Chapter 13: Reason

Cursed Love
Jessica's P.O.V
I was running but I don't have a set destination but I just kept running. My lungs were burning and my legs are aching from all the running I did but I didn't stopped. Fear replaced my adrenaline as bullet of sweats dropped down from my forehead but I just kept running. I don't know why I'm running but I just kept my pace. It was like as if something was running after me. I was afraid, terrified once it caught up to me. Even if I don't know what it was or even if I do know what it was, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still trapped in this darkness and have been running for who knows how long. My knees gave up as I'm now on my knees. I was panting heavily and my eyes got blurry as my body fell forward aiming for the ground but I held out my arms so I'm now on my fours. I can't regain my breathing and as time goes by, it feels more harder to breath. My arms suddenly turned limp but I quickly rolled my body ending for me to end on my back but as soon as I land on my back, I let out a painful scream as I arch my back due to the overwhelming pain on my backside. I can't lay down properly due to my back so I quickly sat up as I held on my back trying to ease the pain. I then felt something wet. I first I thought it was due to my sweat from running earlier. When the pain has subsided, I retracted my hand but when I looked at it,blood was all over my palm.My breath hitched. Blood. Why do I act like this whenever I see blood? I don't know but I'm still scared to know. I'm pathetic. Wanting to know the reason but scared at the same time. I'm horrible. I raised my knees up to my chest as I bury my head in them while I wrapped hands over my knees. Everything went silent even my tears went silent. My breathing was ragged but everything was just quiet, too quiet. Where am I? What happened? Why am I here? Who am I? Questions filled my head but not a single answer came.I tried fixing my breathing but the opposite thing happened. he air in my lungs were slowly being drained as I snapped my head up from my arms as I held into my neck. I felt myself suffocating from lost of air. My body fell to the side, my energy was drained and I can't move anymore. I felt numb and slowly my eyes started dropping down and before I knew it, I saw someone in front of me but before I can see who it was, I lost consciousness or more like I died.
"....." A voice suddenly called out to me. I wasn't able to comprehend it's words but that voice was sweet like a melody that came straight out of an angel's harp. As cheesy as it may sounds but if anyone else heard this voice, I'm sure you will say the same.
"" I would listen to it everyday if I could. The more the voice calls out to me, the more I felt it familiar.
"..ssi" Soon I felt a hand over mine. It was gentle and yet I felt bolts of electricity run through my whole body. It was smooth like a baby's skin. Soon the darkness around me starts to get lift up as it got changed by something, something much more beautiful than darkness.
".essi" It called out again. It was a mere whisper to my ear but the effects were great. Shivers were sent down my spine as it gently shook me. A felt a smile in my lips as I now know who it is. This overwhelming darkness around me is nothing when it comes to identifying the owner of this melodic voice as it called out to me, this gentle hand that grazes over my own and this sweet scent that lingers. I already know who it was. Without using my eyes, I know who it is.
"Jessi" With one last call, I slowly opened my eyes as the light erased the darkness that I was in and here I am face to face with an angel as her smile was brighter than any light and gems as I also smiled back at the gesture.
"Goodmorning Tiff" I stretched my body a little but a hiss followed due to the pain in my back.
"Goodmorning too Jessi and be careful. Your back has still not able to heal."
"You too Tiff. It's a good thing that your legs were able to heal quickly but your right arm is still the same." 
"You called that quick? It took me a whole month for my legs to heal and my right arm is still not making any progress." She pouted as her bottom lip was jutted out as I gazed at her luscious lips. I looked away as I felt my face heating up.
'Must control myself. Must not kiss those pink luscious lips' I breath out as I was able to somehow calm myself down and refuse the sweet temptation. My back has been healing but still it hurts to move too much and I was glad that her legs are now okay though she sometimes wobble here and there.
"Jessi?" I turned my head when I heard Tiffany calling me as she was also tugging on the sleeve of our uniform.When I turned my head towards her, I felt myself swallowing a huge lump on my throat. She was looking straight to my eyes as she kept pouting. Her brown hair was swept to the side as it was also braided. Have her eyes been this big and moreover sparkling?
"Are you mad?" She quietly asked. Oh gosh she is so cute! I slowly shook my head but she still kept her puppy look. My eyes were darting downwards as I struggle to look at her eyes.
'Stop being such a byun!'
"Then why did you looked away earlier?" I was snapped out of my trance while I gulped once again.
'What should I tell her? I don't want her to see me as a ert. That's Taeyeon's title not mine! I can't say that it was because of her luscious lips that I was trying to strain myself on kissing her. That would be too straightforward.What to do?'
"I-I just want to admire the view that's all." Please buy the reason. Please buy the reason!
"oh okay." She nodded then she smiled her smile of hers. She really looks so cute and beautiful! She is going to be the death of me though I don't mind it at all. She fixed her uniform with her left hand and remained in her seat. While she was fixing her uniform, her skirt folded for a bit but it was enough for me to gawked at her honey thighs before she fixed it again snapping me from my ertive gaze. It's a good thing she didn't saw it or I will be dead. I guess Taeyeon'n byuness is rubbing off of me.
"Oh yeah Jessi." She called again.
'Okay Jessica. Brace yourself, cuteness is coming.'
"Yeah?" I turned my head at her after she called my name when...
The kiss caught me off guard. Although it was a simple peck, my face said something else. I blushed bright red as I glanced at her and saw her blushing too. I touched my lips while I stared into one place, her lips. Not letting her utter another word, I leaned again as I kissed her but this time I let our lips linger with each other as I kissed her deeply.
