
We Just Agreed To It


            “Take care of her.” I said to them and they just nodded. I stood and left the room to see Elisa standing outside the door.

            “so… what is it that you wanted to talk about.” I said then she look at me intensly.

            “It’s about Mykey…” She said then looks down.

            “What about her? Is this about the argument that she and the Jorell guy had a while ago?” I said she then looks up at me.

            “No… Maybe… I don’t know.” She said. Huh? What is she talking about?

            “Then what is it?” I said confuse.

            “Well, you see… She’s upset… We’ve been best friends since high school… by observing her for many years… I know what she feels even if she puts that stupid mask on---“ the fake smiles.

            “--- I don’t know the reason why she’s like that now but I want you to do whatever she ask you.” She said.

            “What if I don’t want to?” I ask. Tsss… What if I can’t do what she asks me? Jumping to a cliff is a BIG NO NO.

            “Then she’ll be more upset then she already is and have that mask on. I hate that.” She said while frowning.

            “Oh.” Is all I said she then smile at me?

            “Of course she won’t make you do things that you can’t do.” She said. Haha Good. Otherwise I won’t do it.

            “She needs to sleep to get rid of her negative feelings like when she’s sad, mad, pissed, irritated, or aggravated at people. She needs to go home now.” Elisa said

            “She told me awhile ago that she needs to sleep.” I said. Hmm… I really think this is because of that Jorell guy. How dare he to make my fiancée like this. Tsk.

            “She’ll be staying at her apartment tonight until the weekend.” She said.

            “Yeah. That’s what she told me.” I said plainly. Elisa’s face has that evil grin.

            “Stay with her. She needs someone right now.” She said still with the evil grin.

            “Huh? She didn’t ask me to stay. Why would I listen to you?” I said. Is she crazy?

            “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay… I’ll even bet my salary this month that she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her.” She said with a teasing tone.

            “Sure. But if she doesn’t… I’ll give you…. I’ll give you….---“ she cut me off.

            “--- You’ll give me the chance to meet BAP.” She said. That’s easy.

            “Okay. If you come to Korea I’ll let you meet them. Deal?” I said smirking.

            “Deal.” She said happily.





            Otteoke! Jaejoong-hyung! She is so quiet! I bet even the others don’t know what to do. Why does she have to sit beside me? Aish! Shim Changmin! You need to do something!

            “eerr… uhm.. ne, mykey-ssi.” I said nervously. The other looked at me and sigh in relief.

            “Hmm.” She simply responded. Oh. . OTTEOKEEEE!!

            “Gu-gwenchanayo?” I said. Yah! Paboya! Changmin! Isn’t it obvious?! She’s not OKAY! Could you get any dumber? Sheesh!... all of a sudden I heard a heavy sigh then… then… she smiles… is this girl a bipolar? She then looks at me in the face.

            “Ne, gwenchana.” She said smiling. Eh? I’m confused…

            “Jjinja?” Yunho-hyung ask

            “Ne! Jjinja jjinjayo!” She said with a smile again. I guess there’s nothing to worry about.

            “But why are you so quiet awhile ago?” Junsu Ask. She tap her chin with her inderx finger like she’s playfully thinking.

            “Just because I feel like it.” She said

            “Yah! Don’t do that again. It’s scary and awkward.” Yoochun-hung said. She just laugh. Whooh. I thought it’s going to be dead silence in here.

            “Eh? Gwenchanayo, Changmin-ssi?” She said tilting her head and looking straight at me.

            “Ne, gwenchana.” I said in relief then Jaejoong-hyung came in. He looks shocked to see Mykey-ssi laugh like she didn’t came here with a gloomy face… he then became serious.

            “We’re leaving.” Jaejoong-hyung said while carrying Mykey-ssi’s things but when he was about to get the bass guitar… Mykey-ssi ran a took it.

            “I’ll carry Baby JJ.” She said smiling.

            “I said, I don’t want you to carry heavy things,  didn’t I?” He said then snatch the bass from Mykey-ssi.

