I burst through the open door, "SEUNGHYUN, SEUNGHYUN HE DOESN'T LOVE ME!," I said joyfully running into his house. It was silent in his house, was he not there. I searched the rooms, first his bedroom and then the sitting room and finally the kitchen.

Seunghyun lay on the floor, with a glass of water smashed on the ground and pills scattered across the floor.

"SEUNGHYUN!!," I fell to the floor and tried moving him around. He wasn't moving. Why wasn't he moving?? Had he taken the pills. I pulled him onto his front and looked at him, he looked so pale and he was twitching slightly. I leant down to kiss his lips delicately. For some reason I thought he seemed alright, I leaned into hug him and lay on the floor listening to the sound of his pulsing heartbeat. His eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes opened. I kissed him instantly. 

"Am I in heaven?" he said.

"No, you're still alive."

"I don't believe you," he said, "Am I dreaming then?'

"Nope," I said, "this is real life."

"But Jiyong..."

"Jiyong's in love with Lizzie."

"He's what? For real?"

"Yes, he is."

He smiled and kissed me softly, clinging onto my hand as he did, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you, I love you, love you, love you too," I said, "But wait the pills, we need to get you to a hospital!"

"No, I didn't take any, don't worry. I slipped and fell over so I never got to take any."

"Why were you going to do it?"

"Because my darling," he said smiling at me, "you're my life, and if I don't have you then I might as well not live."

So this is the end thank you to everyone who's read it. I know the ending's a bit bad and quick but I hope you still liked it.

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Haha, maybe but I really wouldn't have a clue what to write :)
I'm going crazy while im reading this HAHA XD Can you make a sequel please ? :)
BigBang_VIP #3
GAHHH I loved this story <3 (Tabisaur from Tumblr here!)
oh my ga i just started reading this story! >.< oh well, i love it so far, and i'm sure it's gonna be awesome reading the ending! but i don't want it to be over lmao
mmm I know I rushed it :) But to be honest I was running out of ideas of what to write so I just ended it. Originally it was going to be fifty chapters 0__0 :) thanks for reading :)
SenyaG #6
the ending was rushed but still I liked it ♥
wtfelicia #7
okay I dint expect this to end already. I was just reading chap 19 or 20 like moments before and now it has ended!! but ahh, it's good! hahah! so jiyong is in love with her best friend. imagine his face when she smiled like mad instead of getting angry. and ahh, what a shock to find seunghyun on the floor with pills and all. he just slipped and passed out then he expects himself to die already!? crazy boy but so cute. I like this story! really good! although it may have been better if it's longer >.< but ahh.. thank you for writing yea! ^^
umm thank you :) It's nice to hear someone liked it :) If you read the full story, tell me what you think :)
so i read the intro and boy was i leaning closer and closer to my laptop screen.<br />
didn't realize that until i finished reading the intro.<br />
it's really good.
wtfelicia #10
be a good man and pain for life!!