Ji-yong came back to the table after being gone for a good 10 minutes or so. TOP came back as well, but for some reason he was very eager to leave, and he probably would have left the restaurant if not for Ji-yong insisting that he introduce both of us. I stood up out of my chair and walked towards the both of them. “uh.. hello my name is Choi Seung-hyun, nice to meet you.”

He smirked and I couldn’t stop myself from blushing. “Nice to meet you too,” I said. I could have sworn that he was looking straight into my eyes but then again why would he be? Ji-yong smiled and said, “Well it’s nice that you two have finally met. I’ll see you tomorrow bye.”

Seung-hyun said, “I’ll see you then, bye. It was nice to meet you.”

He left but looked back at me once and smiled. “Come on honey, let’s finish eating,” Ji-yong said. I was surprised at how attached he seemed to be to me, he was already treating me as if I was his girlfriend or something. He even tried feeding food to me during the meal. This was a problem, I had never liked Ji-yong like this at all, he was always much more of a brother type to me than a romantic interest. And more than anything, I was in love with the man who had just left, the handsome, beautiful and adorable man that I had loved so long.

After Dinner, Ji-yong walked me home. It was very late in the evening, so it was dark and cold but some stars lit over head. “Oh, you must be cold. Here,” he said. He took of his jacket and placed it on my shoulders. The jacket was very soft and warm and was of course incredibly fashionable. As we were walking his hand kept on brushing his hand against mine and holding on to it for a few seconds and letting it go. He was much more shy around me now then he had been before, he kept on laughing and smiling. When we reached my door he said, “I really enjoyed tonight, we should do it again sometime. I will see you tomorrow then.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. “It was nice seeing you too,” I said, “I’ll see you.” With that he walked away. At this point I thought I really was dreaming. Why on earth was Ji-yong interested in me? And how on earth was I going to be able to reject a man who meant so much to me?

I opened my door and went in, and to my surprise he was there, talking to Lizzie. Of all the people that could have been in my kitchen, he was. 

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Haha, maybe but I really wouldn't have a clue what to write :)
I'm going crazy while im reading this HAHA XD Can you make a sequel please ? :)
BigBang_VIP #3
GAHHH I loved this story <3 (Tabisaur from Tumblr here!)
oh my ga i just started reading this story! >.< oh well, i love it so far, and i'm sure it's gonna be awesome reading the ending! but i don't want it to be over lmao
mmm I know I rushed it :) But to be honest I was running out of ideas of what to write so I just ended it. Originally it was going to be fifty chapters 0__0 :) thanks for reading :)
SenyaG #6
the ending was rushed but still I liked it ♥
wtfelicia #7
okay I dint expect this to end already. I was just reading chap 19 or 20 like moments before and now it has ended!! but ahh, it's good! hahah! so jiyong is in love with her best friend. imagine his face when she smiled like mad instead of getting angry. and ahh, what a shock to find seunghyun on the floor with pills and all. he just slipped and passed out then he expects himself to die already!? crazy boy but so cute. I like this story! really good! although it may have been better if it's longer >.< but ahh.. thank you for writing yea! ^^
umm thank you :) It's nice to hear someone liked it :) If you read the full story, tell me what you think :)
so i read the intro and boy was i leaning closer and closer to my laptop screen.<br />
didn't realize that until i finished reading the intro.<br />
it's really good.
wtfelicia #10
be a good man and pain for life!!