Day 1 Part 1

7 Days

Onyx Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts - Monday 9:00am (1 1/2 months later)


Hoya was in a small conference room that they had rented out so the boys could try on their stage outfits and make sure nothing was wrong. He was watching the other members scurry around the small room putting on clothes and taking them off and putting on another outfit. Hoya used to really love getting ready for concerts, in fact he loved everything about being an idol. Don’t get him wrong he still does, but for the past couple of months he has been feeling really lonely.


He started feeling this way about five months ago at his cousin's wedding. During the wedding he saw how his cousin was happy and content with his new wife beside him the entire day. Hoya also saw all the other couples laughing, dancing, and having a good time in each other’s company. That’s when Hoya realized that there was one drawback to being an idol. He was alone. Sure he has his family and the Infinite members who he thought of as brothers, but that was not enough.


He wanted one person he could come home to and she will kiss him with so much passion because she missed him, even if he was gone for only and hour. He wanted someone who would understand him without him having to say one word. But most of all he wanted someone just to hold at night.


“Why are you sitting here all by yourself looking really depressed?” Hoya looked up to see Woohyun standing in front of him looking curios. He was wearing the stage outfit for Paradise.


“I am not depressed.” Hoya sighed.


“Oh yeah, I totally believe you. That was not a depressing sigh I just heard.” Woohyun took the seat next to Hoya on the right. Sometimes Hoya hated that fact that the members could be so perceptive of each other, but that happens when you spend almost every day with them for the past three years and also the time when they were only trainees.


“Woohyun, please leave it alone. If it becomes more serious I will promise to tell you right away. Deal?” Woohyun looked at Hoya for a couple of seconds before finally nodding in agreement and also changing the subject.


“I wonder what Alice is doing?” Hoya looked a Woohyun in curiosity. Ever since they met Alice, Woohyun has been doing everything he could to make Alice happy. And when she is not around Hoya notices that he becomes a little sad.


“Now who is being all depressing?” Hoya smirked. He could see Woohyun starting to fidget like he does when he’s nervous.


“I am not depressing, I just want to make sure Alice, our fan is having a good time.” Hoya did not believe that for one second. Over the past month he has seen Woohyun and Alice interact with each other.


When they first met Alice, she was very shy. She smiled and only talked when asked a question. Woohyun took it upon himself to make her feel comfortable. Soon she started to open up to everyone and became good friends with all the members. Whenever the hyungs teased or bossed Sungjong around he ran to Alice and she took care of him. She said that he reminded her of her younger brother. When Sungjong asked her about him she said that he passed away nine years ago in a car accident along with her father. The members could tell that, that was a sore subject so they refrained from asking anymore questions.


Out of all the members Hoya could tell that she felt the most comfortable with Woohyun. Those two had almost become inseparable. Hoya had feeling that those two were more than friends, but it was none of his business so he let it go. Hoya knew that Woohyun would tell them when he is ready to.


“What are you two talking about?” Sunggyu asked as he walked over to them. He had finished checking his clothes along with the other members.


“Nothing.” Woohyun replied; a little too quickly for Sunggyu’s taste, but they were about to leave soon for rehearsal so he let it go.


“If is is nothing then go change, Eun-Hee noona is getting Alice and once she is here we are leaving for rehearsal.”


“Okay hyung.” Woohyun shot up from his seat and went to change his clothes with new found energy. “Probably from finding out Alice is coming” Hoya thought.


Sunggyu looked at Hoya. “You need to change too.”


Hoya realized he was still in his Chaser clothes. He slowly got up to change.

“Hoya?” Sunggyu called.


“Yes, hyung?”


“Are you sure you're okay? I heard you and Woohyun talking.”


Hoya gave his hyung a soft smile. “I am fine, really.” He turned around and went to get dressed. Five minutes later everyone was ready to go. The only problem was Alice was not here. Hoya could see that Woohyun was looking worried. “What is wrong with you?” he whispered.


“For some reason I am getting a bad feeling.” Hoya looked at Woohyun curiously, but before he could ask what he meant Eun-Hee ran into the room covered in blood.


Sunggyu rushes forward and catches Eun-Hee right before she falls to the ground. Lee Sang-Ook, one of Infinite’s managers asks her what’s wrong.


“There is blood everywhere. I tried to see if she was breathing but her eyes were so lifeless.” At this point Eun-Hee was a sobbing mess. But from what she said Hoya could tell that Alice was dead and most likely she was killed.




Boston Courthouse - Monday 9:00am


Hana was sitting in the witness stand. She was currently being questioned by the defense. Hana was called in to testify against Greg Fisher as a consultant for the Boston Police Department. If it was not for Hana they might have never caught Greg Fisher. He is being charged with five accounts of and first degree murder.


