Chapter 7

Down To The Grass


Chapter 7



[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]


My phone is ringing with B2ST’s Fiction song even though, I hate one of their member, I can’t seem to hate their songs. I answered the phone.




    “Hello. May I ask who is this?” I asked.


    “I’m Henry, Yoo – Rin’s friend. May I talk to her?”


    “I’m Yoo Rin. Why did you call me, oppa?” I asked.


    “Nothing. How are you?”


    “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”


    “You sound like not a healthy person…”


    “Just a little flu..”


    “How’s your one day vacation?”


    “Great. I can finally rest.. Haha..” I faked a laugh. “Are you at the hospital?”


    “No… I’m at a night club.”




    “No.. I’m just playing around with you. You still can’t tell which is the truth and which not…. I just went in to work. I work night shift. On-call.”


    “How is Mr. Cho Pil Yong?”


    “Stable. You don’t want to ask about me?”


    “No need.”



[At B2ST’s dorm]


[Third’s P.O.V]


Jun Hyung put his phone on his bed back. He was relieved because Yoo Rin line is busy. He think he is not ready enough to talk to that girl; or even more specific, his future fiancée. Does he like her? He think yes. When they first meet in the principal room, he already felt the chemistry between them. He likes Yoo Rin kind of style. He likes to make Yoo Rin’s blood boil. Because he knows Yoo Rin would do anything to fight back. But none of them know what is hidden inside of him. Except Jae Joong ; who knew about it accidentally. Bit the reality is everyone know that Jun Hyung is anti – Yoo Rin and Yoo Rin is allergic to Jun Hyung.

            But does he love that girl? Perhaps. He himself can’t answered that. He never fell in love with other girls except his ex. Even though, he met many kinds of person called woman, he never felt something like this. More than what he felt for his ex. His mother’s plan to tie a knot between Jun Hyung and Yoo Rin, he never think about this at all in his life and his action to agreed on this marriage is a huge gamble.




[At a café]


[Jae Joong’s P.O.V]


I stirred my coffee that is already cold. Jun Hyung is staring at a bunch of roses in a vase on our table while Yoo Rin is staring in her empty cup. The surroundings was really noisy. But the time at our table as if its already froze. Jun Hyung and I have to wear  clothes like the public to prevent an article coming out tomorrow about both of us meeting a mystery girl at a café in Gong- Ju, even though, she is my sister. Both of them are still keeping their silent. I think if I leave both of tem together alone, maybe they will start to talk.. or not.

               I got up from my seat. Both of them looked at me. “Gents.”


[End of Jae Joong’s P.O.V]


[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]



Why did my brother left with him alone? I tried my best not to look at him. I watched the fountain at the middle of the café. I already engaged to this man sitting in front of me last week. Argghhh!! It feels like a nightmare become a reality. I ask my mother that day.


         “Mom, if we only engaged, we can still cancelled it, right?” My mom almost fainted hearing that. I don’t want my life to turn like this. Eee!! All of this is crazy. Another year, I will turn to Mrs. Yoo Rin not Ms. Yoo Rin. Ngee!!


[Jun Hyung’s P.O.V]



I stared at the bunch of roses in a vase in the middle of the coffee table. Today, I went to Gong- Ju from Seoul on his family and his in-laws request. I’ve also had to postponed my practices and my manager let me went to Gong- Ju to meet her cause he knows my problems. They asked me to go to Gong- Ju to meet with Yoo Rin. But 30 minutes already passed by and none of them said anything. Suddenly, my eyes caught something. My eyes stare at Yoo Rin’s finger. Where is her engagement ring?


[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]


I realized that Jun Hyung was looking at my fingers. I hide my hand away. If its not for my brother and my parents, I will not sit here like a dumb. Suddenly this man in beside me smile by himself? Is he crazy?


[Third’s P.O.V]


Jae Joong was hiding behind a vending machine waiting for them to speak to each other. “My dongsaengs, just speak about anything.” He thought to himself.



[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]


Once again, after staring at that crazy guy, I stare at the fountain again. Suddenly, I remembered about Leeteuk. After I knew the news about my engagement with Jun Hyung, neither one of Leeteuk’s mails I replied. He must wondering why didn’t I replied his mails….


