Day 1 Part 2

7 Days

Onyx Hotel - Monday 10:45am


By the time Hana reaches the hotel it is 10:45am. She parks her car across the street. There are police surrounding the building; no one can enter or leave. Hana reaches the yellow tape. She pulls out the special consultant badge her father had given her. As soon as she enters the hotel she hears someone calling her name. “Hana!”


Hana looks to the front desk and sees Officer Young carrying a box of video tapes. “Oh great, he’s here.” Hana thought. Hana has known Officer Young since she started to consult for the Boston PD. He is about three years older than her and also has a major crush on her. He has asked her out about six times in the past three years, and each time Hana has said no. The reason was, when she read him there was something in his face that Hana could not read, and in all honesty that scared her.


“Are you here because of the dead girl?”




“I will show you where the crime scene is.” Officer Young lead Hana to the elevator. Once in he turned to her. “Okay so I know that you keep rejecting me but I am just going to keep asking until you say yes. So dinner tonight?”


“No.” Hana was getting tired of this. If he is really going to continue to do this then she was going to file ual harassment.


“Come on, it wi-” Officer Young was caught off when the elevators opened up to a hallway full of cops and crime scene techs. Hana immediately got off the elevator. “Bye Hana, I need to drop this off in my car.” Hana waved and thanked God he was gone.


“I see Young still has not taken a hint.” Hana turns to see Salma Sánchez. Salma and Hana have been best friends since High School. When Hana started to help the police Salma joined the police acadamy much to her parents disapproval. But Salma did not care, she loved being a cop.


“Next time he asks me out I am filing for a restraining order.”


“You should have done that after the fourth time or at least told your father.”


“You're probably right. So, who is the lead detective here?”


“Mars. He is in the room at the end of the hall, and Hana?”




“It is a blood bath in there.” Hana waved bye and went to the room. She opens the door to see that Salma was not kidding. Blood is everywhere. She sees Mars standing over the body listening to the medical examiner.


“Detective Mars.” Hana greets.


“Hana, let me guess, the mayor called your father and then your father called you?”


“That is usually how it goes.” Mars was one of the younger detectives, about eight years older than Hana. He has just made detective about a year ago. Most of the homicide detectives hated working with Hana because of her age and because of who her father is, but Mars was one of the few who liked having Hana around. He once said that she made his job easier by telling right away if a person was hiding something. “So are you going to share are do I have steal your little notebook?”


Mars smiled at that. “The victim is Alice Wright. She lives here in Boston.”


“If she lives in Boston what is she doing in a Hotel?”


“Because on May 2nd Alice won a trip to South Korea to travel the world with a Kpop group called Infinite?”


“Kpop? I am surprised you know what that is?”


“I don’t, one of the maids told me. Anyways, one of the stops for their world tour was here in Boston. Infinite and the whole staff who came with them rented this floor and the one above.”


“Do we know T.O.D.?”


“Well the ME says she died about four to five hours ago.”


“And C.O.D.?”


“He says she bleed out.” Mars crouched next to the body and Hana followed him. “You see the neck? It looks like a serrated blade cut the jugular. Hence why the walls are covered in blood. It was quick but painful.” Hana and Mars stood up. He turned to the ME “You can take the body now. The witnesses are down in the small ball room. Shall we go and do the interviews?”






Hoya was sitting against the wall in the back of the ball room. In a conner Hoya could see that Woohyun was about to fall apart. It seemed like Sunggyu has notice the relationship between Woohyun and Alice. He was trying to keep Woohyun together. The rest of the members looked so lifeless; like they were dolls. They had just lost a good friend in a very tragic way, and they had know idea how to deal with it.


Suddenly the doors opened and in walked in a man and a woman. They went and stood on the small stage in the room and the man spoke. “Hello, I am Detective Rick Mars and this is Hana Davis.” Hoya noticed that as the man spoke the woman was studying everyone in the room. He noticed that she looked closely at Woohyun and Eun-Hee noona. Then her eyes landed on him.