“Hana, how old are you?” Of course, this is so typical. The defense attorneys always ask her age first. Just because she is young does that make her stupid? No. Hana’s IQ is three points shy of a guinness. Hana held her tongue and answered calmly.


“I am 21.”


“You are 21 years old, and you call yourself a deception expert, right?”




“Now let me make sure I get this right. A deception expert is a person who can read microexpressions on a person’s face and because of that read their minds?”


Hana really wanted to punch this woman, but she held herself back. She knew her father would be disappointed if she did something to cause a mistrial, especially a mistrial for this case.


“Not exactly, I don’t read minds. I read their emotions. As I said before. Every human being in the world have these things called microexpressions. When people try to hide something they put on a mask, but microexpressions can not be controlled. No matter how hard you try to hide it, it will always show.”


“No offense Ms. Davies, but that sounds like science fiction to me.” Hana smirked, she knew what she would say next would definitely cause some backlash.


“If it is science fiction then how did I know that you are having an affair with your client, Mrs. Price?” Hana said stressing the Mrs.


The whole courtroom went in an uproar. “Order! Order in the courtroom!” The judge screamed.


“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Hana saw the raised eyebrows and eyelids seen in fear.


“Sure you do. Whenever you look at your client your cheekbones push up and your pupils dilate like they do when you feel pleasure.”


Attorney Price tuned to the judge. “Judge Powell, I need a moment with my client.”


“I bet you do Mrs. Price. Court session is closed we will reconvene in one week from today at 8am. Mrs. Price?”


“Yes your honor?”


“I suggest the you tell your client to find a new attorney. Preferably male.” Hana giggled at that. Judge Powell, or as Hana knows him as, uncle Hank, turned to her. “I would not giggle miss your father will find out and when he does he won’t be happy.”

“At least there was no mistrial.”


“Just becareful your father is under a lot of stress because of this case.”


“I know. I will see you later.” Hank nodded is goodbye to Hana and left to his chambers. Hana was born in South Korea, her mother gave her up for adoption when she was a baby. She was adopted by a homicide detective and his wife. Her father is now the chief of police for the Boston Police Department, and her mother runs a bakery. They sell the best pies you will ever eat. Judge Hank Powell is her father's best friend. They met in preschool and have been friends ever since.


As Hana walked out of the courthouse she was bombarded by news reporters all asking the same question.


“Ms. Davies can you please explain how you knew that Attorney Price was sleeping with her client?”


“No comment.” Hana pushed through the reporters and walked to her car. She drove a black 1987 Mustang. It was her father’s car but Hana was the one that was in love with it. She even gave it a name, Phil. When Hana came back from DC three years later after learning to hone her skills as a deception expert her parents gave her the car as a welcome back and birthday gift for her 18th birthday.


Just as she sat down in the car her phone rang. The caller ID read “DAD”. “Awesome” Hana said with a sigh. She took a deep breath and answered the phone. “Hi daddy!” She said in the cutest way possible.


“Don’t daddy me. How could you be so careless. You are very lucky that there is no mistrial. Do you know how much the mayor has been on me about this case since the killings first started.” Hana stopped listening to her father after ‘Don’t daddy me.’ Hana started to think about how much she wanted to go to her apartment, crawl into her bed and sleep. “Did you get that?”


“Get what?”




“Sorry, I am really tried.”

“That is no excuse.”


“What were you telling me?”


“The mayor called, there has been a murder at the Onyx Hotel. This is a very high profile case and he wants you on it.”


“Okay. I’m on my way.”


“And Hana?”


“Yeah dad?”


“Please be careful you know how your mother and I worry about you.”


“Yes I know.”


“One more thing I need you home by eight.”




“Family dinner. Your mother was able to convince your brother to bring his boyfriend over to officially introduce him.”


When Hana was four her parents adopted a baby boy from spain, Rico. Hana loved having a baby brother around. When Rico was 14 he told the family that he liked boys. Hana did not care at all, inside she already knew because of the skill she was born with. Her Parents did not care either, they loved him no matter what. But her grandparents were a whole other story.


“Fine, but promise me you won’t embarrass Rico in front of his boyfriend.”


“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Hana hung up laughing. Last time Rico brought home a potential boyfriend mom and dad told all the embarrassing baby stories.


Hana typed in the address to the Onyx Hotel in her GPS. She had a feeling that this case will change her life forever.



A/N: So I was originally going to write Hana's POV in the whole you are sitting on witness stand, but it did not flow with the story like I wanted it to so I changed it.

A/N 2: I would love to hear what you think so far so please leave a comment.

Thanks for reading and a special thanks to AlwaysAnElf for being my second subscriber. This set of spam is for you.

L being his y self!

And all of Infinite being their cute selves :)

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))