Day 3 Part 5

7 Days

Cochituate State Park - Wednesday 4:20pm


It took about an hour to reach the park. Hoya called Sungyeol and told him that James was found and they are on the way to arrest him. They reached the entrance of the park and saw all the police cars in the parking lot. The police were not letting anyone enter or leave. Hana parks the car across from the entrance. They both go to the gate, and Hana pulls out her badge “He’s with me.” The officer nods and pulls up the tape letting them both enter.


“Hana!” Hana turns and groans seeing that Officer Young is walking towards her. Hana can see his face harden when his eyes land on Hoya. “What is he doing here?” He asks when he reaches them.


“I told you the last time I saw you, he is helping me.” Officer Young just glares at Hoya and Hoya smirks back. Before a fight breaks out Hana asks Young where Mars is.


“He’s there in the boat house.” Hana grabs Hoya’s wrist and pulls him along with her.


“If you want I can get rid of him for you.”


“Oh really? How will you do that?”


“I would like to beat the out of him, but because I am an international idol and I can’t do that. So instead I will just give him a stern talking to.” Hana just giggles.


“Hana! Hoya!” They both see Mars standing outside the boathouse waving at them.


“Mars, where is James?” Hana asks.


“In there, but before you guys go there is something you should both know...” Mars paused.


“Know what?” Hoya asked.


“James is dead.”


“What!?” The both said in unison.


“It looks like he hung himself.” Hana enters the boathouse and sees James hanging in the center with a knocked over ladder on the the floor. “He must of realized that we were closing in on him and decided to take his own life.”


“Be careful when cutting the rope.” Linda the medical examiner said. When they finished cutting James’s body down the medical examiner started to process the it.


Hana saw something white in his jean’s pocket. “Linda, what is that?” Linda grabbed the small white card from the pocket. It was a key chain with the the number fifteen on one side and the name Burt’s Motel on the other side.


“A key to a motel room.” Hana says.


Hoya pulls out his phone and googles the name of the motel. “That’s weird. According to my phone’s GPS the motel is located in a town called Lowell which is a forty minute drive.”


Hana was starting to feel something was wrong. “Linda do you know the C.O.D yet?”


“Isn’t it obvious? He hanged himself.” Officer Young said. Linda starts to examine James’s neck.


“What are you thinking Hana?”  Mars asked.


“I don’t know, but doesn’t this seem too easy to you? And why would James come here to kill himself when he has a motel room in Lowell which is far from here? Plus why would he even commit suicide in the first place?”


“What do you mean?”


“James’s mind is very close to that of a sociopath.”


“And?” Hoya asks.


“He is not the type of person to kill himself. I looked at his file, he was in prison seventeen years ago. It seems like he was top dog there, so he is not afraid of going to jail. He would just run until we catch him.”


“Looks like you’re right Hana, you see this?” Linda said pointing to the bruise on James’s neck. “You see this dark red line going around his neck and this light bruise that kind of goes up? If you compare the rope to the light bruise it is a match. If he was alive when he hung himself the bruise would be darker. It looks like that James was strangled by some kind of thin wire. That is what caused this red line on his neck. Also if you look at the side of his left arm...” Linda said lifting the sleeve of his shirt.


“That looks like tire tread.” Hana said.


“Not just any tire tread a donut or a spare made this thread. See how thin it is? I think James was killed somewhere else put in the trunk of the car next to the spare tire and transported here. I’m ruling his death as a homicide. Fang! can you bring me the stretcher?”


“Sure doc.”


“Now what?” Hoya asks.


“I think we should head over to Burt’s Motel. I bet that is where the murder took place. You guys coming?” Mars asked.


“Yeah, I just need to call my father and tell him I won’t be able to go to dinner tonight.” Hana walks out to make the call.


“Kay. Fang, you ride with me and Officer Young.”


“Yes detective.” Fang and Young head to the car and Mars stays behind wanting to talk to Hoya.


“That was fast thinking, googling the motel.”


“Thank you sir.”


“With some training you could be a really good detective.”


“Thanks.” Hoya said with an awkward smile.


“So, I’ve noticed how close you and Hana have gotten.”


“What do mean?”


“Look Hana is a strong woman who can take care of herself, but when it comes to men Hana is a little naive. I have met some of her past boyfriends and all of them were...lets just say they were no good.”


“Are you saying I’m no good?”


“No, actually quite the opposite. I think you are a really good guy Hoya. The thing is, I’ve done my research on you. You’re a famous singer from South Korea, and eventually you will go back. And I’m just worried about Hana when that happens.”


Hoya froze. He completely forgot that he will have to leave. Before he could think more about it Hana comes back. “Well my mother is upset that I can’t come, but my father understands.”


“Alright. See you two there.”


Hana waves bye and turns to Hoya. “What were you two talking about?”

Hoya looks at Hana’s eyes “So beautiful.” Hoya thinks. He did not want those eyes to cry because of him. “Nothing.” He says coldly. He walks past Hana to the car.

Hana’s eyes widen in surprise, his face was so cold, so distant. She couldn’t read anything on his face. What happened in the five minutes she was on the phone?

AN: Now the real drama begins ;) Also I will be posting a poll asking if I should add some rated m scenes. Make sure to vote.

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))