Her Comfort Zone Part 1

We Just Agreed To It


            Our ride to her house was quiet… comfortable quiet. When I stopped at 123 Ampupu Street, Schaliver Village, Chenilin, Puchacles, she didn’t move an inch. I’m in the right location, right?

            “Mykey-yah, we’re here. Is this your apartment?” I said.

            “Yeah. This is it. Kaja.” She said and got out of the car. I took her things at the backseat. Her apartment is two stories high. She then opens the door and when I came in… I’m quite…confused… is she really the one who lives here? Its looks like a man lives here. Don’t get me wrong… her place is spotless… it’s just that the interior is designed for a guy… even I would like my place to be like this.

            “If you’re thinking if this place is really mine since it’s too manly for me…. Then yes, this is mine. I like the edgy things… plain white and black and a little touch of gray at red. So yeah.” She said. I actually like it here… But she’s boyish. a girl that is way different from the girls at my country.

            “I like it. My apartment in Korea is kind of like this… but yours is way more cooler.” I said while putting her bag on the floor then her bass in the couch. I was looking around when I hear music all around the house. I then look at the corner of the ceilings and I see many insulted speakers in all of them. Nice. I then see a piano at the corner of the living room. Then I realize that the music that’s playing is Yiruma’s River Flows In You. I then see Mykey-ssi came out from the back of the back… near the stairs. She walks towards me… oh. (-_-^) I thought… ugh. To my disappointment she walks pass me and sat on the couch with eyes close.

            “If you’re not cofortable about this… then I’m sorry… I just need to relax. Sit.---“ She patted the space beside her.

            “---you need to relax as well.” She said with her eyes still close. I then sat beside her… Elisa’s words repeats on my mind…

            “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….” 

“Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

                        “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”


                        “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”


                        “Trust me. She’ll ask you to stay…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            She wouldn’t dare.

            “Jaejoongie…” She said.

            “Yeah.” I said facing her… but still she has her eyes close.

            “Where are you going later?” She ask

            “I… I don’t know.” I said

            “Aren’t you going to your hotel?” She asks still with her eyes close.

            “No. I don’t want to, but I don’t know where to go.” I said still facing her… you know what… She’s actually more beautiful close up.

            “Could you just stay here?” She said. Ay-yay-yay! Elisa won.

            “Yeah, sure.” I said… She then stood and left me.

            “Hey. Where are you going?” I ask her.

            “Are you planning to sleep with that clothes?” She said.

            “Oh. Hehe”

            “Thought so---“ she smirk

            “--- wait here.” She said then left… after 10min she came back wearing a big white shirt and uhmm… I actually don’t know if she’s wearing a pair of shorts. She’s all freshen up.

            “These are some of Ninja’s clothes.  When I first got this apartment he always sleeps here with me. Go clean yourself---“ She gave me her cousin’s clothes.

            “--- the bathroom is at the corner.”  She said. So I left… after maybe 10min or so I was done and I see her watching TV. I then walk up to her.

            “Hey.” I said softly.

            “Oh. You’re done.” She said looking at me.

            “Yeah. You should go upstairs and sleep now.” I said then fixing myself in the couch… but she’s staring at me.

            “Dude, what are you doing?” She said.

            “Uhmm… getting comfy on this couch so that I could sleep comfortably?” I said plainly.  Then Elisa’s words come in my mind again…

            “…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            “…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            “…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            “…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            “…………. she’ll also ask you to sleep in her bed… with. Her….”

            Aish! Quit it!

           “Do you think I’m going to let you sleep here?” She said while both of her hands are at her waist.

            “Where am I going to sleep then?” I ask. She won’t let me sleep on her bed with… her is she? But a part of me wants to. Eeeekkk!!

            “Come with me. We’ll both sleep in my room.” She said like nothing’s wrong with that. I mean I’m a man and she’s… well obviously a woman. And she wants us to be sleeping in that same bed… I have urges… I’m a man. She’s just wearing a freaking huge shirt with who knows what’s under it! I’m not even sure if she’s wearing shorts or just her…. Ugh! What am I going to do to this girl? Otteokaji!!! She then took my hand… I couldn’t protest…. Well… it’s not that I couldn’t…  just don’t want to. Sheesh! I’m a guy!  She then face me with an evil grin o her face.

            “Don’t worry I don’t bite.” She sad then pull me up stairs. This. Girl. Is. Out. Of. Her. Mind.

            “In case you forgot… I’m a man. I have urges and raging hormones. You do know that, right?” I said to her. We are now in front of the door of her room.

            “I know. Tsss. As if you can do those things to me… well, you can but not now.” Again… she said it like there’s nothing’s wrong with what she said. She then open the door… her room is like… a… man’s room. It’s like the same pattern like that VIP Room in Mugen. Does she hate girly things? I’m still a man and she’s a girl… woman… she’s too comfortable around me.

            “Why are you this comfy with me that you’ll let me sleep with you in the same bed?” I said. She then let go of my hands and face me.

            “There are 4 reasons. 1st, I’m comfortable with guys than girls. It’s weird but that’s how I am. 2nd, most of my friends are guys and I tend to trust them more than girls… well, Monrose is different. I love them to bits. 3rd, if you’re thinking that I have gone crazy… then you’re wrong and 4th, the most stupid and obvious reason is that… Dude! We’re going to get married with each other and we’ll be sleeping on the same bed. Might as well get used to be sleeping with you.” She then smirk and walk up to me. She puts her face an inch away from mine and whisper.

            “And besides you’re not the first guy who slept with me in my bed.” Then she pulls away smirking.

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^