Knowing Her

We Just Agreed To It



          “uhm… I have my car…if that could…. Help.” I said. I don’t want to sit in the back with the instruments and other things. Patricia looked at me then to my cellphone. Yes, I’ve been texting after she left me in the back of the car. DBSK is also here in the Philippines to relax. I texted them to go th Mugen Bar. So that we could meet them there. I want them to meet my not so conservative fiancé. *sigh* but she’s cute though.

          “why didn’t you said that earlier?” Patricia whined. Hahah she look cute when she did that.

          “Good then. You----“ points a finger at Patricia. “-----go with your hubby and we’ll just bring your things and Baby JJ. Lets just meet there. Its already 8:45pm we’re running late. So make it faster.” Elisa said. With the LETS-JUST-GO tone, but where is Mugen Bar anyway.

          “Where is Mugen anyway.” I ask.

          “its in Metro walk.” Ninja answered. Metro walk…I know that place but I don’t know where is Mugen from there.

          “Oh okay. I know that place. Thanks.” I said. Then I look at Patricia.

          “You’ll show the way from there okay.” I said to her and she just nodded….. is it just me or she just blush…. But she has that straight face?! Tss never mind. I look at Elisa and Ninja which are still outside the car and said.

          “see you guys late.” I waved my hands. I took Patricia’s hand and start texting with my free hand.

To: Jung Yunho; Shim Changmin; Park Yoochun; Xiah Junsu

Msg: Guys, Mugen Bar is at Metrowalk.

          “Who are you texting?” Patricia ask.

          “Some friends.” I said bluntly and look at her. She then look down… oh. . What now.

          “um… Okay please be honest with me.----“ I stopped walking and hold both of her shoulders and she nodded.

          “----do you know who I am?” I ask.

          “yeah. Your Kim Jaejoong.” She said bluntly. She is in the music industry, right? She must know what I mean.

          “Yes, I know that you know that I am Kim Jaejoong. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Kim that you just had a dinner with. But what I mean is that other me. Do you knowthe other me?” I think I said that to fast, but Patricia just laugh.

          “why are you laughing? I didn’t say anything funny.” I said confuse.

          “oh. Sorry. Yes, I know who you are. Didn’t dad mention at the dinner the despite that I’m in a Rock band, I LOVE KPOP.” She said still laughing.

          “no, he didn’t.” I said still confuse. But she now composes herself. She took off my hands from her shoulders but now she puts her hands on my shoulders.

          “Yes, I know who you are.-----“ she look straight in my eyes.

          “you are Kim Jaejoong. Just plain Kim Jaejoong… But I don’t want to love Kim Jaejoong of DBSK. But wait. I like Hero Jaejoong. Hahahaah anyway, I want to know and love the simple Kim Jaejoong------“ Love?! Kim Jaejoong of DBSK? Like Hero Jaejoong?!

          “----- do you understand what I mean?” she said and node like forcing me or hoping that I understand what she said. I do understand what she said. I was just wasn’t expecting her to think this way. She is really different. I like that. But I like to do some acting. *mentally smirking*

          “huh?! what are you talking about?” I said. Hahah sorry. She now looks confuse.

          “you didn’t understand anything?” she said. Hahaha she looks funny.

          “no. educate me then.” I demanded. She now looks frustrated. Go on. Patricia. Explain. She sigh in defeat… from herself… maybe?! Hahahaah

          “I’ll explain later while you’re driving… So where is your car?” She said looking around… she then stares at a certain car.

          “WOW!!! AN AUDI R8!!! EEEEKKKKK!!! IF EYAY WILL SEE THIS! SHE’LL BRICKS!!!” she looks amazingly happy. I took out my car key from my pocket. I than press the unlock button and she got startled. The Audi is now unlocked, then the most priceless face I have ever seen. It is the face of my funny fiancé. Hahaha big eyes with an “o” shaped mouth.

          “OHMAYGAD! Is this yours?” she said then she stares at me. I, on the other hand just simply nodded with a smile.

          “No! Fruckin! Way!!!!!!” she said while her hands are covering while jumping like a kid. I can’t believe this girl. When we’re having dinner, she is like the QUIET-SIMPLE-TYPE, then when we’re walking to meet here bandmates she became the MYSTERIOUS-NAUGHTY-TYPE, when Elisa nagged at her, she became SCARED-WEAK-FRAGILE-TYPE, when she is changing without a care if people might see her changing in the public, she became the WHATEVER-HAPPENS-UNCONSERVATIVE-TYPE of girl and now, just seeing an audi and being amazed by it. She became the HAPPY-GO-LUCKY-KID-TYPE. Haha this girl is starting to amaze me more and more.

          “ohmmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygooooossshhhh!!! Jaejoongieeeee!!! This is just… this is just…. .WWWAAAHHHH!!!” she said while putting her hands in her head then pointing to my car with an amazed reaction. Yes, she is still jumping.

          “ohmygossh!! Can I come in now?! Can I? Can I?” she said while her right hand is covering and her left hand is holding the car door. I then rush to her and opened the door for her.

          “you can go in now.” I said motioning my hands for her to go inside.

          “KYAAAAAHHHHHH! Its so beautiful!” she said squealing in happiness.

          “how old are you again?” I ask her while frowning my eyebrows. She then became silent and hit my arm.

          “ouch! What?!” I said rubbing my arm.

          “hmp! I’m already 23 years old and still young. Thank you very much.” She said with a whatever-tone.

          “I’m sorry. Okay. Hahah” I now decided to fix her sit belt. She got startled and lean back to her seat and when I’m done, I was about to get out when I caught her staring at me. I froze. It’s so beautiful. Her eyes are just to mesmerizing… why is that?... all of a sudden she spoke.