            “Yah! I’ve been carrying my baby for years now. Even my picky can carry this on its own. Give that back.” She said while both of her hands are at her waist. Jaejoong-hyung just sigh and looks irritated. This is not good.

            “Listen. If you’re with me. You are not allowed to carry heavy things because I don’t want you too.” Hyung said in a serious tone.

            “Whatever.” She said. Then Hyung turned to us.

            “We’ll be going. I might not stay in the hotel tonight so don’t wait for me.” He said pissed. What happened to him.

            “And where are you staying?” Mykey-ssi said  but Jaejoong-hyung just left her.

            “UGH! Is he like this all the time? I didn’t do anything to him and he gives me this stinking attitude!” Mykey-ssi said

            “Aniyo. He’s all smiles. I don’t know what happened to him and act like that.” I said

            “You should go. He might get more pissed then he already is.” Yunho-hyung said.

            “*sigh* okay. Take care you guys… and sorry for my actions a while ago. Anyway.. BABYE!!!” then she left.

            “Well… that was… awkward…” Junsu-hyung said.

            “I don’t know what happened to him…” Yunho-hyung said. *sigh* I hope nothing bad happens to the both of them.



            I left her in the room.

            “Tsk. Why does she put that stinking mask of her? I hate it. She’s not in the stage anymore, so why does she still pretend to be happy! She’s hurting herself. Acting all happy even if you’re not happy at all. Tch.” I said to no one.

            “Hey! Wait up!” Mykey said she’s running towards me. I then stopped walking.

            “What is your problem? Getting pissed all of a sudden?” She said while breathing hard.

            “YOU! You’re my problem. You’re pretending.” I said the walk again… she follows.

            “Pretending? What are you saying?” She said confused… tsss… you just have good acting skills but it won’t work on me.

            “You came into the VIP room with a gloomy face then your best friend came and said to me that something is wrong with you. Then when I came back you’re all smiles and pretended to be happy. What’s up with that?” I said. Now we’re at the parking lot.

            “Oh that? I just don’t want to burden people… your friends don’t know what to do to me so I pretended to be happy.” She said

            “I’m sorry.” I said.

            “I just don’t like people seeing me like this because they know me as the girl who always smiles and gives happiness to other people… I only let a few trusted people to see me like this because… again… I don’t like to burden people…” She said with a sad voice. Aish! Now look what you just did.

            “I’m really sorry… Mykey-ah.” I said.

            “It’s okay. It’s only our first time anyway. You still don’t know me that well.” She said and gave me a weak smile.

            “Hey. You said… only a few trusted people can see you like this… I mean this sad. So does that mean… you trust me?” I ask.

            “Yeah, I do. Got a problem with that?” She said Good…  she trust me.

            “Nothing. I’m actually thankful. Got a problem with that?” I said and face her. We are now beside my car.

“Nothing. I’m actually happy.” She said while smiling.

            “Good.” I said then open the car door for her then put her things at the backseat.

            “I’m sorry. I just need to sleep.” She said when I got inside the car.

            “I know. Elisa told me.” I said she then smile.

            “You know… you’re lucky to have a great best friend like her.” I said while starting the engine.

            “I know. But she can’t keep shut.” She said pouting.

            “It’s a good thing for me though. She told me some important things about you.” I said smiling.

            “Aish! That girl.” She said then crossed her arms in front of her chest.

            “haha you’re cute. Do you know that?” I said getting out of the parking lot.

            “I know.” Then show all her pearly whites. Haha

            “ I take it back. You look ugly.” I said with a serious tone.

            “Yah! Kim Jaejoong! How dare you o insult your own future wife! I hate you!” She said and turns her back on me.

            “Nado, Sarangher.” I said. Hahaha

            “I HATE YOU.” She said with a mad voice

            “Where do you live?” I ask.

            “in 123 Ampupu Street, Schaliver Village, Chenilin, Puchacles .” She plainly said

A/N: I just made that up. It’s kind of funny to read.

