
A New Beginning


Seungho's P.O.V.


"Oppa, let's dance!" Eunjin exclaimed as she dragged me onto the dance floor.

"Nah, I don't feel like it. Why don't you go ask G.O. instead?" I replied, pointing to G.O. lonering in the corner, as I peeled her fingers off my arm.

"Wae, Oppa!" she whined as I turned my back on her and strode off.


What Joon had said to me the other day was still stuck in my head. This was all that I kept thinking about these past few days. Ughs. I'm really about to go crazy! I need a drink to calm myself down.

I headed towards the refreshment area, still distracted by those thoughts, and grabbed the first cup of drink that I saw.

"Yah! How dare yo-"

I lifted my head and saw Haena yelling at me. Upon seeing my face, Haena paused and sniffed, "It's okay, you can have it. I'll take the other one."

As she turned to go, I grabbed her wrist.

" No. We need to talk."

"We have nothing to talk about," she replied, staring coldly at me.

"Bu-" I started but before I could complete my sentence, she interrupted.

"Look. Joonie is waiting for me by the pool. I need to go now before he gets worried," she said as she broke free of my grip and strode off.

"Yah, Haena!" I called, but she ignored me and continued walking.


"Eh, hyung. Don't bother wooing her. She and Joon are probably already an item." Cheondung said coolly, popping out from nowhere.

"WHAT?!" I bellowed.

Unperturbed by my sudden uproar, he shrugged.

"Well, they looked more than friends to me. I mean, besides them being super close and all, always going to places together.."

My heart ached horribly when I heard that. It was obvious to anyone that Joon really liked Haena a lot but I didn't think Haena would actually like him back... Aish, but just as well. It'sbetter than loving a selfish jerk like me...  

"I thought you were playing computer games upstairs. How come you're down here now?" I asked, trying to change the topic. There was already enough pain for one night..

"Oh! Thanks for reminding me! That stupid Mir ran off with my keyboard and now I can't play my game! Ugh, where the hell is he?!" Cheondung grumbled and went off searching for Mir.


Haena's P.O.V.


I was just about to join Dara unnie and Joonie at the pool when I passed two familiar figures kissing. I took a closer look and to my astonishment, it was G.O. and Eunjin!

Wasn't Eunjin Seungho's girlfriend? Why is she making out with G.O.?

I gasped and dropped my drink. The two of them stopped what they were doing and turned to face a stupified me.

"Ani, ani! This isn't what it looks like! Please don't tell Seungho oppa!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my god, you're cheating on him. With his best friend!" I cried, taking a step back towards the edge of the pool.


Suddenly, I slipped on the wet floor and lost my balance. Eunjin tried to grab my hands but it was too late. I had alreay fallen into the deep pool.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

I couldn't swim!


Joon's P.O.V.

". . . How did she even fall in?" I thought to myself as I pushed through the crowd that has gathered in front of the pool.

Why the hell isn't anyone helping?!


I was about to dive in when suddenly someone pushed me aside.

"Noona! Don't worry, I'll save you!" Mir yelled as he catapulted into the water.

Phew. At least I could count on Mir. Right? Right...?


"Ahhh! I can't swim! Someone get me a floatie! Ahhh!" Mir cried as he splashed about in the water.

OMYGOSH. What was I even thinking! Mir? He has been afraid of swimming since he was young!

 "Aish. I'll get Mir..." Cheondung replied a-matter-of-factly and dived in to rescue him.


Now Mir's safe, but what about Haena?!

She was thrashing about in the water wildly, desperately trying to stay afloat.

"Plosh! " I jumped in without a moment's hesitation when I saw that she's starting to lose consciousness. I couldn't let her drown...


Haena's P.O.V.


"Come on, come on.. " I heard someone say as he pumped rhythmatically on my chest, performing CPR on me.

I coughed out the water in my lungs and struggled to open my eyes. My vision was blurred but I could faintly make out a dark figure kneeling beside me.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly as he patted my cheeks lightly.

I wanted to answer that I was alright, but, before I could do that, my eyes closed and everything faded into black...

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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!