Day 4 Part 2

7 Days

Hana’s Apartment - Thursday 3:56pm


Hoya starts to wake up hearing the buzzing from his phone. He gets up, finds his pants on the floor and puts them on. He grabs his phone from the dresser and checks the messages. He sees that he has gotten a total of 52 texts and 10 voicemails from the members and managers. He opens up some of the messages and they all have the same theme; asking where he is, if he’s alive, and if he is they’re going to kill him. Hoya rolls his eyes and steps out of the room to call Sunggyu.


Before even the first ring is done he answers. “Yah!!!!! Where the hell have you been? Everyone has been worried sick about you! I swear to God the next time I see you, I’ll kill you!”


“Hyung, calm down.”


“Calm down! Thats all you say, calm down! Where are you!?”


“Hana’s place.”


“What the hell have you been doing there?”


“Talking… and other stuff.”


“What other stuff?”


“Stuff that involves a man, a woman… and a bed.”


“Are you serious!?”


“Now do you see why I was off the grid for awhile?”


“Fine, but next time you go ‘off the grid’ please tell someone first. By the way, what’s the address to Hana’s place?”




“Because we’re coming over.”


“What! No!” It was Hoya’s turn to scream.


“Nevermind we will just ask her mom.” Hoya overhears Sunggyu asking her mom the address.


“Yah, where are you guys?”


“At the bakery you, Woohyun, and Myungsoo went to without us.”


“Why are you there?”


“Myungsoo thought you might be here. It was only when we got here that we realized he just wanted pie.” Hoya laughed at that. “Anyways, we should be there in like fifteen minutes.” Sunggyu hung up and Hoya sighed. He was planning to spend the rest of the day with Hana by themselves. He looked at the time on his phone and decided he should go wake up Hana before the guys came.


He walked back into the bedroom and saw Hana sleeping peacefully. He leaned in and gave a sweet, soft kiss to her lips. “Hana, you have to get up.”


“Why?” She said sleepily. “Get back in bed. I wanna sleep more.”


He smiled at her cuteness. “Baby, the guys are coming over, they’ll be here soon.”






“Why are they coming here?”


“Because they live to piss me off.”


Hana giggled. “Okay. I need to get dressed. I guess I also need to prepare some snacks.”


“You don’t need to feed them. If you do they may never leave.”


“Very funny. Now get out so I can get ready.”


“Why do I need to leave? I’ve already seen you , or do I need to remind you?” He smirked as he saw Hana blush.


She hit him lightly on his arm. “I don’t need to be reminded. Just move so I can change.” Hana got up, grabbed her clothes on the floor and threw Hoya’s shirt at him. “You should wear this, I don’t want them to be thinking weird things.”


“About that, they probably all know by now.”


“What do you mean they all know?”


“When I called Sunggyu he was really pissed off because no one could reach me and he wanted to know what I was doing so I told him. By now he would’ve told all the members.”


“Oh god, how am I going to face them?”


“I don’t what you’re so worried about, it’s not like did something illegal.” Hana just shook her head and went in to the bathroom. Five minutes later she came out to the living room so see Hoya sitting on the couch reading the book he was reading last time he was here. “You’re ready?”


“Yep. When are they suppose to be here?” Just then they heard the buzzer on the intercom. “Nevermind.” Hana went to press the button on the intercom to let them in.


Less than a minute later they were at her door. “It’s so good to see you hyeong-soo-nim.” Sungjong said has he entered in. The other members laughed, and Hoya smiled. He liked the way that sounded.


“Very cute.” Hana said.


“We brought pie.” Myungsoo said as he handed her the box. “Your mom wanted us to give this to you, it’s a new berry and lemon pie. She wanted you to try it. It’s really yummy I ate like four slices already.”


Hana giggled. “Thanks.”


Once everyone was in she brought the pie to the kitchen and put on the table. She walked in the living room to see Woohyun, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo sitting on the large couch. Hoya was sitting on the loveseat, and lastly, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong were sitting on the floor. Hoya patted the spot next to him telling her to sit here. Once she was seated Sunggyu started to speak. “So Hana, we are all really happy that Hoya was able to find someone who makes him so happy, and we all really like you. But there was something we were wondering.”


