What If

A New Beginning

Haena's P.O.V.


"Where am I?" I said faintly as I slowly blinked open my eyes and scanned the unfamiliar surroundings.

Upon hearing my voice, Joon jolted out of his seat and held my hand.

"Haena? Haena? Are you alright now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay... but why am I here?" I croaked.

Ugh. What had happened yesterday night? All I could remember was arriving at Dara noona's house for the party and then... nothing.

"Don't you remember? You fell into the pool..."

Everything that had happened yesterday came flooding back into my mind -- from the Seungho incident to me seeing G.O. and Seungho's girlfriend kissing..

"Oh right.. By the way, thanks for saving me," I replied, flashing a broad grin at him.

"Oh. Er.. no problem," he said sheepishly.


Whoosh! The door to my ward flew open and in came a frantic Dara unnie.

"Aigoo! Haena-ah! You've finally woken up! Are you alright now?" Dara unnie cried as she rushed to my side and cupped my face with her hands, checking me for any other injuries.

"Yes, unnie. Relax, I'm okay now.."

She started to say something but then saw Joon and glared at him, hoping that he would get the message and leave the room for a while.

Finally, after a few awkward moments of noona's staring and Joon's confused look, he got the message.

"Er.. I'll go get some coffee..." he mumbled reluctantly and left.


"Haena, I have a question for you. Do you.. like Joon?" unnie asked as she took a seat on the chair by my bed.

"Yeah, sure I do," I replied almost instantly.

"I don't mean liking him in a friend way, but in a like like way.. You DO know that he likes you more than a friend, right?"

Unnie's words shocked me.

"What? Nah, we're like practically best friends, unnie. You're reading too much into this."

"Haena-ah, did you know that he had stayed here the whole night to look after you? He didn't even leave your side until I chased him out just now. This is proof that he treats you more than a friend! AND he told me personally that he really really likes you!" Dara unnie said as she broke into a grin.

"Ohmygosh! What? He really said that?" I gasped.

Dara smiled and nodded.

What? How could it be? I mean, he's really protective of me and all, and comes to my rescue almost all the time but I didn't think that he actually likes me!


"So? What do you think about him? Don't try to tell me that you didn't fall for him. I could tell that you like him back too, you know. I'm just really experience in these kinds of things." unnie teased.

I paused, taking Unnie's words into serious considerations.

Now that I think about it, my heartbeat recently seems to always speed up whenever he's around and I simply can't take my eyes off him...


Haena-ah, Haena-ah.. Have you really fallen for your best friend?



Hello :) I'm really sorry for this short chapter. But i'll update really soon, like tomorrow with either 1 or 2 more chapters. Hope you enjoyed it so far. Comments and subscriptions are highgly welcomed! Thank you! :D

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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!