Kiss... Nothing

We Just Agreed To It

They were about to kiss… then again with Mykey’s twisted mind… she push Jaejoong and laugh so hard.



            “Haha! You should see your face! Haha! You are so easy to seduce, Man. You shouldn’t be like that! Haha!” I said to Joongie while laughing so hard. Oh. The tears! Haha

            “Yah! That’s not funny!” Joongie said while pouting

            “Yes, it is. It’s so funny that I couldn’t act any longer and burst out laughing! Haha! Your face!... haha Priceless! You were so into it… but then again… I ruined your moment… PUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I said still laughing

            “Utjima~~” He said

            “Arasseo… Arasseo… Lets clean this mess first then we’ll sleep.” I said patting his cheeks. Then we started cleaning… once in a while I’ll giggle a little f I remember his face and Joongie will protest saying that It’s not funny. After we finish… While Joongie was wiping his hands with a clean hand towel…. I walk up to him and back hug him and he seems startled…



            I was wiping my hands with a clean hand towel when Mykey back hugged me. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I feel so happy.

            “Yeobo~ I know you’re tired but… can you carry me upstairs?” She said. Aish! How can I resist this girl?! I t hen turn around and face her but she is still hugging me.

            “If this is one of your teasing game I will drop you to the floor.” I said with a straight face.

            “No, this is not one of it. This is very much true.” She said pouting. I then carry her bridal style and guided her to the switches of the lights for her to turn them off… her being in my arms… feels… so good… it feel… right…. When we reach her room… She hugged me… I was caught off guard. We are still in the middle of her room when she releases the hug then she stare at me intensely… her face started to move closer to mine… Her hands moves to the back of my neck and the back of my head and slightly gripping my hair… damn. It feels so good… then the most magical feeling exploded inside me. She kisses me… I then kiss her back with a gentle and passionate kiss… It is the sweetest kiss I have ever tasted by far. Then I walk to her bad and carefully lay her down and not break the kiss. I still kiss her gently because don’t want to push it. I need to control myself before I do something more than this….  Don’t want to force her to do something she’s not ready with. I’m on top of her and continue kissing her… after a while we broke apart… breathing heavily… I then pecked her lips ones more and t hen lay beside her…. She then hugs me…

            “I’m Sorry.” She said

            “Huh? Why are you saying that?” I said then slip my left hand around her and made her lay her head on my chest and I play with her hair.

            “I’m sorry if this is the only thing that I can give you for now…” She said… then smiles

            “I won’t force you to do something you are not ready to do… I’ll wait… And besides it’s still early… I mean really… Its way early for us t do it. And you said you need to love the person and be married to the before you do “it” with that person… I mean… Make love, right?” I said… then she hugs me tighter and looks up at me smilng…

            “Gumawo, Joongie… Saranghae.” She said then she kisses my cheeks.

            “Nado sarangher, Yeobe.” I said and kiss the top of her head… We now sleep.

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^