“What is that?”


“What happens when we go back to Seoul?”




Hana squeezed Hoya’s hand. “It’s fine, they have a right to ask.” Hana turned her attention to the rest of the members. “Actually me and Hoya already talked about that early today.”


“And what did you say?” Sungyeol asked.


“I have decided to move to South Korea.”


“Really?” Dongwoo asked.


“Yeah. I have already talked to my mother about it and she agrees with my decision. Actually she was the one who told me to go.”


“You’re mom is really awesome.” Myungsoo said.


“I know.” Hana smiled.


“Do you know when that will happen? And where will you live? What about a job?” Sunggyu asked.


“Really Hyung?” Hoya asked.


“What, I just want to make sure she has a plan. If not we can help her, right?” Everyone nodded their heads yes.


Hana’s smile widden. “Thank you guys so much.”


“You’re apart of this family now Hana, and we take care of our family.” Sungyeol said.


As everyone was laughing Hana noticed that Woohyun was only half smiling. “Woohyun, are you okay?”


Everyone turned their attention to Woohyun. “I’m fine, don’t worry.”


Hoya knew something was bothering him. “How about we celebrate the good news with pie?”


“Yes!” Myungsoo cheered.


“Woohyun, come help me.” Hoya got up and dragged Woohyun into the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen they could hear the joyful chatter from the living room. When Hoya was sure no one could hear them he spoke. “Woohyun, I’m sorry.”


Woohyun looked at Hoya quizzically. “Sorry for what?”


“For everything that is happening with me and Hana when the wound from Alice’s death is still very fresh.”


“Hoya, you have nothing to be sorry about. I’m really happy for the both of you, Hana is a great girl and she is really lucky to have you in her life.”


“Then why do you seem so sad.”


“I’m sad because I was thinking about Alice. I was thinking of the time when we were in the hotel in London and we were all sitting just like now, talking and having fun.”


“That was a good day.”


“Yeah it was. That was the day when I realized I was in love with Alice. I just wish she was here now.”


“Me too.” Hoya pulled Woohyun into a short, comforting hug. “Now lets get the pie. Can you get the forks? I believe they are in the draw right next to the fridge.”


Woohyun opened the draw and took out the forks. As he went to put them on the tray, that Hoya put on the table, he dropped a few. He bent to pick them up and saw one had went under the table. He noticed a piece of paper next to it and he picked that up too. He put the dirty forks in the sink and started to read the paper. As he read his face fell. “Hoya what the hell is this?”


Hoya turned to see Woohyun holding a piece of paper. “Paper.” He deadpanned.


“Very funny. Read what’s on the paper.” Hoya took the paper and read it. As soon as he read it he walked into the living room full of anger.


Hana was currently listening to Myungsoo and Sungjong tell her about some of Hoya’s embarrassing stories, when she saw Hoya enter. She saw right away that he was angry.


“Why didn’t you tell me he sent you another letter?” Hana saw him holding up a familiar white letter. She thought she had thrown it away. “Answer me Hana!”


“Hoya calm down. What do you mean he sent another letter? What is he talking about Hana?” Dongwoo asked.


Sunggyu took the letter and read it. “Hana, either you or Hoya need to explain this.”


Hana realized there was no way out of this so she took a deep breath. The members listened quietly as she told them about the first letter, the picture Hoya found, the death threats, and the letter and roses that came today which she hid in the coat closet.


When she was done Sunggyu was the first to speak. “Hana, this is really bad.”


“I know.”


“You shouldn’t be left alone for now. Not until this is solved.” All the members agreed.


“For now Hoya will stay here with you along with Woohyun.”


“You guys don’t have to do that.”


“Like we said before you are family now and we take care of our own.” Woohyun said.


“Then it’s settled. Hoya and Woohyun will stay here, and tomorrow Hoya will make sure you show the letter to the detective you are working with on Alice’s case.”


AN: So this is the end of Day 4. I know it was short, but there are still three more days to go.

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))