Chapter 7:Stolen

Cursed Love
Taeyeon's P.O.V
"I want to spend more time with them" Yuri looked at the four figures retreating back towards the school as we four were left in the tree.
"Them? or her?" Hyoyeon teased as Yuri blushed.
"Ya-Yah! How about you and your Sooyoungie! " Yuri accusingly pointed her finger towards Hyoyeon as Hyoyeon stood up and dusted her uniform.
"At least I admit it unlike you and Yoongie~" Hyoyeon started to run as Yuri chased her leaving me and my sister Jessica as I caught her in a daze. 
"Yah! Don't call her Yoongie only I can call her that! and she's not my girlfriend!" The two chased each other like they were children playing in the park. I noticed that Jessica suddenly smiled from ear to ear. Aish, what is happening to them?
"Who said that she's your girlfriend? Stop assuming Yul haha" Then they just suddenly disappeared as they entered the changing room. Oh yeah, clubs. I wonder if I can make any friends in my club.
"Sica? Are you coming?" I turned my head as I asked Jessica when I noticed that I was all alone.Woah, Jessica just disappeared. Well I'm going to change. I was walking towards the changing room when I saw the other door open revealing Jessica......and Tiffany. Jessica was smiling so much that it was blinding. I have never saw Jessica smile like that. It was like she was with her but this time she was much more happier and contented. My sister has already a crush eh? or more like she found someone she likes. I'm happy for her though. I also wish that she won't get hurt in the process. As I was deep in thought, the door opened again as I saw Yul and Yoong. They were smiling to each other like they were some lovers in the park. 
'What is this door? Some couple door?'
Then the door once again opened revealing Hyoyeon and...Sooyoung. They were chatting happily like the other two couple. So this door is a couple door right now? I just sighed and entered the changing room. I went to my locker and changed when I looked to my right as a certain locker caught my eyes. I saw the name plate on top.
"Lee" I mumbled then I smiled bitterly. So many coincidences,so many chances and the two of you has so much similarities. Why is this happening to me? I just want to forget that horrid memory but it will always find a way for me to remember it. I want to find someone and be happy like Yul,Hyo and Sica but why? I finished changing as I walked straight towards the studio. I walked past Jessica and Tiffany as they were inside a court then Yul and Yoong that were playing in the pool. I just sighed bitterly, envying them. I reached the studio but no one was there so I sat down on the floor.
The horrid memory played inside of my head as her fearful expression flashes before my eyes. The way she looked helpless, reaching out for help, I feel so pathetic as I can't even help her. As much as I wanted to forget it, I can't. I don't know why. I know its hurting me but I can't help it. Maybe I want to hurt myself as my way to atone for what I did in the past but I think the pain that I'm suffering from is not enough comparing to the pain she felt back then. Silence,that's the only thing that was present inside the studio but it wasn't long before a voice suddenly spoke up inside the empty studio.
"Why are you crying?" I turned my head to see the same girl. She was holding some boxes while trying to push up her glasses. So cute~ Even though I don't want to admit it but she really looks so cute.
"Hu-huh?" I saw that my vision was blurry as I also felt something wet running down my cheeks. I immediately wiped it off as I flashed a smile towards her when I suddenly saw her fuming red.A blushing bunny.Ughh, I can't believe I just think of her like that but she really looks like one. Get a hold of yourself!
"What are you doing?" I asked as I broke the awkward silence between us as she was still blushing.
"Oh umm... they told me to stack this on the storage room because they have classes to attend to so..."
"Classes? right now? No one has classes anymore by this time since it is time for clubs" She just smiled at me.
"I know"
"Then why?"
"I don't want to cause trouble" Then she left going through the storage room with those five to six boxes that was towering above her own head.
"Oh, then let me help you with that"
"Of course" Then I took three huge boxes as I followed her. When she opened the storage room, dust entered our nose as we both coughed.
"Woah, when was the last time this place was cleaned?" I asked as I continued coughing.
"Dunno maybe last 3 years or so" She shrugged and we went inside. Everything was neatly organize except for the fact that it's extremely dusty in here.
"So where are we going to put this boxes?"
"There" She pointed as I followed where she was pointing when my view ended up on a top shelf.
"Yup" I groaned.
"It's too high" I whined as I saw her giggle. 
'So cute~ I can spend my time like this everyday with her. Aish! Here goes my thinking again.'
