I squealed, pointing to Joon and Mir who are happily chatting about computer games with Cheondung.

"Sure! But first, you'll have to survive the camp," Dara unnie winked. 










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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!