Chapter 9: Sorry

Cursed Love


Jessica's P.O.V
"Huh? But she's here with me-" My sentence got cut when I saw no one in the bench. The sleeping Tiffany is gone as I was replaced by fear immediately as my eyes widened as I started to run towards the soccer field. as I was getting closer, I saw one single light pointed to one figure in the middle.
"How dare you get close to her!" One of them yelled to a girl tied in a chair then I suddenly recognized it as Tiffany as she flinched but she didn't answered. So the person yanked Tiffany's hair forcefully as Tiffany continued to cry as she was being bind in the chair like what Taeng said.
"You know people like you doesn't deserve to get close to people like Jessica-ssi. You never deserve there attention, there presence or touch!" She yanked her hair once again forcefully as Tiffany cried out. Anger boiled in me as I want to immediately go there to be with her but why is this field so big? Ughhh I'm only half way there.
"How dare you cry to her? How dare you hug her? hmm?"
"Ughh" Tiffany cried out as she was kicked in the stomach making the chair fall backwards and she landed on the ground as I heard her cough. I bit my lip trying not to shout. Just what am I doing? Even far away I can see that she has bruises,cuts,dirt and even blood and tears all over her body. 
"You know people like you deserves to die. No one cares if you're dead or not anyway" The person snapped her fingers then I saw a crowd of people circling Tiffany as the person set the chair on it's feet again as Tiffany coughed and coughed due to her injury earlier. My eyes widened as I immediately ran towards them, afraid of what might happen next. All of them surrounded her as I saw them holding a baseball while others has a soccer ball on there feet. They were going to aim it to her and if those balls hits her, she may die from loss of blood or severed fractured bones.
"Ready!" The person yelled as I fastened my pace in running. Screw my record of not running for 3 years. As long as it costs Tiffany's life then let's break it. I witnessed all of them readying themselves. I watched in horror as one of the baseballs hit Tiffany in her head. In her head?! Are they going to kill her? I felt my legs getting weaker and weaker but then an image of her smiling at me earlier in the classroom when she was in my arms flashed before me. No, No, I don't want that smile to be erased.Please. I felt time slowing down then all of the sudden I saw myself in front of her as I felt the pain of the baseballs and soccer balls hitting me but I don't care because as long as she's safe then this pain is nothing to me. She looked at me as she had a little smile filled with content as I just flashed a smile to her. I don't know how I can feel empty without her in my side but I do know that she's sad and that she is longing for someone, someone other than her sisters, someone that will love her and take care of her dearly and I can't imagine her in someone else's arms. I will protect her like how I protected her but this time I will really protect her. I will do anything just for her to stay safe and I will never break that promise unlike in the past where I just...watched. This time I won't be afraid to throw myself in front of her and receive all those pain for her. I don't care if it will hurt me as long as she's safe. I stepped closer to her battered and bloody body, ignoring the searing pain all over my own because in her state, she received much more pain than me but she managed a smile so I should also do the same. I don't want to be the weak Jessica, I want to show that I'm strong, I want her to know I can protect her. I kneeled in front of her as I heard audible gasp but I couldn't careless. I raised my arms as I hugged her and whispered to her ear as I can hear her unsteady breathing. I know she's weak both physically, emotionally and mentally. Who wouldn't be when you're treated like this almost every single day.
"You can rest now" and with that I felt her body limp forward and her head slowly bowed down as she was still in my arms but before she can truly close her eyes as I caught a glimpse that she was still smiling so I whispered again.
"I love you" That was all it took for everything to be forgotten. I felt my own being weakening but I have to stay strong for her, just for her. I can feel something dripping down on my back where I took all the hits for her and I know its blood but the sight of her being bloody all over makes me think that she's suffering more. I untied the ropes on her arms as her body fell forward. Tears made its way to my eyes as I hugged her body.