"Let's go." She called out bringing me back to reality.
"Okay" I followed her as we soon arrived towards the shelf.She took out a ladder and climbed up as I held all of the boxes.
"Be careful" I warned as I held the ladder while also holding the six boxes. This is so heavy, what's in this thing anyway? Oh well. It might be some stuffs connected to the club since we are putting it in the studio's storage room.
"Okay, all set. You can pass me the boxes now" Her voice once again broke me out of my thoughts as I obediently did what she told me. Slowly I handed her the boxes and soon only one is remaining.I saw her wipe her forehead as she handled those boxes. 
"Why is it so hot in here?" I heard her complain.
"Then arrange those boxes faster so I can give you this last box and get out of here.It's obvious that you're already covered in sweat" I saw her t-shirt clunging to her back due to her sweat. Wow, she looks so damn y. Her curves were much more obvious with her t-shirt now hugging her from behind.
"Sorry" I blushed at my erted thoughts. Really? What's up with mind right now? I gave her the last box as I was now able to hold the ladder when it suddenly shaked but it's a good thing that I was able to hold the ladder properly and she soon found her balance.
"Be careful" Soon she finished arranging all of the boxes as she is now retreating back down the ladder.
"Thank you for helping me" She flashed a smile to me unlike earlier when she just avoided my gaze. I just noticed that I don't even know her name unlike my sister and my cousins with her other sisters. We were now walking back towards the door for us to go back to the studio. I opened the door as we walked out silently. I was still deep in thought about her name. Wait, how did they know there names when we only met today? I can't even recall a moment where the two parties introduced each other. I was so deep in thought when her foot suddenly stepped on its own as we were still walking towards our previous position. Suprised, the only thing that went into my mind is to not let her fall to the ground so I held one of her wrist and spun her around as she is now facing me then I put my free hand onto her back preventing her body to fall more backwards as we end up staring to each other but I was not able to balance ourselves due to my sudden movement so we both end up falling to the ground.
I found myself staring to the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.I don't know why but I found myself being drawn towards those beautiful eyes. They were glimmering like a diamond but diamonds doesn't even shine but if they do,they will look like this.
Why does her face seem so close to mine? and what is this soft feeling? I squeezed my hands as my hands landed on something really soft. Suddenly I saw her face turning red as I can feel her face heating up.Wait a minute, how can I feel her face heating and what is this soft feeling on my hands and lips? I squeezed again when something vibrated in my mouth and her face was blushing even more.
Wait-Oh great. I blushed as I now realize our position.She was trapped underneath me. Her body was laying down on the floor with her hair sprawled all over.My hands were...well...on her chest that's why it was soft and so this soft feeling in my lips are...My eyes widened as I abrupty sat up letting her to also sat up. The both of us were blushing and it felt awkward right now.Really? I just kissed her!? and even squeezed her...nevermind. Now she must be thinking that I'm a-
"You ert!" Yup I was right.She was blushing so much that you can use her face right now for coloring. She sat up with one of her arms covering her chest with one finger pointing to me accusingly.
"Who is a ert?" We both turned around only to find Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon looked at me with an are-you-kidding-me? look.
"How l-long have you tw-two been here?" She asked them while she was still flustered.
"We just arrived here." Sooyoung shrugged as sighs both came out of our mouths. Suddenly something white caught my eyes. I took a glance from her and l blushed even more. Her shirt was hiking up as it was only covering her bra and chest while her stomach area was clearly shown to me. I can't help but stole a glance at her while trying to be unnoticed. I just noticed that she has pure white skin like the snow. Without even touching it,I already know that its soft.
Soft...I blushed again after remembering about the incident earlier. Her stomach probadly distracted me though because I found myself taking a glance again. Her stomach was really flat and she has abs! Wow~ I was then brought out of my thoughts by the same voice.
"I'm just going to the bathroom for a while" She abrupty stood up as I felt guilty about earlier so I've decided to apologize to her. Besides, it was my fault though her lips and chest were really soft. Aish, I'm such a ert but I can't help it. Without me noticing it, we were both now out of the studio and we are now heading towards the bathroom. It was just in the corner but it was still pretty far due to the large place. On the way there, I was suddenly suprised when she turned around blocking my way so I immediately halt my steps.
"What are you doing?" She glared at me but instead of scaring me, she still look adorable. What is wrong with me?
