Day 2 Part 4

7 Days

Hana’s Car on way to Onyx Hotel - Tuesday 4:32pm

Hoya was worried. Ever since they left the station Hana was very quiet. She barely even looked at him. He looked at her while they were driving. She definitely was no beauty queen material, but there was something about her that made her uniquely beautiful, and that was what Hoya was attracted to. He realized that it would take a lifetime to try and figure out what that unique thing was. He had an idea that even if he never found out he would die a happy man, because he was able to send his life with her. Hoya knew he was falling for, and he was falling hard and fast.

“Hana? Is it okay we go shopping. I need to buy some things for my family.”

“You want to go shopping with me?”

“Why not? I find you fascinating, and I figure you know a good place to go.”

Hana smiled. “Newbury Street. It’s a great place to go.” Hana parked the car in a public parking lot and they walked to Newbury Street. Hana first took Hoya to Teuscher Chocolates of Switzerland. “This is my favorite chocolate store.”

“Hana!” Hana saw Alan Rossi come from the back door.

“Alan! I thought you were in Florida for college?”

“It’s summer vacation.”

“Right. I keep forgetting that for some reason.”

“Hoya, this is Alan Rossi, he is the owners son. Alan this is Hoya.”

“Nice to meet you Alan.”

“You too. Is he your boyfriend?” Hana blushed and Hoya smirked.

“No. He is helping me with a case.”

“Oh. Umm Hana?”


“How is Rico?” Alan was Hana’s brother first real love. Last year Alan broke up with Rico because he was leaving for the University of Miami. It hurt Rico so much that he locked himself in his room for a week.

“He is doing better. I met his new boyfriend last night at a family dinner.”

“So he found someone.” Alan sighed. With his shoulders slumped he walked to the back room of the shop. She could tell that Alan regretted breaking up with Rico.

“So your brother?” Hoya asked while looking at the chocolates.

“My parents adopted him when I was 4 from Spain. When he was 14 he told everyone he was gay. When he was 15 he introduced us to Alan. That is how I found out about this store.”

“I would like to meet your family.”

“You met my mother this morning, remember?”

“I meant I would like to meet the rest of your family. They sound like good people.” Hana liked that idea a lot.

It was three hours later and Hoya had bought a bunch of chocolate, and souvenirs for his family. They were now outside the hotel. Hana was helping him bring the stuff he brought to the trolley so he could bring it up to his room. Just when she brought the last bag they saw the rest of the Infinite members exiting the elevator. Woohyun saw Hana and ran over. “Hana, did you find anything?”

“We saw on the security tapes that Alice’s stepfather knew she was here.”

“Does that mean you arrested him?”

“No. We need evidence that connects him to the crime scene. We did find what knife was used to kill her. We are checking if he bought it, but we won’t find out till tomorrow.”

“Okay, and thank you for telling me.”


“Your welcome.” Hana saw the rest of the members walking over and they greeted her.

“So Hana,” Sunggyu started “I hear your mother makes delicious pies.”

“I can bring some next time?”

“That would be fantastic.” Sunggyu smiled. “Hoya, I approve.”

“Approve of what?” Hoya asked confused.

“For you to date this woman. She has free pie.” Hoya punched him, and he laughed. “Hana you should join us for dinner.”

“Oh... no... I couldn’t.”

“Please. Myungsoo couldn’t stop talking about you.” Hana looked at Myungsoo, and he blushed. Hoya could punch him in the face right now.. “Considering that Hoya and Myungsoo have become your fans I figure we should know more about you.”

Hana looked at all the members and they all smiled at her, she could not say no. “Okay.”


Marcello’s - Tuesday 8:30pm

The group had just sat down at a large booth at an Italian restaurant called Marcello’s. Hana has been here about five times. When the boys asked about a good Italian restaurant she suggested this place. The booth was round and Hana sat in the middle. On her right sat Hoya, and on her left was Myungsoo. Hoya didn’t like that Myungsoo was trying to get close to Hana, he had a feeling that Myungsoo was doing it on purpose.

Once they were all seated and ordered their drinks Sungyeol asked Hana what she does for the police. “I am called a deception expert. I can tell what a person is feeling, and based on that emotion I can tell if they are hiding something.”

“And how can you see these emotions?” asked Dongwoo.

“Every human in the world has these expressions called microexpressions. When you are trying to hide something, microexpressions appear on your face, they show how you are truly feeling. They are there for only a couple of seconds, and they are the same for every single person in the world. I can read them.” All the members were listening intently on what Hana was saying.

“Thats cool. Where did you learn that?” Sungjong asked.

“I didn’t learn. I have always been able to read them since I was a young girl.” Hoya remembered Hana mentioning this the first time they talked.

“Really?” Woohyun asked.

“There are some people who are naturals at reading these expressions. Though they are very rare. My father knew what I could when I was young. He has a friend from college, Dr. Cal Lightman. He is considered the leading expert in microexpressions. When I was 15 I was sent to DC to hone my skills under Dr. Lightman. For three years I was there. At 18 I came back to Boston and started to work for the police.”

“Show us.” Hoya asked, but to Hana it sounded like he was challenging her. She looked around the restaurant. That was when she saw it.

“You see that couple over there, in the corner?”

“Yeah.” Hoya said.

“That man is going to propose to her in 5..4..3..2-” Just then the man pulls out a box gets down on one knee and asks the woman to marry him. She squeals yes and everyone watching claps for the happy couple.

“Wow that was amazing.” Sungjong said.

“Thank you.” Hana bowed her head and everyone laughed. For the first time since the discovery of Alice’s death the boys were truly smiling and having a great time.

But there was one person in the restaurant who was not. He was pissed. He hated how Hana was getting close to them, just like Alice.


Onyx Hotel, Room 605 - Tuesday 11:45pm

Hoya had taken a taxi with Sungyeol back to the hotel. Now he was lying in his bed wide awake. After the dinner Hoya knew he was falling in love with Hana, and he could see that she got along great with the rest of the guys. Hoya just had to figure out if she felt the same way.


Hana’s Apartment - Tuesday 11:45pm

Hana had just reached her apartment building. As she rode the elevator to the 6th floor she thought about Hoya and about what Salma said in the conference room. Hana knew that she was right. Hoya would go back to South Korea eventually. She was saddened by this thought, especially after today. Because after everything that happened today Hana knew one thing for sure, she had fallen in love with Lee Ho-Won.

Hana opened the door to her apartment and entered, closing the door behind her. Hana was really tired. So she through her shoes in a corner and her bag on the couch. She walked into the kitchen, wanting to get a glass of water before she went to bed. But just as Hana entered the kitchen she froze. In the center of her table was a large bouquet of dead roses that Hana had never seen before. She slowly grabbed the card that came with the roses; it read:

Dear Hana,

These roses represent my heart after what you did today, at the station with that man, then again at Marcello’s. I thought you loved me, you told me I was amazing. You said that you could have done nothing without me and there you were letting that pretty boy’s paws all over you. Then you go and have dinner with him and his friends. NO! I can’t allow it to happen again. I will make sure no one takes you away from me!

Love, You Know Who

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry I did not update yesterday. I was playing host all day yesterday and I could not get time away to write or post a chapter. I will try my best so it doesn't happen again.

Love you guys! And thanks for reading! <3

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))