GSM, Him and Her

We Just Agreed To It


“-------I want some legit reason about this arranged marriage thing.” He said in a serious tone. Eeeeeehhhhh…. Scary. And now he turned to me with a freaking face…. Damn! Ah wae!! Waegure!!! That face! Why does it has to look at me like that! I want to slam my head to this table until it breaks!! 

“wha-why are you looking at me like that?” I can’t believe I just stutter! YAH! MYKEY!! Get a hold of yourself!

“we nee-----“ he was cut off by someone.

“uh. Excuse me.” I turned and I was saved by an angel! THANK YOOOUUUUUU!!!!  

Its my cousin!! “JAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” I stood up and hug him, then I whisper.

“you don’t know who much I wanted to see you.” And then I pulled away to look at him while I smile. His facial expression is like WHAT-THE-HELL-ARE-YOU-TALKING-ABOUT?!

“I’ll explain later.” I said. Now he is looking at me from head to toe.

“Ate Myk (Myk-noona), what are you wearing?! Are you going to wear that later?!” I stare at him and all of a suppen I hit his head.

“ouch! What was that for!” he said

“its for you to say. “oh. Ate Myk. You look pretty will that dress.” Tsk! I rarely wear this kind of clothes and now you just sounded like you’re mocking me! Ugh! I’m so not going to treat you later with the band for our celebration!” I said folding my arms to my chest and sit on my chair. I unconsciously look up at Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son and he looks like he is suppressing laughter. hehe cute. I thought.

“what?!  You never said about treating the band later.” Jah said confuse.

“Well, now you know!” I said in a serious tone. Mr. and Mrs. Kim and also my dad are giggling and I smiled.

“My dear, you’re beautiful in that dress. Don’t worry.” Mrs. Kim said. That made me smile… wait! I forgot!

“OH. Thank yooouuuuu….?!” I stopped and look at Mrs. Kim and she said. “Eomma, you can call me Eomma.” Then she smiled.

“Ne, kamsahamnida, Eomma.--------“ I smile

“-------Oh, this is my cousin Raphael Lee or Ninja. He is our guitarist.” I said while standing beside, Jah.

“Hi. I’m Raphael.” He said while slightly bowing.

“Jah, meet my future family.” I said and his eyes almost pop out of its ets.

“what future family?! You don’t even have a boyfriend?!” he said with a mocking tone…. >:’) and with that I hit his head… again. J hahaha my dad and the Kim family laugh at us. Ha.ha. serves you right. Mocking bird! I thought.

“OUCH! Tsk! Again with hitting my head! Ate Myks if I get a brain damage, you are so…….soooo..” I cut him.

“So what?! Tsk. Just get my backpack and I’ll follow! So shoo.” He took my things while murmuring…. Hahaha I love my cousin! Imagine a guy with full of charisma making faces while mumbling words! Haha cute, right?! I not turned and face the Kim family.

“soooo… I’m sure this is not the last time that I’ll be seeing you. Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Though I really have to go. My band needs me------“ I turn to look at Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s son.

“---- wanna come?” He now look shock,

“Yeah. Why don’t you come with them and have time with Patricia.“ . Again with that name. Eomma said.

“okay.” Said her son. HUH?! Just like that?! Okay?! O-okay?! Ugh. Whatev……eerrrrr why is he taking Baby JJ?!

“uhm. What are you doing?” I said confuse

“uhm… carrying your bass guitar. I know its heavy… I don’t want my future wifey to carry such heavy thing while wearing a beautiful dress.” He said then he winked at me. Eeeekkkkkk!!! >_< mykey! Don’t unleash that wild fangirl in you!

“Oh. O-okay-------“ I face my family. “------ bye. I’ll take care of him.” I said and catch up with my hubby. Sheeeetttt!! Hubby. Tsk. Its feels kinda weird to think of it. What more if I say it?!

Hhhmmmmm…. “my hubby.” I said with a low voice…. Then aaaaacccckkkk!! Goosebumps!! This is not good. Its so… so…. Cheesy. I’m not going to say that… that… ah. That word. Ugh. Okay. Whooh! Enough with the nice attitude… be untouchable mykey. Oh. There’s my band. I then walk pass…. Walk pass… to… to my…. My fian…. Fiancé. *sigh*

“yah! Chakkanmanyo! He said.

“tsk. Whats the use of your long legs if you’re not going to use it properly. Tsk. Walk faster then.” I said then we’re almost close to my band. They’re beside kuya jampol(jampol-oppa)’s gray CR-V. they’re wearing the simple white v-neck shirt and black skinny jeans… haha now that’s my bandmates. We only wear simple clothes.

“why the bad attitude now?” He said walking beside me.

