Who Is He?

We Just Agreed To It


            It’s 9:45AM and I just finish fixing myself to go and have a surprise visit to my non-blood related fraternal twin. We are now on our way to her apartment. Laga said every Friday night until Sunday morning she stays there and in the weekdays she stays at her parents. It’s Saturday! Yippee! After a short drive we arrived at her house. It’s quite big for a girl living alone. Its 10:15AM haha… we never change. Filipino time haha we’re supposed to be here around 9AM and yet we arrived 10:15AM tss… what the heck. It’s a surprise visit she won’t know if we’re late or not. Haha

            “Here’s the key, Oppa.” Laga said while giving me 2 keys.

            “Uhmm… What am I suppose to open with this?” I said

            “That’s the duplicate of her house and room. Go inside and surprise her. Go! Go! Go!” She said shoeing me.

            “Alright! Alright! See, I’m leaving. Oh.” I said. I ran to her front door and I open it to reveal a super clean and neat boyish interior.

            “is this the right house?” I said to no one.

            “Yup, you know how she is. She hates girly things. I bet her room is way manlier than yours.” Laga said while closing the front door.

            “I know… where is her room?” I said wth an evl grin.

            “Upstairs. Go! She’ll be happy to see you.” Laga said.  Then rush to her room and slowly opened the door to reveal a bed with a person sleeping… I guess. But the blanket is covering t he entire person. Eh? Has Mykey gone fat and tall? She’s so long? Tsk anyway… time to wake up my twin sister. I then slowly grip the blanket and then I quickly pull it and scream

            “RISE AND SHINE!!” then to my surprise there were two persons sleeping on the bed… they look at me sleepily… then the three of us screams…




            I was down stairs and drinking water when all of a sudden I hear screams upstairs. I then rush upstairs to reveal a very shocked Jaejoong and Mykey. Kkkkkkk it seems like the bet.

            “AAAAAHHHH… AH? Oppa? Gil-oppa?” Mykey said then both guys stop screaming.

            “Yeah.” Oppa said while smiling. Then he reaches out his hands to her for a hug. Mykey then stood up and jump on Gil-oppa.

            “WWAAAAAHH!! OPPA! I miss you!” She said while giving oppa a super bear hug leaving a confuse Jaejoong then it slightly turned to a mad facial expression. I then look at Oppa and Mykey. Hahaha OOOHH the Jealousy. Hahaha Mykey is kissing Gil-oppa’s cheeks. Mykey then release Gil-oppa and face me.

            “Yah! Why didn’t you tell me that you’re coming?” She’s mad at me.

            “Tsss… How does it going to be a surprise visit if I’m going to tell you? Helloooo?” I said

            “Aigoo~~~ you know very well that Jaejoong is here. Look what happen.” She said while crossing her arms in front of her chest. Eerrr…

            “He. He. Sorry. I forgot to tell him about that.” I said

            “Goodness… If you’re not my best friend and I don’t love you… I already kicked you out of my house. Go on and make breakfast…” She said.

            “I love you too. Anyway, I’ll be making breakfast to everybody. Arielle will be here later this afternoon.” I said then left the room.

            “I’ll be expecting some major explanation later after our breakfast and yes, I know him. I realized t just now. I’ll be downstairs helping Laga. Go and fix yourselves.” I heard Oppa said then follow me downstairs.



            Explaining… explaining…. Again… do I have to? I’m too lazy to expl---

            “AH!” Jaejoongie pulled me on top of him… how am I suppose to think properly if this guy is doing this…

            “You. Missy, made me jealous of that oppa of yours.” He said eeeekkk!! This guy is giving me tingly feeling! But why is he jealous of opps?

            “Jealous of Gil-oppa?” I said then Jaejoong rolled over making himself on top of me. Ugh. This guy is making the butterflies in my stomach go wild… ani! Scratch the butterflies… It’s more like bats had gone wild inside me. He then moves to my left ear and whisper.

            “You hadn’t yet given me my morning kisses and yet you kiss that Gil-oppa of yours. It’s unfair.” Then he looks at me intensely. Goodness.

            “Is that it? You’re jealous because of that?” I said. He is now pouting… damn it… how can I resist that freaking cute face in the morning!!!! I then put both of my hand on either sides of his face… I then kiss him.

            “MMMMMWWWAAAHHH!!---“ I lean back a little then I saw his super cute but shocked face.

            “---Good morning, Jaejoongie.” I said haha he looks funny. He didn’t move an inch. He is still staring at me. Uhmm.. Did mention that I kissed him on the lips? No? oh. Okay. Now you know. He’s lips are so soft by the way… eeeeeekkkk!! Damn this guy and his raging hormones!! Sheesh! Look at what he made me do! Tsk. This guy is still not moving.

            “Yah… Jaejoongie… you got you morning kiss already… please move.” I said while poking his left cheek.

            “You…you…you kissed me on the lips.” He said while sitting on the floor with a startled facial expression.  Then I sat properly on the edge of my bed.

            “Yeah. Why? You made me do it.---“ I then Pout.

            “---but you didn’t kissed me back.” I said. Then I stood up and start walking towards the door.  Was about to turn the door knob when I felt someone… well it’s obviously Jaejoongie, grab me left wrist and then he turn me around then one of his free hand held the back of my head then he kiss me… it was sweet and gentle. I then kiss him back… eeeekkkkk!! it’s a good thing that he can’t read minds like Edward Cullen because if he can… I’m dead. I’m actually screaming my head off… mentally. This guy satisfies me. After a minute or so… We decided to pull away from each other.

            “Good morning, my princess.” He said and pecked my lips. Sheesh! This guy can’t get enough. He then held me on my waist.

            “You know it’s funny… we met last night, then we got ourselves engaged with each other, then you slept with me on my bed, then now, we got to kiss each other. Tsk tsk tsk… not to mention we act like we have been together for a long time.” I said then touch the tips of his nose, He then smile.

            “I’m comfortable around you, then you made me like you with your voice, then you made me mad at you—“  I then leaned back a little.

            “---but last night, you, my princes---“ he puts his forehead to mine.

            “---unbelievably made me fell in love with you, then a while ago… you made me jealous, then---“ he lean back.

            “---you caught me off guard by kissing me on my lips---“ he then tighten his little hug on my waist.

            “---then I can’t resist you anymore. You made me kiss you.” He said. I then pinch his cheeks.

            “You are so adorable. We need to go down now.  I have some explaining to do to Gil-oppa.” Then he kisses my forehead.

            “Alright.” He said then he releases me. When I’m really down the stairs… I can’t control my smile anymore…. this face! Stop smiling! You look ridiculous!

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^