            I put it in the GRPS then drove off.JAEJOONG’s POV

            “Take care of her.” I said to them and they just nodded. I stood and left the room to see Elisa standing outside the door.

            “so… what is it that you wanted to talk about.” I said then she look at me intensly.

            “It’s about Mykey…” She said then looks down.

            “What about her? Is this about the argument that she and the Jorell guy had a while ago?” I said she then looks up at me.

            “No… Maybe… I don’t know.” She said. Huh? What is she talking about?

            “Then what is it?” I said confuse.

            “Well, you see… She’s upset… We’ve been best friends since high school… by observing her for many years… I know what she feels even if she puts that stupid mask on---“ the fake smiles.

            “--- I don’t know the reason why she’s like that now but I want you to do whatever she ask you.” She said.

            “What if I don’t want to?” I ask. Tsss… What if I can’t do what she asks me? Jumping to a cliff is a BIG NO NO.

            “Then she’ll be more upset then she already is and have that mask on. I hate that.” She said while frowning.

            “Oh.” Is all I said she then smile at me?

            “Of course she won’t make you do things that you can’t do.” She said. Haha Good. Otherwise I won’t do it.

            “She needs to sleep to get rid of her negative feelings like when she’s sad, mad, pissed, irritated, or aggravated at people. She needs to go home now.” Elisa said

            “She told me awhile ago that she needs to sleep.” I said. Hmm… I really think this is because of that Jorell guy. How dare he to make my fiancée like this. Tsk.

            “She’ll be staying at her apartment tonight until the weekend.” She said.

            “Yeah. That’s what she told me.” I said plainly. Elisa’s face has that evil grin.

            “Stay with her. She needs someone right now.” She said still with the evil grin.

            “Huh? She didn’t ask me to stay. Why would I listen to you?” I said. Is she crazy?

            “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay… I’ll even bet my salary this month that she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her.” She said with a teasing tone.

            “Sure. But if she doesn’t… I’ll give you…. I’ll give you….---“ she cut me off.

            “--- You’ll give me the chance to meet BAP.” She said. That’s easy.

            “Okay. If you come to Korea I’ll let you meet them. Deal?” I said smirking.

            “Deal.” She said happily.





            Otteoke! Jaejoong-hyung! She is so quiet! I bet even the others don’t know what to do. Why does she have to sit beside me? Aish! Shim Changmin! You need to do something!

            “eerr… uhm.. ne, mykey-ssi.” I said nervously. The other looked at me and sigh in relief.

            “Hmm.” She simply responded. Oh. . OTTEOKEEEE!!

            “Gu-gwenchanayo?” I said. Yah! Paboya! Changmin! Isn’t it obvious?! She’s not OKAY! Could you get any dumber? Sheesh!... all of a sudden I heard a heavy sigh then… then… she smiles… is this girl a bipolar? She then looks at me in the face.

            “Ne, gwenchana.” She said smiling. Eh? I’m confused…

            “Jjinja?” Yunho-hyung ask

            “Ne! Jjinja jjinjayo!” She said with a smile again. I guess there’s nothing to worry about.

            “But why are you so quiet awhile ago?” Junsu Ask. She tap her chin with her inderx finger like she’s playfully thinking.

            “Just because I feel like it.” She said

            “Yah! Don’t do that again. It’s scary and awkward.” Yoochun-hung said. She just laugh. Whooh. I thought it’s going to be dead silence in here.

            “Eh? Gwenchanayo, Changmin-ssi?” She said tilting her head and looking straight at me.

            “Ne, gwenchana.” I said in relief then Jaejoong-hyung came in. He looks shocked to see Mykey-ssi laugh like she didn’t came here with a gloomy face… he then became serious.

            “We’re leaving.” Jaejoong-hyung said while carrying Mykey-ssi’s things but when he was about to get the bass guitar… Mykey-ssi ran a took it.

            “I’ll carry Baby JJ.” She said smiling.

            “I said, I don’t want you to carry heavy things,  didn’t I?” He said then snatch the bass from Mykey-ssi.