“You still don’t know me and by judging the smirk you had in our little dinner awhile ago… tsss… you’re not so nice yourself.” I said while I stopped walking and smirked at him. I’m sorry to break it to you, my future husband. But I can see through people with simple things that they do. I though.

“oh. Is that so.” He simple said while smirking at me. We then stare at each other while smirking….. More like evil smirk battle. Hahaha. He started to lean to me until I can feel his breaths fanning my face… shhhheeeett!! I can smell him! Eeeeekkkkk!! I tell you. He smells so damn good! Tsk! Why now! I have a thing with guys how smell good. Haha one time when my cousin ninja walk pass me to get his guitar when he slept at my apartment and he… he just…. Ugh! He smells so good. Hahah I unconsciously followed him until he was in front of the front door to leave. Because he and his girlfriend have a date that day. Hahaha I was only wearing a huge shirt and no shorts…. Yup, only my undies. Hahaha so what?! My cousin smells so good. I don’t care if other people see me only wearing only those clothes. Haaha then my cousin face me.

“Ate(noona). What are you doing?” he said while rising one of his eyebrows.

“just smelling you. Haha do you have a problem with that?” I said while sniffing him from the back. Hahah I know its weird. But I can’t help it.

“why don’t you do this to Jorell then? We have the same perfume, you know.” He said. Tss… what he said cause me to straighten up myself.

“tsk. You just ruin my day. I hate you!” I said then hit his head and walk inside my apartment. Hahaha remembering that was funny. Back to business. This future husband of mine is testing me, eh. Hahah I didn’t lean back or move an inch from what he is doing. I’m not afraid of you, you bastard! Hahaha I’m stronger than I look! He now leans back and said.

“You’re cool and… different. I like that.” Hah! Of course I’m Mykey Lee for crying out loud. Hahaha too boastful. Tsktsk bad mykey. Bad.

“I know.” I said and left him.

“is that your bandmates?” he walk beside me… scratch that. More like super close to me. Tsk. This guy.

“yeah. But I can’t see the other one.” I said looking for Jorell.

“where is that bastard. Tsk” I said to no one.

“nugu?!” my fiancé said looking at me.

“Jorell, our lead guitarist.” I said looking around the parking lot. I then saw my bandmates stare at me and to my fiancé who is carrying Baby JJ for me. He is wearing a semi-formal outfit. I look at him. Damn! I can’t believe that this guy will be my husband soon. To think that we don’t know each other. I said in my mind. So we are now in front of my bandmates.

“Yah! Don’t you know that it’s rude to stare at people?” I slightly scream at them. Then Kuya Jampol (Jampol-oppa) cleared his throat.

“Myks, I know you look gorgeous and all… but.. what are you wearing?” He said confuse. Tsk. Why do they have to question what I’m wearing, right now! Ugh. I heard my cousin giggle… I shoot him a death glare.

“and why is he carrying your Baby JJ? You won’t even let us hold him and then this guy can.” Jampol-oppa said. Yup, my bass guitar’s name is Baby JJ. Hahah I look at my fiancé and he looks super confuse. Then he turn and face me… with a slightly pissed look. I don’t know why he did that. Maybe because of the JJ thing or he thinks that I know him…. But of course I know him. Its just that I act like I don’t. I can’t freak out in front of him… its too embarrassing…. *sigh* whatever. I then  face my bandmated then said.

“Yeah. Nice to see you too guys.” Then I fake a smile. Then I took a step near my fiancé and put my arm around his shoulders. It’s a good thing that I’m wearing this freaking weapon right now. I’m not that tall you know. Anyway, I put my brightest smile ever then I said.

“This guy here, my dear bandmates I------“ I was going to say my fiancé but my scary bestfriend came out from  jampol-oppa’s CR-v… dang. Why is she with them? She was suppose to be in the bar not here. Goodness gracious! I’m going to have some major explaining to do. . This girl is going to kill me someday.

“-----s oh. .” I pull my arm back to my side. She is scary I tell you.

“Oh. Yow. Laga-yah. He. He.” I said nervously. I then look at my fiancé and he looks confused because of our situation. Damn. If he only know how scary this girl is. He’ll bricks.

“Ate mykey! (Mykey-unni) we still have 40 minutes before we go to mugen-----“ . That scary smile again. Help!

“-----now. Explain. Why is this guy doing here?” my bestfriend said. Oh. . Oh. . Oh. Shiiiiiit!!

“eerr. Uhm… he.. uuuhhh. He is… kiiii… uhm. Kim ….Jae….Kim Jae…. Joong… my----“ I gulped “----- my…. Fian…. Fiancé.” I said nervously looking down. Then all hell break loose.




hahaha I hope this chapter is now as boring as the others.

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^