       Suddenly, a waiter came to our table again to take order again. “ Anything else you’d like to order?” The waiter asked.


      I stared at the waiter and replied “ Potassium Cyanide, please.”


      Jun Hyung just automatically said “ Make it two.” The waiter raised one of his eyebrows.


     “Excuse me, but we have none of that on the menu. At least today…”


    “Errr… what did we just order?” Jun Hyung asked.


   “Potassium cyanide?” The waiter answered. I realized what did I just said just now.


   “I’m sorry. I’ll have coffee then.” I replied.


  “Make it two.”




[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]



I am writing some notes from the webpage John Hopkins Institute. I wonder how Doctor Scarpetta in the story Patricia Cornwell study. Suddenly, there is a pop-up at the screen. ‘We’ve got an instant message for you’. Who is it?


Hey Yoo Rin! I don’t care! Get into our channel now! I’ll wait!!! ~ teukie2_fallen_angel


     I enter into the chatters list and I saw Leeteuk’s name in it. I waited for him to send me a message….


[After 5 minutes]


      It’s five minutes already and he still is not sending anything. I’m getting tired and sleepy. I send him a message.




      I waited for awhile. And he’s still not replying. I’m very sleepy right now. I’ll send him another message again.


Leeteuk – sshi, if you to talk to me about something, you better hurry. I’m getting sleepy and I have a lot of work to do.. I’ll log off if you doesn’t have anything to say.


I waited again and he replied.


Hey there.

How are you?

Fine.. What are you doing until you didn’t e-mail me??


I miss you..


I am. Why didn’t you contact me for a long time?

I think for no reason.

Do you feel like you don’t wanna be friend with me?


What is it with you?

Nothing is bothering me.

Liar. What is it with you? Hormonal disorder?

I don’t know. I think I want to sleep now.

Why? Are you forced to do something?

Maybe? I’m sorry oppa, I gotta go.


I turned off my laptop. I lay on my bed. Perhaps I can get some rest. Suddenly, my phone rings with the song ‘Can You Smile’ by Infinite oppa. I take my phone and answered it.





           “Hello. May I talk to Song Yoo Rin?”


           “Yes, I’m Song Yoo Rin. Who is this?”


           “It’s me.”


           “Who me?”


           “I’m Jun Hyung. Yong Jun Hyung.”




           “Jun Hyung, your fiancé.” I was really shocked when I heard his name.


          “Hello? Hello? I’m sorry. The signal here are very bad. I will call you again, whoever this is.” I faking like I didn’t get any signals and I disconnect just like that. Where in the hell he get my number? It must Jae Joong, who give away my number to him. You’re so going to get a piece of me.





[After a year]


[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]


The day of my nightmare become real have come. It’s the day of my wedding. I waited in the car until I were ready for my important entrance into the church. Living alone with Junhyung wasn’t too bad but it was neither the best. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I looked up at the towering church and then straight ahead. Su Ha and Ryu Ji were at my side and were now going into the church. My dad took my arm and I smiled at him.


          “You ready, Yoo Rin?” he asked. I took another deep breath.


          “Yep, I think so” I replied and both of us walked inside.


I walked up the aisle and every head turned to look at me. I looked from each one and then my eyes landed on Jun hyung. I didn’t smile at him but he smiled at me. I reached the altar and my dad kissed my cheek and took his seat. I stood in front of Jun hyung and looked at him.


         “You look nice” whispered Jun hyung..


         “Nice? That’s the best you could come up with?” I whispered quietly.. Jun hyung just smiled at me. The minister came and started the ceremony. He gave a long and boring introduction before going on to the vows.


I and Jun Hyung repeated after him and then placed the rings on each other’s wedding finger. Jun Hyung and I didn’t rehearse this at all because I don’t wanna see his face. But yet, both of us are doing it well. I still can’t believe I’m standing here today.


         “You may now kiss the bride” said the minister. I startled hearing that. I don’t wanna kiss a man that I don’t love and the person I hate. He leaned to me and said “Don’t worry. I won’t kiss you too roughly. It will be just a small peck.”