I pulled away with a smile on my lips as I whispered to her ears.
"I love you Tiff"
"I love you too Jessi" She answered with a giggle and soon the car stopped while we both exit the car. Once we're out, I held her left hand and we slowly entangled our fingers.
"Tiffany! Jessica!" I saw Taeyeon waving to us.
"Let's go?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile as her eyes turned to two crescent moons. I smiled back at her as we made our way towards the others. Everything was beautiful, I was contented and I was with the love of my life. Nothing can destroy this day and even if there is, I won't let them.
"Jessica unnie?" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Yoong staring straight at me.
"What happened?" I tried to sit up but I hissed as a sudden pain surged through my backside.
"Don't move too much unnie. The doctor advised for you to rest due to your injuries on your back." Suddenly I felt a knuckle on my head as I yelled in pain.
"AW! What was that for?" I saw Yuri looking angry at me.
"Pabo! Why did let your own injuries be ignored? After you passed out, you were bleeding so much! The doctors immediately gave you treatment. Your lucky that you didn't died of excess blood loss. The doctors were so suprised that you were still able to move even though you have that kind of injury! Why didn't you let them treat you when you arrived here in the hospital?" Yuri scolded me while I just looked away and bowed my head.
"I-I just want them to treat Tiffany faster."I mumbled as I raised my head and looked at Tiffany who was asleep.
"But still-"
"Besides she needs it more than I do. I could wait but she can't." I cut Yuri off but before she say another thing, I spoke again.
"I....I...I just want to make it up for her. I'm not the type of person who easily expresses there feelings to others so it was my way of saying sorry. I-I was the one who was with her on the soccer field and yet I let them take her and do those horrible things to her. If I was only more careful and if I was only faster then maybe I was able to reach her side then maybe I was able to protect but I wasn't able to. I'm the reason why she's here, laying on the hospital with tons of injuries on her whole body and her legs and her right arm were fractured. I'm sorry, Yoona I wasn't able to protect your sister." Tears fell down from my eyes when I felt a pair of arms around my trembling body. I looked up with my tear streaken eyes and saw Yoong there smiling at me.
"Ssshh, stop crying unnie.Tiffany unnie wouldn't like to see you crying and also it wasn't your fault unnie.You're not the reason why she is laying down on the hospital, it was those people's fault for being narrow minded. You are not the one at fault unnie, in fact you were even able to save her. I should be the one that is apologizing, not you. If I was more careful then you wouldn't be injured. Look at you unnie, you threw yourself in front of Tiffany unnie to accept all of those pains. You let yourself be hurt just for someone you just met. This is the first time someone cared for us and that's why I'm thankful unnie. Thank you for saving her, thank you for treating her as a somebody instead of a nobody and also Thank you for making her smile. I may not know when but I know that it has been a long time since Tiffany unnie has smiled so happily before so thank you." She wiped my tears away as she cupped my face smiling at me making me smile back at her.I nodded my head and soon Yuri patted my head. After a few minutes, silence took over the whole room but it wasn't awkward at all. It was more of a comforting and relaxing one. Yuri was sitting on a stool beside the bed that I was occupying and Yoong was beside Tiffany.Suddenly I heard a growl as I saw Yoong blushing madly while scratching the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I guess Yoong is hungry. Let's go and buy some food. Soo has also texted me that she and Hyoyeon are on there way here so might as well prepare tons of food." Yuri said making Yoong nod her head.
"Bye Sica" Yuri bid.
"Bye unnie" Yoong waved at me as I waved back and soon they left as the door closes. Once the door closed, I looked at Tiffany as a smile formed into my lips after I remembered my dream earlier. We were both contented, we were happy and she was so cute and utmost adorable.It was sweet, the kiss was so sweet. I sighed heavenly as I touched my lips.My eyes caught the calendar as I squint my eyes so I can see the date. My eyes widened after I found out, it was already Friday! Which means I was asleep for...four days. My thoughts were then broken when I heard someone groan which caught my interest.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys. I've decided to post one more chapter before Monday comes ^-^ I'm super happy because my story has been getting good response from you,readers ^-^  Thank you to the ones that has subscribed to it and to the ones that commented. So here is chapter 13 and I hope you guys enjoy it.Yay Tiffany is now awake or is she? Feel free to comment and also thank you to the ones who upvote it. I know it's too late but I still want to thank you guys, DanDyuGangsters and Yume-Zatto hehe Misaio out~
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Chapter 30: Please comeback thornim...
Chapter 14: I thought it was real.... Its just a dream🤭
Chapter 7: Still courious why their eyes are different...
Chapter 5: Soo its stsy.... Sunny tiffany sooyoung yoona... Right??
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 30: Will you ever finish this story author ssi ...??
Jeti48 #6
Just found this story... Although sometimes i feel confuse but i like ur story... But it's been 3 years since ur last log in... I don't know if u ever finish this story...
hwaiting_himnae #7
Chapter 30: This story is really confusing and I get frustrated because I sometimes can't understand it, But that is what makes this story good so please keep updating!!!
yyyuile #8
Chapter 30: ahh going through fics I upvoted and saw this. I miss this one! hwaiting authors!! ><
JiaqiCaoxx #9
Chapter 27: I'm sorry it seems like a really good story but the intro was so confusing i didn't understand it even if I read on the only bit that cleared it up a tiny bit was when you told us about taeyeon and Jessica being halfsisters
jasminelep #10
The writing is far too haphazard and around the place. Very confusing. I guess I can't follow this series any longer