Day 2 Part 3

7 Days

Media Room, Boston PD HQ - Tuesday 11:31am

Mars was waiting for Hana in the media room. He was reading something when Hana came in. He looked up to see that Hana was not alone, with her was Hoya. “Is there something you want to tell me Hana?”

“Look, I was given the choice to have him follow me are all seven following me.”

Mars chuckled and let it go. “Salma is bringing pizza. Once she is here we can start.” Mars turned to Hoya. “So, Hoya why exactly are you here?”

“Alice was a good to friend to all of us, and her death hurt us all. But it especially hurt one of us the most and I feel like the only way he will heal if he gets answers.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“I’m not sure yet.” Hoya smirked and Hana hit his arm.

Salma entered the media room carrying two boxes of large pepperoni pizzas. She saw a young man standing next to Hana. “Who are you?”

“I’m Lee Ho-Won, but everyone calls me Hoya.” Salma looked at Hana with a gaze saying we are talking about this later. Hana nodded.

“Okay lets start.” For the first couple of hours there was nothing on the tapes. By the third tape Hana was starting to fall asleep and the pizza was finished. Just then Salma noticed a man sitting in a lounge chair facing the front desk. She noticed that he was staring intently on anyone who came to the desk. “Who is he?”

Mars paused the tape and zoomed in on the man sitting on the chair. Hana recognized him immediately. “That is Alice’s stepfather, James Rigsby. You see Mars, he knew Alice was here.”

“Let’s not jump to any conclusions.” Mars resumed the tape. About an hour later of watching James sitting on the chair, he finally moved. Hana saw he ran to Alice and grabbed her by the arm. Mars paused it again.

“This must be the ‘incident’ that Nam Eun-Hee mentioned yesterday.” Mars resumed the tape and they saw James trying to drag Alice out the hotel, they saw the hotel security grab James and through him out. “Mars, you saw that right. He knew Alice was here.”

“Yes, he knew she was here, but that does not mean he killed her.”

“What else do you need?” Hoya asked.

“Evidence connecting him to the crime scene.” Just then Mars got a call from the ME. “The ME finished the autopsy. He identified the weapon as a Gerber 31-000751 part of the Bear Grylls Survival Series.”

“Does James own one?” Hana asked.

“Lets find out. It will take awhile. We won’t find out till tomorrow. You can go home if you want to.”

“Sure. I have to drop Hoya off at the hotel first.”

“Before we go I need to go to the bathroom.” Mars showed Hoya where it is, and Salma dragged Hana to an empty conference room.

“What are you doing?”

“What do mean?”

“I mean, what are you doing with Hoya. Isn’t he one of the members of that kpop group that the victim traveled with?”

“Yeah, so?”

“So... why is he here?”

“He wants to help.”

“So a lot of people wanted to help with the case, but you don’t let them. Why him?”

“I don’t know. There is something about him. I feel like I can trust him with everything. He is not like the others. He is not afraid of what I can do. He’s actually thinks it’s interesting.”

“Hana, do like him? And by that I mean do you like him in a romantic way?”

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“Hana you can’t fall in love with him.”

Hana was taken aback to what Salma was saying. She never had anything against the men Hana choose to date. “Why?” Hana said quietly.

“He is an idol. Mars asked me to do research on them. Hana, he is famous all over the world. He will eventually go back to Korea. What will you do then. I don't want you to get hurt.” Just then Hoya popped his head in the room.

“There you are Hana. I’m ready to go.”


A/N:I'm sorry the chapters have been short recently. I would like to thank inspirit501 and baekyeolelvin for sunscribing to my story.


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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))