[Jun Hyung’s P.O.V]


        “You may now kiss the bride” said the minister. I saw Yoo Rin’s reaction when she heard the minister said “You may now kiss the bride”. She was startled a bit. Did she doesn’t want to kiss me that bad? I leaned to her and said “Don’t worry. I won’t kiss you too roughly. It will be just a small peck.” She nodded and I leaned to her a bit more and just give her a peck on the lips. The crowd clapped their hands after we ‘kiss’.


[Yoo Rin’s P.O.V]



         You both sat at your table at the reception with all the bridesmaids and best men at each side as well as your parents.


         “Well, did you guys kiss or not?” Su Ha said to you. Ryu Ji leaned over to see my response. “ It’s just a small peck.” I smiled bitterly at them. They don’t know how I hate that ‘kiss’. I’m sure that Jun Hyung heard everything I said because I saw his face frowned a bit.


Jun Hyung suddenly turned to me and said, “Hey, do you want to dance?”


         “Um, no, I’m alright” I said simply.


         “Come on, I know you want to, you can’t not dance on your own wedding” Su Ha said.


         “Well, isn’t it your dream to dance on the dance floor with your ‘husband’ on your wedding? And now, you letting that dream passed by you. When are you going to dance on your wedding if its not today?” Ryu Ji said.


         “Oh fine” I finally gave in and Jun Hyung led me out onto the dance floor. Guests were noticing and all stopped to look at the both of us. I couldn’t help but feel a bit shy with everyone’s eyes on me and Jun Hyung.


Jun Hyung took hold of my waist and I slowly put my hands around his neck. I looked up at him and he smiled. I smiled bitterly back at him. Suddenly, I saw someone that was watching both of us dancing. She was staring at me. I was afraid so I turn my head to the other side. I think he noticed my reaction that he asked “What’s wrong?”


           “There someone that was looking at us just now near the flowers.” I said. He looked and he see no one near the flowers.


           “There’s no one there.”


           “Really? Buy just now, I saw someone near there and she was staring deeply at me. I turned my head just now was to avoid her gaze.” He just nodded at my statement.


            After the wedding ends, I went back to my room to change clothes. But, when I twist the knob, I saw Jun Hyung was changing his clothes and pants. He was also startled when he saw I was about to enter that room. I closed the door slowly getting out from that room.


            “I’m sorry. I thought there was no one in this room just now. I’m sorry.” I said to him while closing my eyes with my right hand and slowly closed the room. Now that Jun Hyung was in that room, I have to wait until he went out from that room and that means I have to stay in this wedding gown until he came out from that room. Arrgghhh!! I felt uncomfortable in this gown. I was about to walk away when someone pull my wrist. I turned and looked at the person who pulled my wrist. It was Jun Hyung.


             “I’m finished changing my clothes and now you could go and change. You look uncomfortable in that gown.” He said.


              “Thanks.” I said that one word and quickly went into the room.


[Inside the room]


I took off the tiara on my head and placed it carefully on the table. After that, I tried to reach the zip behind me but I couldn’t. Suddenly, someone knocked the door.


              “Come in.” I said and Jun Hyung came in.


              “Sorry to interrupt you but do you need any help with that dress? Your friends told me that you can’t reached the zip behind you.”


              I think about that for awhile and nodded. He came near to me and I turned and moved my hair away from my back (She already untied her hair that just now was a bun). Jun Hyung held onto the zip and slowly pulled it down; all the while he softly grazed his fingertips down my back making me shiver.


              “There you go.” Jun Hyung said.


              “Thank you.”


              “You better get changing because after this we are going somewhere.”


              “We? Going where?”


             “To our new house.”









I thanked for those who had subscribed my story and I thanked you from the bottom of my heart. I love you, guys.

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yah update this already! ;;
At last, you updated! Gonna end already?! :o
THE DRESS IS FREAKING AWESOME!!! The dress are all white, i'm pretty sure they must be look very so innocent in that dress. I wonder when I can see u updates again. So please updates soon. HWAITING!!
Kyaaa! Haha, anticipating about when they will reveal their marriage ;) and the Young Ki couple xD
WOW!!! This story really freaking me out! Especially that the dress that they wearing. So beautiful.
#6 hlovate...but still ur novel is best...ganbatte!!!
Really?? what's the name of the malay novel??
ur story is some kind same with a novel i had read.but it's in malay and different characters...but i think it's like same...but still i love it.....:)