          “so this is how it feels like… this really happens in real life.” She said nodding…. I… I’m confused…. What is she talking about?

          “what are you saying? What about real life?” I said getting out of the car and tilting my head.

          “oh. Don’t mind me. I’m just being me.” She said waving her hands.

          “I should stop reading too much fanfictions…” she mumbles.

          “huh?! Did you say something?!” I said.

          “huh?! I said we should go now or we’re going to be late.” She said then she close the car door.

          “o-kay…” I said.



          I sat there being pissed. Tss asking my age. I’m just amazed and super happy at the same time, that’s why I acted like that. As if he’s younger than me.

          “I’m sorry. Okay. Haha” he said. Tss. Sorry sorry. Sorry my ! He then lean inside his car then he fix my seat belt. Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohshiiiiiit!!! Why is he? What is he? What does he think his doing?! I can’t move. Oh damn it! *click* its done! Goodness. Mykey! Move! Relax! . Goddamnit! *melts* ohboy. Now he is staring at me. It’s so beautiful. Those eyes are soo… sooooo captivating. What is this feeling. Its tingly. Hahaha it’s a funny feeling. I like it.

          “so this is how it feels like… this really happens in real life.” I mumble. Oh. Me and my big mouth. Just node mykey. Node like you said nothing. I should stop reading too much fanfictions.

          “what are you saying? What about real life?” he said. He’s not out from his car. And tilted his head an look confuse. Oh damn. What to say… what to say….. mykey!  Look what you just did to yourself?

          “oh. Don’t mind me. I’m just being me.” I said. Aish! Could I get any lamer. Tss.

          “I should stop reading too much fanfictions….” I accidentally mumbles.

          “huh?! Did you say something?” he ask. Oh. Damn. One day. My mouth will be the death of me.

          “huh?! I said we should go now or we’re going to be late.” I said. Please don’t ask anymore. Then I close the car door. I then mentally face palm myself. Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!



          I’m now in the driver’s seat. Heh. Back to business.

          “Now. Educate me.” I said while starting the engine.

          “oh that? Hhmmmm… how do I start? Wait. I’m warning you. I’m not really good at explaining. Okay. Uhm… So right now, you’re being Kim Jaejoong that your parents took care of, the younger brother of your eight older sisters and the uncle of your nephews and nieces, and your just plain you. Its different from the other Kim Jaejoong, which is Hero Jaejoong. He is the member of Dong Bang Shin Ki, the hottest male artist in the Kpop convention here in the Philippines… not to mention four times in a row-----“ wow. Four times in a row? Am I that good looking?! Hahah hottest male artist eh?

 “-------- Hero Jaejoong is the Kim Jaejoong on stage. You guys are two different persons…. That is…. For me though…. Like me…. I’m a different person when I’m on stage. When I’m in there, I’m the Mykey that every  people in the Bar knows that… I…. I’m the bassist of the band named Gray Sky Morning, that sings, that I’m also one of the Monrose-----“  Monrose?!  What is monrose?

“------- but now…. I’m just the Mykey who is the eldest daughter of Michelle Damian and Arthur Damian…. And also the biological Daughter of Bong Park, the cousin of Raphael Park, the bestfriend of Elisa Kim, the half-sister of Mikaela Damian and Angela Damian….. goodness…. I talk too much. Hahahah-----“ she laughs. She is like telling me her life. Hahaha its good though because I’m actually getting to know about her family from what shes saying. Hahaha.

“*sigh* what I’m saying is that, in the stage… people knows you from the gifts and talent that you have…. You can act like you’re that happiest person on earth to give happiness to others… because you’re giving them a show-------“ she said those words with a slightly sad tone while looking down. She’s right. We do act. I Hate it when it happens to my band. I then look at her from the corner of my eyes. She now turns to me then she smiles.

“------ But if you’re not in stage… you are who you are. Just Kim Jaejoong. With the flaws, the simple guy that you are, the you that your parents made you. Their Lovely son.” She said. Well I’m now speechless. She is right though. It’s true. It’s a good thing that she understands it…. Well, because she is a musician herself. Like when she was on stage… despite the arguments that she and the Jorell guy had… she still acts like nothing bad happened. She smiles like she is the happiest person on earth the gives out happiness to other people…. Well that’s the entertainment industry. People that perform should leave their problems aside if they’re going to perform so that their performance own be affected…. act like nothing bad happened.

“Jaejoong-ssi------“ I cut her off.

“Jaejoong or Jaejoongie is fine. Drop t he formalities please. You’re my fiancé, you know.” Hahah she then laugh a little.

“okay. Jaejoongie… I know everything is so fast for us right now… since we are going to get married anyway, can you be Kim Jaejoong… the 100% you. With the flaw and everything?... I’m not saying that I don’t like the Hero Jaejoong… but I just want to be friends with him…. He is Hero Jaejoong after all. But I want to know and learn to love the Kim Jaejoong that is with me right now… well, if you don’t like it then its fine… its been hours since we got engaged to each other anyway.” She said. I just smile while driving. This girl just keeps on surprising me. Go With The Flow, eh?

“Yeah. Sure. We agrees to this anyway. Why not be ourselves.” I shrugged. I then look at her from the corner of my eyes. She just nodded looking at the window….

“Sorry if I’m too open to you. Hehehe I’m like this to people who I just met. I tent to trust them more than some of my friends….” She said.

“It’s okay… actually it’s a good thing. You can trust me.” I said.

“I know.” She simply answered. Then the rest of the drive is quiet…. 

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^