On Rainy Days

A New Beginning

Haena's P.O.V.


"Yah! Haena-ah! Wake up!" someone said as they started patting and squishing my face. I opened my eyes and squinted. "Seungho? What are you doing here? And why is my head hurting so badly..?" I asked groggily as sharp pain filled my head. I placed my hands on my head and rubbed it. 

He peered at me worriedly and replied, "You rolled down the hill and when I came to you, you were already unconscious."

I glanced at our surroundings. "Are.. are we in a cave? But I thought we rolled down the hill.." I murmured. He chuckled. "Yes, we rolled down a hill, but I found this cave and carried you here. I thought this would provide a better shelter for us tonight and besides, it's raining so heavily. Who else would do that? " 

I looked down sheepishly. "Oh, right.. Hey, wait a minute. Better shelter for us tonight? Aren't we going back to the campsite?" I asked.

"Nope. The hill is too steep. I tried climbing up a few times but I couldn't even get a good footing before I was back on the ground. Now we'll just have to wait for the others to realise that we're not back and come searching for us," he sighed and shook his head. "But, look on the bright side. At least we could spend some time together!" he said, brightening up, moving in closer and pinched me on the cheek.

"Yah! What- Ahh, your face!"  I exclaimed, seeing the cuts and bruises on his face clearly as he moved in. A sense of guilt overcame me as I saw the raw cuts, some still bleeding.  

I reached out and lightly touched one of the cuts. Immediately, he winced in pain. "Don't move," I said as I blew on the cuts one by one to make it feel better. He chuckled as I did that. "What?" I asked, confused. "Don't you remember? I used to do this to you whenever you were hurt when we were little. Now you're doing it for a change. It actually feel pretty good," he commented, slouching with a contented face.

"Chh. That's because I feel guilty for you for dragging you down the hill with me," I replied, rolling my eyes. "But then, thinking back, it was you who caused all these in the first place! You moved forward so I moved back and slipped. Naturally, I reached out for the nearest thing, which was you." I stopped blowing and glared at him.

"That's such a nice thing to say, considering that I suffered those cuts and bruises trying to protect you when we were rolling down," he stated. "What? How-" I started, but then stopped as I looked down at my body and touched my face. There wasn't a scratch on me.

I softened, touched by his actions. "Umm. Thank you, Seungho. It was really nice of you.." 

He nodded in response and for a few moments, we just sat there in the silence. 


"Why did you go out with Joon?" he asked, staring out of the cave and at the rain pelting heavily.

"What? Why did you ask that for?" I questioned, flustering.

"I want to know," he murmured.

I wanted to tell him to mind his own business but instead, I sighed and said, "He's a really nice person. Kind, caring and sweet perso-"

"Those aren't valid reasons for liking someone." he interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. "Like you would know. Your girlfriend has been cheating on you with your best friend and you're still so oblivious to it," I retorted. 

"What? My girlfriend?" he asked, bewildered.

"Yeah. I saw them making out at Dara unnie's party," I said, deciding to tell him the truth. "I wasn't planning on telling you cos I didn't want to upset you.."

"Wait a minute. My girlfriend?" he asked again. I rolled my eyes and nodded. Gosh. How many times does he want me to repeat it?


He went quiet for a minute and was deep in thought. "Are you alright?" I questioned, afraid that he couldn't handle the news well. To my surprise, he suddenly burst out laughing. "What?" I retorted. Here I was, trying to be nice and yet he's laughing at me?!

"Haena, you must have got it all wrong. Eunjin is NOT my girlfriend," he laughed, clutching his stomach and wiping the tears off his eyes.

For a moment, I was stunned. 

"Huh? How can she NOT be your girlfriend? I've seen you two flirting with each other so many times and you are constantly with her. How'd you explain that?" I demanded when I recovered from the shock.

"Eunjin is my cousin, Haena. She's all alone here as her parents as working overseas for a long period of time so they asked me to take care of her. No biggie," he explained, shrugging. 

Eeks. So I had it all wrong all along? Seungho didn't cheat on me with that girl but he actually waited for me..?


Seeing the look on my face, his eyes widened and he whispered, "You didn't get angry at me because of her, did you? I mean, how could you not know that you're the only one for me? Since we were young till now, you were the only one that I love. Forever and always." With that, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

I could only stare at him in shock. "But.. But Seungho, I'm with Joon now. You can't just kiss me like that," I stammered, trying to keep my cool.

He smirked and said, "Well, then I guess he has some competition."



Soon, night fell and the temperature dropped, not to mention that it was still raining.

My teeth chattered as I rubbed my arms, trying to keep myself warm. I was only wearing a piece of flimsy T-shirt and long track pants. Had I known earlier, I would have wore jeans and a sweater.

Suddenly, I felt something over my shoulders. "Here, you must be freezing," Seungho said, placing his jacket on me. I looked at him, who was now only left with a blank singlet. "Aren't you cold too?" I asked, frowning. He gave me a reassuring smile and said, "Nah. I'm stronger than you, so just take it, kay?" 

We sat there, staring at the rain when suddenly he stood up and declared, "Stay in here, Haena. I'm going to search for firewood." Then, he bolted out of the cave.

"Yah! Seungho! You won't find any usable firewood! It's all soaked by the rain already! Come back!" I called out but he had already disappeared into rain.


So, I sat there all alone in the cave, with his jacket over my shivering body, waiting for him to come back. I sniffed his jacket and his smell was still there. The smell that had been lingering in my mind since we were young. 

As I was thinking back about the past, heavy running footsteps interrupted my thoughts. Seungho came dashing back into the cave, shirtless. "Hey, where did your shirt go?" I asked as he panted heavily, his whole body all drenched from the rain. He gestured at the firewood in his arm -- covered by his shirt to prevent the rain from wetting them. "I figured that you could use more warmth so I went to find firewood to start a fire with. Luckily I found those sitting under some leaves, nice and dry," he said as he settled the wood down on the ground and wringed the water out of his shirt. 

"Aish, you shouldn't have bothered. Now you're so wet and cold," I chided as I got up and huddled against him, trying to give him some warmth. Deep down inside, I was really touched by his gestures. 

He chuckled. "This is the first time that you're so nice to me since you came back," he said, hugging me tighter. "Well that's because you did something for me and now I'm trying to repay you back that favour," I replied.

"Nope. It's because you still love and care about me," he winked and started building the fire. I watched on as he piled the firewood on top of one another and arranged some dry grass that he plucked from somewhere. Then, he took out a lighter from his pocket and lighted the wood. As I stared at the burning flame, thoughts came flying into my mind. Could he be right? Do I still love him? But the one I love is Joonie... right?


"What are you thinking about, Haena?" he asked, sitting huddled by the fire. I shook my head and gave the jacket back to him. His shirt had not dried yet although it was placed near the fire and well, the weather was still horribly cold. 

"Nah, you take it, Haena. I'm alright." he said. "Liar. Just take it. The fire is warm enough," I replied, concerned, seeing him shivering so badly. 

My persistence paid off and he finally took it. 


"Haena, you should get some sleep," Seungho said, looking at my half-closed eyes. 

"Uhh..? No, it's okay. I can't let you stay up all by yourself guarding the cave," I replied drowsily, trying to keep my eyes open.

Seungho chuckled at the sight of me. "Aish. You are one stubborn girl. Will you sleep if I sleep too?" he asked.

I nodded my head, yawning. 


He spreaded his jacket out on the cold, hard floor and the two of us lied down on it, our bodies close and touching. But I was too tired to care. 

"Goodnight, Seungho," I mumbled, turning to face him.

"Goodnight, Haena," he whispered, kissing me on the lips.  






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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!