Hana was studying the faces as Mars spoke to everyone. Looking for any kind of expression on their face. She saw a man in the conner who seemed to take the death of Alice a lot harder than the rest. She also noticed a woman who looked sad but also had a guilty expression on her face. Hana knew this woman had some information that could help them. Then Hana saw a man in the back of the room looking directly at her. Hana stopped. She was taken aback. For some reason she felt like she was under some kind of magnifying glass. The man was around her age and very handsome. Hana could tell that he was a man that demanded attention. He must be one of the Infinite members.


Hoya was also studying this woman. For some reason he was drawn to her and he had no idea why. There was something about her, especially her eyes. Hoya felt like her eyes could see into his soul.


“We will be conducting interviews in the back room here. We will call one person in at a time. There is an officer outside the ballroom to make sure that no one leaves before they are questioned. We would like to first talk to the person in charge.”


“That is me. I am Lee Sang-Ook.”


“Please come this way.” Hana took one last look at the man in the back before following Mars into the back room.


They sat around a small table, and Mars took out his notepad and pen ready to take notes. “Please say your name again.”


“Lee Sang-Ook or in America you would say Sang-Ook Lee.”


“Okay Mr. Lee, can you tell us how you know Alice.”


“I don’t know her that well. Me along with Nam Eun-Hee first met Alice at the airport.”


“Nam Eun-Hee?”


“She is the translator and guide for Alice. You could say she was Alice’s guardian for the duration of the tour.”


“Anything else you could tell us, even things you think might not be important?”


“Alice seemed to be very close to one of the members.”




“Of Infinite, his name is Woohyun.” Then entire time Mr. Lee spoke Hana could not see a single micro expression of deceit.


“Thank you Mr. Lee. Can you please tell Nam Eun-Hee to come?”




“So anything?” Mars asked Hana as soon as Sang-Ook left.


“No. He was telling the truth.” Just then Nam Eun-Hee entered. Hana recognized her as the woman who seemed guilty. Hana gave a small cough. That was the sign that Mars and her had come up with when Hana knew a person was of interest. Mars nodded at Hana and began his questioning.


“Ms. Nam?”




“Can you please tell me your relationship to the victim, Alice?”


“I was in charge of her safety. I also acted as her translator and... and guide.”


“What do you know about her?”


“Not much, just that her father and brother passed away in a car accident and two years ago her mother remarried.”


It was Hana's turn. “Ms. Nam, do you what I do?”




“I am what is called a deception expert. I read these things called micro expressions on people's faces and they tell what you're really thinking.”


“Okay.” Hana could tell that Nam Eun-Hee was starting to get nervous.


“Ms. Nam, I know for a fact you feel very guilty about something. So I have to think that you are hiding something or you killed Alice and you are feeling remorse.” Eun-Hee’s face showed shock.


“I could never hurt Alice! I thought of her like a sister!”


“Then what are you hiding Ms. Nam?” Mars asked.


“Last night there was... this incident.”




“I wanted to tell Mr. Lee but Alice begged me not to. She did not want anyone to worry about her.”


“What happened?”


“As you know Alice is from Boston. The boys, Infinite, were going to have a concert tomorrow. And for the next two days they had a rest period. Alice wanted to show them around Boston. For once she wanted to be their guide. On Wednesday Alice was going to take them to a baseball game. She told me that she loved baseball, it made her feel closer to her father and brother. One the last memories she has of them is watching the Red Sox win the world series in 2004. We went to the front desk in the lobby of the hotel to pick up the tickets. Just as we were about to go back upstairs a man grabbed Alice’s arm. He started to yell at her saying things like ‘You , how dare you leave.’ and ‘You’re coming back with me right now.’ It was very scary. Luckily the security guards came and threw the man out. I tired to ask Alice who that man was but she told me she had no idea, acting like the man made a mistake.”