"Tiffany!" Someone screamed behind me as I put her body into my arms and looked at her face. Blood was covering mostly of her face but I can clearly see her tears. I carried her like she was my bride as I faced where the scream came from as I saw my cousins and sister along with Tiffany's sisters as Yoong's eyes were being covered. The sun was setting down like her soul as I couldn't think, couldn't speak and step by step I approached them. All the members of the baseball club and soocer club were still there as anger boiled inside of me but when I caught a glimpse of Tiffany's situation, it was quickly washed away. I was terrified not from my injuries or what Tiffany looks like. I was terrified of what's going to happen to her. Will she be okay o-or...I don't even want to think about it. 
My heart was feeling heavy with every step I take then moments on I was in front of them. I couldn't think but I did speak.
" her" I pleaded to them as Yul was in the middle of a phone call when a teacher came closer to us.
"Miss Jung, please give her to me. We will bring her to the hospital" The teacher held out his hands and tried to touch her but I took a step back as I shaked my head.
"Miss Jung. Please"
"Miss Ju-"
"NO!"I yelled as I him flinch as I raised my head as my tears were falling freely.
"If you really wanted to help her then why didn't you showed up earlier? Huh? Surely you could have heard all the ruckus, all the yelling, all her howls of pain and you could have saw the bright light in this dim afternoon then maybe if you have noticed it then she wouldn't be like this! Why kind of school is this? huh? Letting students be bullied like this.This is not a school, this is a torture chamber! They have been here for almost forever but for you to not know there condition is simply idiotic!" I spatted out as the teacher kept mum. I've wanted to punch him so much but I can't because Tiffany is there when suddenly someone did punched him.
"YOU!"Everyone watched in suprise to see Tiffany's oldest sister punching him in rage. I've never seen her so angry like this but then again, who wouldn't be angry when you see someone so innocent being treated like a criminal.
"Sunny! Stop it! You're going to kill him!" Sunny punched and punched him in the face as he only groaned in pain.
"I don't care!Why would I when my sister is dying when he could have helped! " Sunny...I think I've heard her name before but my thinking got cutted off by the sound of a siren and saw an ambulance coming towards us. Paramedics came out as they softly took Tiffany into a stretcher and boarded her into the car.
"Miss, you also have some injuries on your back. You may have broken bones" Another paramedic came to me as I smiled knowing that Tiffany is now out of harm's way but I just shook my head at the request,
"Well then, maybe you could come with us to the hospital" I glance backwards to see Taeng trying to calm down the raging Sunny and I also looked at Yuri.
"How about you guys?"
"Don't worry, We'll go there. Just go with her okay Sica?" Yuri smiled at me as I only smiled then boarded the car. I looked at Tiffany again as something was placed over allowing for her to breathe as the ambulance took off as I held her hand and muttered.
"I'm sorry"
Here's the chapter 9 I promised you guys. Sorry if the chapter is kinda short since I just want it only to be focused on JeTi.
I'm sorry Tiffany and Jessica T T
Thank you for all of your comment, replies, views and subs once again. Without you, I won't be inspired to update once again and without your comments, I won't be able to have a new idea. Once again, this is chapter 9 of Cursed Love. Misaio out~
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Chapter 30: Please comeback thornim...
Chapter 14: I thought it was real.... Its just a dream🤭
Chapter 7: Still courious why their eyes are different...
Chapter 5: Soo its stsy.... Sunny tiffany sooyoung yoona... Right??
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 30: Will you ever finish this story author ssi ...??
Jeti48 #6
Just found this story... Although sometimes i feel confuse but i like ur story... But it's been 3 years since ur last log in... I don't know if u ever finish this story...
hwaiting_himnae #7
Chapter 30: This story is really confusing and I get frustrated because I sometimes can't understand it, But that is what makes this story good so please keep updating!!!
yyyuile #8
Chapter 30: ahh going through fics I upvoted and saw this. I miss this one! hwaiting authors!! ><
JiaqiCaoxx #9
Chapter 27: I'm sorry it seems like a really good story but the intro was so confusing i didn't understand it even if I read on the only bit that cleared it up a tiny bit was when you told us about taeyeon and Jessica being halfsisters
jasminelep #10
The writing is far too haphazard and around the place. Very confusing. I guess I can't follow this series any longer