Chapter 18:Life

Cursed Love
Taeyeon's P.O.V
"SOMEBODY HELP!" A scream suddenly boomed through the white halls of the hospital as my ears picked up the said sound. I immediately stopped patting Yuri's head as my eyes widened in horror. Anger? It quickly vanished as soon as I started running. My anger, my pain,my hatred,all of them quickly diminished for every step I took.All of those emotions were quickly replaced by anxiety.
"Sica!" I immediately caught her body in which was falling as her eyes are now closed. She was asleep for straight for four days as the only thing that she consumes was the dextrose that was a stand-in for her food consumption when she was asleep. As a result, she turned skinnier and paler than before and she is already skinny and pale to start with. Anyone can guess that her body is still weak after what had happened but for her to scream like that,it was full of energy as if she wasn't confined in the hospital and it made me wonder.
'Where did you get this much energy that after you had consumed it, you immediately weakened?'
It suprised me but I was not suprised not only about her sudden burst of energy,I was also suprised when I entered her room,THERE room. Doctors and nurses that were dressed in white were all over the other side of the room where she was laying down. No, not Jessica but...
"Tiff..." A voice sounded out all of the sudden as it cracked in the process. It was a mere whisper but it was enough to make me wonder once again as it was also enough to make me form more questions and all of this regards my sister, my half sister whom I truly love and care,Jessica.
'Just where do you get this much energy? Are you getting this from her Jessica? Are you getting this energy from Tiffany? How? How can you rely so much on her when you two have just met? Why did you do all of that to a mere stranger?'
And yet, I was in no place to question her. I should ask myself first before asking her but I just can't help it. The way my arms easily enclose your weak body made me worry on how thin she have become after the past four days while she was asleep. The way she fell as I caught her body as it limply made contact with my own body made me worry on how weak she have become, on how light she have turned. She stopped eating, how can she continue when she's unconscious? The way her skin turned lighter than before,how it turned paler than how it used to be made me anxious. She look so...lifeless. I know it was a poor choice of words but I can't help it.The way how her once warm skin and body gradually turned colder and colder,made me shiver as it touched my bare skin as I craddled her body. I once laughed when she said that she want to be as cold as your most favorite thing in the whole world,the aircon. I laughed at it because we were kids and I considered it as a joke but after I touched her, it made me want to erase that smile on my lips on that day when we were young. She felt lifeless against the palm of my hands as she was as cold as an air condition and the heat in my own palms didn't helped at all as it made her body more colder.
I prefer her own burning body than a cold and pale one. Once I touched her as soon as I stepped in this room, it scared me and all kind of thoughts invaded my mind. Lastly, her breathing. She was such a lazy one and hearing the shortness of her breath was normal to me and once again, I laughed at it and ruffled her hair in the past but I have never imagined that hearing and feeling the shortness of her breath against the skin in my neck can make my heart jump,flip,shake and shatter in fear.
'Please, don't stop breathing. You're the only thing that I have. Please, no matter how tired you are, please don't give up.'
I felt so pathetic as I can't save her once again. If only I rushed towards the soccer field and save Tiffany instead of giving her that call then maybe she won't be able to reach this situation. It's okay even if I was the one who received those hits instead of her but no, I chose to stay with Sunny.
"I'm sorry." I whispered through her ear as my left hand was around her waist supporting her body while my right hand was in the flock of her blonde hair as my fingers were entangled through her locks as I slowly caressed it. Everything was happening so slow for me as I watched how the doctors and nurses attented towards Tiffany while I waited as I craddled Jessica's body.
"I'm really sorry." I whispered once again. Her knees were limp as it had gave up on supporting her weight as the only thing that was preventing her body to fall was my own grip. I can feel how tired she felt with every breath she was releasing.
"Please, stay with me." I mumbled as soon as I felt her breathing turning minimal. Her breathing was rugged to start with and it made me more terrified when I felt her breathing turning minimal. Why is everything so slow? Why can't things go faster? Why is this happening?
'Please,someone,somebody,hurry.' I wanted to plead but it was like me and Jessica were invisible as no one can see us. It's okay if I was invisible but they need to check on Jessica too. She needs it.
"Why did you did that Sica?" I asked. An answer? I'm not hoping for any. I just want to ask to let out everything that has been stored inside of me. I don't want to let out everything through anger, no I don't want Jessica to see that. I might not be able to control myself and hurt others and myself. If I hurt myself, there will be a great deal of trouble and Sica and the others had enough trouble for one day and for one week.
Warmth and Cold
That's what I felt as the sensation slipped through my blouse as it grazed my skin. Followed by a pair of shaking hands across my chest as it slowly but firmly pushed me until I took a small step backward. Slowly, I looked down but only for me to see a pair of liquid eyes looking straight at me.I described those pair of eyes as liquid eyes not because it was watery but because it was clear as I can almost see myself reflected in those pair of white eyes. She was looking straight at me, Jessica was staring at me with those pair of white eyes that I have always adored ever since we were children along with a...small smile on her dry lips.
Hey guys ^^ Sorry for the short chapter. So I had asked other readers regarding if my story is moving too slow or not but I got my results so I'm very happy. Also, thank you for the rising views,subs and votes. I know I have said this over and over again but I really love you guys ^-^ I'm also very happy because my oneshot starring the DanDyu has been a success and others love it, who wouldn't be happy right? To those who want's to read it, here's the link:
I know that here in the Philippines that it is already August 2 but that doesn't stop me from greeting Tiffany.
Tiffany unnie~ Happy Birthday ^-^ We SONEs all love you along woth your amazing eight sisters.
Misaio out~


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Chapter 30: Please comeback thornim...
Chapter 14: I thought it was real.... Its just a dream🤭
Chapter 7: Still courious why their eyes are different...
Chapter 5: Soo its stsy.... Sunny tiffany sooyoung yoona... Right??
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 30: Will you ever finish this story author ssi ...??
Jeti48 #6
Just found this story... Although sometimes i feel confuse but i like ur story... But it's been 3 years since ur last log in... I don't know if u ever finish this story...
hwaiting_himnae #7
Chapter 30: This story is really confusing and I get frustrated because I sometimes can't understand it, But that is what makes this story good so please keep updating!!!
yyyuile #8
Chapter 30: ahh going through fics I upvoted and saw this. I miss this one! hwaiting authors!! ><
JiaqiCaoxx #9
Chapter 27: I'm sorry it seems like a really good story but the intro was so confusing i didn't understand it even if I read on the only bit that cleared it up a tiny bit was when you told us about taeyeon and Jessica being halfsisters
jasminelep #10
The writing is far too haphazard and around the place. Very confusing. I guess I can't follow this series any longer