“But you think she did know that man?”


“She was so scared afterwards. The only reason she would be that scared if she knew that man.”


“Thank you Ms. Nam you can go. Could you please tell Woohyun to come in.” Eun-Hee nodded and then left. “So what do you think?”


“I think that Alice was keeping a lot of secrets.”


“What do you mean?”


“All anybody knew about her was she was nice, father and brother passed away, and mother is remarried. She has been with them for over a month and that is all they know? She was hiding things from them. We need to see the security tapes.”


“I sent Officer Young to get them and bring them to the precinct.”




Hoya was still sitting in the same spot. Woohyun was just called in for questioning. Hoya wondered what they were talking about, but mostly wondering about the woman from earlier. For some reason he could not get her out of his head. Who was she, and what did she have to do with the police?




“Can I have your full name?” Mars asked.


“Nam Woo-Hyun.”


“Any relation to Nam Eun-Hee?”


“No, I met her the first time she introduced Alice.” Hana could see the small frown on Woohyun’s face when he mentioned Alice’s name.


Hana had a feeling about Woohyun and Alice; now she just needed to prove it. “What was your relation to Alice?” At first Woohyun just stared at the ground, his eyes were filled with grief and regret.


Woohyun took a deep breath, looked at Hana, and answered “I loved Alice.”


“That was easy” Hana thought. She looked at Mars and he nodded for her to continue. “So you two were a couple?”


“No. I loved Alice, but I never told her.” “That is why he shows regret.” Hana thought “I was going to tell her after tomorrow's concert.”


“The people we have talked to so far all say you were the closest one to her.”




“Did she tell you anything, even if it is a small detail we need to know?”


“We were on the plane coming from London to Boston. Everyone was asleep except for Alice and I. She seemed nervous and I asked her what was wrong. At first she did not want to tell me. but...” Woohyun stopped.


“But what? If you truly loved Alice you need to tell us. It might have something to do with her death.”


“But when I wouldn’t let it go she told me that she did not tell her parents that she would be spending her summer with us on the world tour.”


Now Mars spoke. “Are you sure?”


“Yes. She said that if she told her parents or anyone for that matter, her stepfather would find out and she would not be able to go. She said that for at least one summer she wanted to get away from him.”


“Did she tell you why?”


“No. I wanted to ask more but she said she was tired and went back to her seat so she could sleep.” Hana could tell that he had one more thing to say.


“Woohyun, remember what I said, anything you can tell us will be a big help weather you think it is important or not.”


Woohyun pressed his lips together, debating on whether or not to mention it. “I noticed that as soon as we landed in Boston Alice started to look over shoulder. It seemed like she thought someone was watching her.”


“Thank you. You can go now.” Mars said. Hana stood up and walked closer to Woohyun. She looked him straight in the eye.


“I promise you I will find out who did this.”


Woohyun smiled. “Thanks.”


“What was that about?”


“I could tell he truly loved her. Was there a missing child report filed for Alice?”


“No, and I also think that it’s weird. If what Alice told Woohyun was true then the parents would think their daughter was missing and they would have filed a report.”


“The only reason they would not, is if they were hiding something.”




Hoya saw Woohyun exit the room and walk to the far corner and sat on the floor. Sunggyu was called in next so Dongwoo went to Woohyun, but Woohyun wanted to be left alone. Dongwoo sat next to Hoya. “Woohyun is really hurting.”


“I know.” Hoya said.


“I wish there was a way to help him.”


“We just need to give him space right now.” Hoya and Dongwoo continued to look and Woohyun with a worried expression. Soon it had been two hours, it was currently 1:50pm, and Hoya was the last one to be called in.


He entered the room and looked directly at the woman he saw earlier. He could tell that she was a very interesting woman, and he wanted to know more.


A/N: So if you had not noticed I kind of made everyone fluent or close to fluent english speakers.

Thanks for reading :)

I miss Avatar.

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))