            “Yah! I’ve been carrying my baby for years now. Even my picky can carry this on its own. Give that back.” She said while both of her hands are at her waist. Jaejoong-hyung just sigh and looks irritated. This is not good.

            “Listen. If you’re with me. You are not allowed to carry heavy things because I don’t want you too.” Hyung said in a serious tone.

            “Whatever.” She said. Then Hyung turned to us.

            “We’ll be going. I might not stay in the hotel tonight so don’t wait for me.” He said pissed. What happened to him.

            “And where are you staying?” Mykey-ssi said  but Jaejoong-hyung just left her.

            “UGH! Is he like this all the time? I didn’t do anything to him and he gives me this stinking attitude!” Mykey-ssi said

            “Aniyo. He’s all smiles. I don’t know what happened to him and act like that.” I said

            “You should go. He might get more pissed then he already is.” Yunho-hyung said.

            “*sigh* okay. Take care you guys… and sorry for my actions a while ago. Anyway.. BABYE!!!” then she left.

            “Well… that was… awkward…” Junsu-hyung said.

            “I don’t know what happened to him…” Yunho-hyung said. *sigh* I hope nothing bad happens to the both of them.



            I left her in the room.

            “Tsk. Why does she put that stinking mask of her? I hate it. She’s not in the stage anymore, so why does she still pretend to be happy! She’s hurting herself. Acting all happy even if you’re not happy at all. Tch.” I said to no one.

            “Hey! Wait up!” Mykey said she’s running towards me. I then stopped walking.

            “What is your problem? Getting pissed all of a sudden?” She said while breathing hard.

            “YOU! You’re my problem. You’re pretending.” I said the walk again… she follows.

            “Pretending? What are you saying?” She said confused… tsss… you just have good acting skills but it won’t work on me.

            “You came into the VIP room with a gloomy face then your best friend came and said to me that something is wrong with you. Then when I came back you’re all smiles and pretended to be happy. What’s up with that?” I said. Now we’re at the parking lot.

            “Oh that? I just don’t want to burden people… your friends don’t know what to do to me so I pretended to be happy.” She said

            “I’m sorry.” I said.

            “I just don’t like people seeing me like this because they know me as the girl who always smiles and gives happiness to other people… I only let a few trusted people to see me like this because… again… I don’t like to burden people…” She said with a sad voice. Aish! Now look what you just did.

            “I’m really sorry… Mykey-ah.” I said.

            “It’s okay. It’s only our first time anyway. You still don’t know me that well.” She said and gave me a weak smile.

            “Hey. You said… only a few trusted people can see you like this… I mean this sad. So does that mean… you trust me?” I ask.

            “Yeah, I do. Got a problem with that?” She said Good…  she trust me.

            “Nothing. I’m actually thankful. Got a problem with that?” I said and face her. We are now beside my car.

“Nothing. I’m actually happy.” She said while smiling.

            “Good.” I said then open the car door for her then put her things at the backseat.

            “I’m sorry. I just need to sleep.” She said when I got inside the car.

            “I know. Elisa told me.” I said she then smile.

            “You know… you’re lucky to have a great best friend like her.” I said while starting the engine.

            “I know. But she can’t keep shut.” She said pouting.

            “It’s a good thing for me though. She told me some important things about you.” I said smiling.

            “Aish! That girl.” She said then crossed her arms in front of her chest.

            “haha you’re cute. Do you know that?” I said getting out of the parking lot.

            “I know.” Then show all her pearly whites. Haha

            “ I take it back. You look ugly.” I said with a serious tone.

            “Yah! Kim Jaejoong! How dare you o insult your own future wife! I hate you!” She said and turns her back on me.

            “Nado, Sarangher.” I said. Hahaha

            “I HATE YOU.” She said with a mad voice

            “Where do you live?” I ask.

            “in 123 Ampupu Street, Schaliver Village, Chenilin, Puchacles .” She plainly said

A/N: I just made that up. It’s kind of funny to read.

            I put it in the GRPS then drove off.

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^