Returning to Korea

A New Beginning

Haena's P.O.V


“Home Sweet Home, Haena,” I murmured as I stepped out of the taxi. I stood still, carrying my luggage and

stared at the house in front of me. It has been years since I had been back but everything was still the same. 


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and a familiar sound filled the air. I turned around and saw an old wind-chime

hanging on the porch.


Immediately, I thought of him. It was the first present he ever gave me. He had saved up his pocket money for

weeks just to get me that for my birthday.


I wondered if he still lived in the same house across the street. "Well, there's only one way to find out," I said.

I ran to his house, fuelled by the thought that he might still be waiting for me to come back.


"Seungho oppa! Are you there? It's me! Haena! I'm back!" I cried as I pounded on the door.

Moments later, an elderly woman opened the door. "I'm sorry, Miss. The Yang family moved out many years


Were my ears hearing things or did she really just say that Seungho oppa and his family had moved?


"But.. but.. do you know where they moved to?" 

She shook her head with a sympathetic smile and closed the door.


"I don't believe it! He left! He wouldn't have forgotten about me and the promise we made, would he? No, no,

no! He must have had own his reasons for leaving! But South Korea is just so big. How on Earth am I going to

find him? Ugh! Why didn't they invent emailing during those days!" I groaned. 



"Aish. Why are there no nice TV shows showing now?!" I grumbled. I wanted to take my mind off Seungho

oppa by watching some television but obviously, that wasn't going to happen now.


At that moment, my cellphone rang. "HaeNa-ah, How are you doing all by yourself? Are you eating well? Do

you have enough clothing on you? Do you need more money?"


Oh great. Umma finally called. She warned me that she would call to double-check on me and I was hoping

that it was well, until much later but that's Umma for you I guess. Always moving like a missile when it comes

to her beloved daughter.


"Yes, relax, Umma. I'm doing fine. I'm already 19. I can take care of myself."


"You always say that, but you're just too careless and muddleheaded for someone not to be worried about

you! I bet if I didnt call to remind you about school tomorrow, you would totally forget about it."


Oh crap! She's right. There's school tomorrow! It had completely slipped my mind. My uniform and

textbooks were still somewhere in my luggage. I really need to find them before I forget about it.


I sighed. Why was I born with such a terrible memory? 


"Uh... I know that there's school tomorrow, Umma. I, uh, have something to do right now. Talk to you later!"


"Yah! Haena-ah!"  

I quickly hung up the phone and dashed into my room, rummaging through my luggages for my textbooks and



"Whew! Thank god I found it!" I heaved a sigh of relief as I lay on my bed. Searching for my uniform

and textbooks had used up more energy than I thought it would.


 I tried to stifle a yawn as I read the information booklet that was given to me by CheongShim High School

after receiving their scholarship.  


" Tomorrow will be my first day at school.. I hope everything turns out well..." I mumbled as I closed my tired

eyes for the night.


Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring. I'll try to add in more drama soon. Pls comment and subscribe! Hope you enjoyed this :D

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randrew1215 #1
Please continue it
Princessfly #2
Chapter 28: I hope Joon is there first @-@
Princessfly #3
Chapter 28: Doongie~~~ Whhyy >n<
Chapter 28: Ahh I found this story on Random and love it ^_^
Ps im rooting for Joonie (hes my bias keke)
Update soon neh?
Hi...I was just wondering if you're going to update soon? Please do since this story is really good!!!
I really hope Seungho gets there first..
MblaqLJluv #7
I mean seung ho nt swung ho xdd my bad
MblaqLJluv #8
Urmm i hope jjonie finds her xdd sry im a more joon bias thn swung ho bias xdd
mblaq-love #9
but i reallyreally hope yangdarkclouds finds her!