"I-umm...uhhh..I...just... wanna apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to do those disgusting things to you. It was just an accident, I swear!" She still looked mad but she just turned around and started walking towards the bathroom once again and I resumed following her when she once again turns around and this time I end up in front of her. Out of suprise I took quick steps backward as we were still facing each other.
"Why are you still following me?You already apologized so go away" Her harsh tone became soft and her strong gaze became weaker. Even though she told me to go away but her eyes told me something else. It was like she wants me to stay, to never leave her. Why? Suddenly all I saw were pure sadness.
"You don't want me to leave" I answered her calmly as I gazed at her eyes. The way she looks right now, I can clearly see that she is suprised.
"Hu-huh?" I took a step forward while she stepped backward. She looked lost right now. I don't know what I'm doing right now and neither does she.
"Why can't you be more honest?"
"Wh-What do you mean?" The way she looked at me innocently. She was like a lost child looking for her mother. I continued to walk towards her while she walked backwards. We continued until she hit a wall as I trapped her with both of my arms beside her head. We stared at each other as I continued to search her eyes. Nothing was spoken but her eyes told me something. She may doesn't want me to leave as I want to know the reason but the more I searched her eyes, the more I saw that she also doesn't know why. Like some part is missing, like something is forgotten and she also searches and tries to know what it was. The sun was shining on the two us as it glowed to her face. I felt her face heating up as it turned warm.Warm like the sun.
"Why are you filled with so much sadness, Sunny?" I called out a name and I was sure it was hers. I felt like I stole something.
"Ho-How did you know about my name?" How did I know of her name? I don't know. I also don't know how I became confident in calling her with that name. How did I know of that? I don't know but the way she looked just about earlier, reminded me of her strongly. I smiled at her with my smile that I only give to her but right now, I can't help but feel the same way when I was with her in the past with Sunny right now. I saw her getting weak as I saw something in her eyes. Something flashed in her eyes and it was entirely beautiful. It was like a different her controlled her own body as I gaze at her changing eyes.
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"Rest now,Sunny" and with that her eyes closed and her knees buckled as I saw her body falling forward so I opened my arms as I slowly caught her. I looked at her face as I took off her glasses and I put it inside of my pocket. I just softly smiled to her instead of being shocked. Why do I feel like something is forgotten, something is erased? I carried her small body into my arms and once again, she felt light. We exited the bathroom. I don't know where I'm going to go next but I do have a set destination in mind. I carried her where my two feet can reach. I reached the infirmary as I laid her down on the bed. I settled her in and when I was sure that she was fine, I slowly stood up as I was careful to not wake her up. I was going to walk away when a hand grasp my wrist. I looked behind and saw that she was looking straight at me with her eyes that are now visible to me without her glasses. Her rainbow colored eyes never failed to make me stare in awe. She was looking at me as she was looking confused right now.
"Please don't leave me Taeyeon"
Sorry if I took so long to post. So here is chapter seven and I'm glad that you'll waited for it. ^-^ So as you can see I put on a poll in which I have already deleted since I already got my answer. Many selected for 'Why?' I thought of changing the main plot because somehow it feels like the chapters are off the main plot. I was troubled because I felt that the story doesn't follow the main plot at all but then again, it might just be me. Thank you for everyone that read this and subscribed to it ^-^ So I sticked with the same main plot, do you think my choice is right? 
Misaio out~
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Chapter 30: Please comeback thornim...
Chapter 14: I thought it was real.... Its just a dream🤭
Chapter 7: Still courious why their eyes are different...
Chapter 5: Soo its stsy.... Sunny tiffany sooyoung yoona... Right??
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 30: Will you ever finish this story author ssi ...??
Jeti48 #6
Just found this story... Although sometimes i feel confuse but i like ur story... But it's been 3 years since ur last log in... I don't know if u ever finish this story...
hwaiting_himnae #7
Chapter 30: This story is really confusing and I get frustrated because I sometimes can't understand it, But that is what makes this story good so please keep updating!!!
yyyuile #8
Chapter 30: ahh going through fics I upvoted and saw this. I miss this one! hwaiting authors!! ><
JiaqiCaoxx #9
Chapter 27: I'm sorry it seems like a really good story but the intro was so confusing i didn't understand it even if I read on the only bit that cleared it up a tiny bit was when you told us about taeyeon and Jessica being halfsisters
jasminelep #10
The writing is far too haphazard and around the place. Very confusing. I guess I can't follow this series any longer