
We Just Agreed To It


My dad is friends with the Kim Family. When he worked in Korea they met my dad in Gangnam when this snatcher took the bag of Mrs. Kim. My Dad being the helpful one… well… helped them. Chajang! HE SAVED THE DAY!... for the Mrs. Kim that is…. Then POOF! They became friends!!! My dad said this guy over here is still a kid back then… Me, not knowing that my biological father is working there and literally don’t know him at that time because he left me and my mom when he knew that they accidentally made me…. You know… I just pretend to get along with them. Because they’re “catching-up” … my acting just kicked in. Just go with the flow, Mykey. Laugh here and there. Smile a little….. -_-^ that’s all I did. Well, I don’t know them, so I can’t just barge in and say “oh yeah! I remember that time.” And laugh along like I’m with them… a simple laugh and simile will do. “Do you still remember when you use to play with me because your sisters are busy and you have no one to play with you?” My dad said while slightly laughing… I look at the guy and he’s blushing. Hahah how cute. “Yah. It’s because they’re doing much more important than them playing with me----“he look down then look at his parents. “----but I still love them, of course.” He is smiling to his parents. “We know, my dear Joongie…. Oh. The foods are here.” Mrs. Kim said then turns to me smiling and claps her hands. I look at this guy’s father. He has that proud look on his son…. I’m starting to like this family and to this guy. Even he is just an adopted child, treats his parents like they are connected by blood. I like that. When I was in deep thought of the goodness that I see in his family… I didn’t notice that I was staring at him…. And he… and… he….. is he staring back?! Why is he staring?!... Goodness! Why am I staring at him! Tss…. Mykey…. What are you doing! When I snap back, he smirked at me… evilly smirked. At. Me! What the! He just! UGH! After all the beautiful thought that I made about him…. He evilly smirked at me! I don’t like him! Tsk. I know I shouldn’t jump in to conclusions. It’s just a smirk. What harm could that bring me? For me FIRST IMPRESION NEVER LAST….  But wait!! I already had the first impression of him. The Kind type… well, it’s because of his love for his parents… and then that evil smirk! It could mean anything! Any. Bad. Thing. Truly, First impression never last.

I started to eat my food when Mrs. Kim talks to me. “So, Patricia------“ I flinch to my own name. I hate my name. “-------I see that you have a guitar with you, do you play that?” she asks. “Yes, Mrs. Kim. I play it. (Obviously) It’s actually a bass guitar.” I said happily. She nodded and Mr. Kim spoke. “I’m guessing you have a band, am I right?” he said looking at me. “Yes, Mr. Kim.” I said smiling. “Is your band all girls?” he asks. “Oh. No, Mr. Kim They are actually all boys. I’m the only girl in the band.-----“ shaking my hand in front of me. “-------I’m actually with my cousin. He is one of our guitarists and I got my close friends as the other members. So, basically they are all my family and there’s no need to worry.” He just nodded after that. Mrs. Kim smiled at me… and this guy in front of me A.K.A Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son is staring at me. Tsss WEIRDO. “actually my band is going to fetch me here because we have a gig in Mugen Bar. It starts at 9pm-----“ I look at my watch. It’s 8pm “-----it’s already 8pm. I’m sorry. I’m going to leave early. They will be here after 30min.” I said looking down. My actually fund of this old couple. They talk to me like I’m their daughter. Sorry…. *sigh* when I looked at my dad… he tensed up…. Then I also look at Mr. and Mrs. Kim and they are tense as well. Then I look at their son. He… he looks confused. My dad cleared his throat. “I think it’s time to tell them.” Then Mr. and Mrs. Kim nodded. I look at my dad and to Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son. He looks more confuse. “Tell what?” me and Mr. and Mrs. Son said in union. Mrs. Kim slightly laughs but composes herself after…. Weird. “Eomma, tell what----“ he looks at his mom and then to my dad. “----Bong-ahjussi, what is it to tell.” I was just quiet. I’ll just let the guy do the stressful questioning… they’ll going to say it anyway… “Joongie…. You and Patricia----“ the name again. “------ are going to get married.” It was quiet for a few seconds then.

“MWWOOOH!!!” me and Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son said union. “Dad, Its February 20. It’s not April 1! It’s not April fool’s day for crying out loud!! Does mom even know this?” my dad just nodded. “We talked about it with your step-father when you were in your band practice last Sunday. “ I can’t believe this!! My mom just smiled while giving me this dress… that’s why she’s being weird!! That’s why dad didn’t nag at me! Many questions flooded my mind… the table is now quiet… I only hear the noise that other people make. *sigh* how am I suppose to tell this to the band and to LAGA!! EOTTOKEEEEE!!!! T-T especially when they know that I’m going to marry this guy!!! HELP MEEEE!!!!.... But I know my parents and my dad won’t just do or make decision this important without an important reason. *sigh* for my parents and my dad. Come what may…. *sigh* come what may…. I then look at my dad. “You guys won’t just do this without an important reason, right?” I said then I look at Mr. and Mrs. Kim and they just smile while nodding. Then I look at their son. “I’ll just go the flow…Whatever may happen I’ll just agree to it. -------“ I’m not still finish with my freaking speech but their son interrupted me. “are you not going to say no?.... what are you saying go with the flow? Yah! Micheosso!!” he said in a slightly screaming way…. Tss dude, I’m in front of you, just talk with a normal volume. Aissh! *sigh* “My parents won’t just make a decision like this without a good and important reason. -----“ I look at my biological father and smile. “------I trust them and your parents…. They don’t look like bad parents who will do bad things in this arranged marriage thing.” He now look at his parents and he heavily sigh…. He looks funny when he did that. Hehe. “Yeah. Okay. Whatever. But mom dad… I want some legit reason about this arranged marriage thing.” He said in a serious tone. Eeeeeehhhhh…. Scary. And now he turned to me with a freaking face…. Damn! Ah wae!! Waegure!!! That face! Why does it has to me like that! I want to slam my head to this table until it breaks!!  “wha-why are you looking at me like that?” I can’t believe I just stutter! YAH! MYKEY!! Get a hold of yourself! “we nee-----“ he was cut off by someone.

“uh. Excuse me.” I turned and I was saved by an angel! THANK YOOOUUUUUU!!!! 





HI! hahaha I hope you guys like it. plese bare with me.... I'm new. hahah

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^