Blabbing And Meeting

We Just Agreed To It


Do you think in this generation an arranged marriage is still possible? If your answer is no, then you’re damn wrong!!! Don’t get me wrong, ugh. I’m not happy about it. I’m actually being sarcastic here if you didn’t notice. I think arranged marriage is for rich people that own big companies that use their sons and daughters for a merge or something that they do in their companies. (tsk. How should I know?  -_-^ I only have a simple family.) It’s sad, don’t you think? *sigh* It can even be possible in different combinations of classes of people. Like the most famous Rich-Rich…. It can also be the Average-Average, Poor-Poor, Rich-Average and Average-Poor… but the rarest of all is the Rich-Poor…. Well, because I only see it on TV. Ugh. Parents these days are just…. just… being parents.

            Anyway, there’s no basis in what I’m blabbing about right now. It’s just all my opinion. I just thought of all of that just now. Because I’m actually being part of one of the freakin’ combinations that I have thought awhile ago. I thought my day is just like any other day when I play in the Bar that my band is regular in. but to my surprise, my biological father called me.

I’m hearing the Intro of blessthefall’s Guys like You Make Us Look Bad. Yup, that’s my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and it’s my Biological father. “Hi, Sweety.” He said “Oh. Hi, Dad. Wassup?” I said while packing my things for my gig later. (didn’t I say that I’m in a band?) it’s Friday we have a gig there, also on Mondays and Wednesdays. If my band is free on Saturday then we sometimes play there to. “Dear, I want you to come with me and lets have dinner with my friends. They’re from Korea~~~~” he said in a teasing tone. Yup, my biological father knows that I love Kpop even I’m playing rock music. “huh?! But Dad, I have to go to Mugen (it’s the name of the Bar) tonight. You know very well that my band plays there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And. Today. Is. Friday. Dad. It’s Friday.” I said. Ugh. Here he goes again. I’m guessing it’s another of those blind dates with his friend’s sons. He keeps on complaining to me that I’m getting old and still don’t have a boyfriend. FYI. I all ready had boyfriendssss in the past. I had 3. It’s not bad you know. The last one was when I was 15 years old, I guess and I’m all ready 23. It’s been 8 years that I have been single. But what can I do? Nobody likes me more than a friend? It is my fault that I don’t fancy anyone? Sheesh! “Dear it’s-------“ I cut him “Dad, if this is one of your blind dates again. Then I really don’t want to go.” I said in a serious tone. “Sweety, it’s just a simple dinner, I just want you to meet my friends… I know you like Kpop, so I know you will like my friends.” I can sense he’s smiling while he said that. Yup, I love Kpop. “See!! That’s what you said the last time and the time before that… well, except the Kpop thing. But still. It’s the same.” I said slightly whining. “Sweety, please… this is different I promise” He Said with a pleading voice. I sigh in defeat. “do I have a choice? Tsk! You’re the most stubborn dad ever! You know that.” I said while gripping my hair in frustration. “sssooooooooo….” Dad said with a teasing voice. “What time will it be and where?” I ask. “Assa! It will be in your favorite restaurant and be there at 7:00pm. SHARP. Is that okay?” I look at the clock and its 4:47pm. Okay, I still have more than 2hours to prepare. Oh dang! But at 9:00pm I should be in Mugen…. “Dad, I won’t be long in our dinner okay. I need to be at Mugen Bar at 9:00pm. You said you only want me to be there.” I said I close my eyes and getting ready for his nagging “I know, I know. I just need you to be there. At 8:30pm you can leave if you want.” I was speechless… he didn’t nag. He was suppose to nag! Why is my father being weird right now? He usually nags like you should stay longer, it’s still early for that time. or or I’ll lets my friend’s son drive you home so stay. Or even I asked your mother that you’ll stay at my house tonight so, stay….  But not a single nag. Nothing. He just simply agrees to what I said. “O-okay. I’ll just ask my band to pick me up there. Since Kuya (oppa) Jampol (Jampol-oppa) uses his CR-V to be our service.” I said reeeeally confused. “Okay, Sweety. See you later. Oh. And don’t forget to where the dress and be as lady as you can. Bye. Love you.” Then he hung up. O-O^ he. Just. hung. Up. On. Me!!! DAAAADD!!! “hello dad! Dad! What Dress are you saying! Dad!!!!” uuuuuggghhhh!!!  I was literally screaming at my phone. And then there’s a knock on the door. (yup, I’m in my room.) Then it open revealing my beloved mother. “Anak ko(my baby or my daughter) your dad sent this this morning. You have to wear this later.” My mom said. That’s weird how did she know about the dinner later. “oh. O-okay. Thanks, mom.” I sais and took a large box. “you’re welcome, my dear." She said and close the door. I then put the large box on top of my bed and just stare at it. “A wedding dress can fit here.” I scratch my head. Tsk. What is dad planning this time. I bent over to reveal what’s inside the lager box… and to my surprise…

I saw this dress and on top of that is the stupidest thing that human invented for girls.

The freaking weapon! This only makes girls hard to run away!  “DDDAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD!!!!!” I screamed!

           So yeah, here I am in this restaurant wearing the white dress and this freaking weapon! Please remind me not to throw this to my dad. I might kill him. I’m actually 15mins late. Could you imagine a girl in a beautiful  dress and wearing this freaking six inches weapon carrying a bass guitar and black leather bag pack with full of stuff walking towards a table will people in semi-formal outfits. What! I’m not a girlly-girl okay/ I don’t care if people stare at me right now because of my get-up. Is it my fault the my testosterone level is above normal for a girl. (yes, women carry testosterone and men carry estrogen.)

           I face my dad and grip on his chair to support myself. Dude, whooh! This ing weapon just drained my strength!! “Sorry, dad.  I’m late…” I said not minding the people in front of us. I now put my bag pack down and carefully put aside my Baby Jj. Yup, I named my bass guitar Baby Jj. *sigh* this is it. Now to face my dad’s friends. When I look up and gonna say sorry to my dad’s friends…. This guy in front of me literally froze me. Why is my dad friends with this guy? I then look at the older people with him. Oh. The Parents. I then gulped and say. Many questions just flooded my mind. I look at my Dad who is smiling widely and back to the guy in front of me. I’m in a state of shock but I remain calm and with a straight face. But just so you know… I’m screaming and being wild in my head now. WHY IS HE FRIENDS WITH MY DAD!!?????  “I’m so sorry I’m late.” I said and sat in front of this guys…. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS…





HI! hehe Im new to this so bare with me. hehe 

I kinda feel that my story is somewhat dragy but I hope you like it even a little bit. :)

please dont be rude with the comments. 

I'll be posting the next chapter soon! :)

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^