Day 4 Part 3

7 Days

Hana’s Apartment - Thursday 5:00pm


It’s 5 in the evening and Hana is preparing dinner for her, Hoya, and Woohyun. The other members had left going back to the hotel. As she was cooking the sauce for the spaghetti her phone rang. “Hello?” She answered.


“Hana, it’s Mars. Fang did it, he got into Alice’s email.”


“What did you find?”


“You were right. Alice had lover.”


“Do you know who he is?”


“Yeah, it’s someone we all know. It’s Officer Young.” Hana froze. “Judging from the tone of the emails he sent her after she left, he could definitely be the killer. Hello? Hana? You still there.” If Young is Alice’s lover then most likely he is the one who killed her. And if it’s true that Young is her stalker, then Hana is in more danger than she first thought. She knew now that she had to tell Mars about her stalker.


“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Hana hung up the phone, turned off the stove, and went to the living room.


Hoya and Woohyun were watching TV when Hana walked in. Hoya turned to look at her and right he could tell something was wrong. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. “What’s wrong?”


“Mars just called me. He said that Fang was able to get into Alice’s email and he found out who Alice was seeing before she left for South Korea. We believe he his Alice’s killer.”


Woohyun stood up. “Who is it?”


“Officer Young.”


“What!” Hoya roared. “Hana if this is true, you are in grave danger. We need to tell Mars about the stalking now.”


“I know, I told him we will be there in fifteen minutes.”


“Good lets leave. Woohyun, you stay here.”


“I want to come.”


“I know you, Young might be there, and if you see him, you will try to kill him.”


“Won’t you, Young is the stalker who is threatening Hana.”


“You have a point. Fine, lets go.” They leave Hana’s apartment and get into Hana’s car.




Boston PD Headquarter - Thursday 5:02pm


Officer Young was in the courtyard having a smoke when he saw one of the lab techs running towards him. “Young!”




“You’re working with Mars on the Alice case right?”


“Yeah, why?”


“This is the analysis on the emails that were sent to Alice. Can you give it to Mars?”


Young was shocked. “Fang got the emails?”


“Yeah, look can you please take it, I don’t have time to look for Mars, my wife is in labor on the way to Mass General. I need to go.”


“Fang has read them?”


“Yes, so has Mars. Can you please take them?”


“Do you know who sent them?”


“No, but Fang does. Now here.” Young took the emails. and the lab tech ran off. He opened the file. He saw the emails that he sent to Alice. “!” He thought. He dropped the files and headed to the parking garage. He had to get away.




Hana, Hoya, and Woohyun arrived the Boston PD headquarters and were now walking towards Mars’s desk. Hana saw that he wasn’t there. “Hana!” They turned and Salma in front of the conference room. “In here.” All three walked into the room and saw Mars, Fang and Hana’s father sitting at the table.


“Dad, why are you here?”


“Hello to you too, sweetie.”


“Right, sorry. Hi dad. What are you doing here?”


“Well when I heard that one of our officers is the main suspect in a murder I came right away to hear the full story. Hoya, it’s good to see you.”


“You too sir.”


“Who is the man standing next to you?”


“Oh this is Woohyun, he is a member of the same kpop group I am from. He was also the closest to Alice.”


“I see. I’m very sorry for your loss.”


“Thank you.”


“Can I see the emails?” Hana asked.


“Fang, can you put them on the screen.”


“Sure. Okay this email is the last one that Alice sent. I traced the email address she sent it to and saw that it was registered to Young. After this Young sends a couple of emails back, basically begging her to come back. When she doesn’t respond he gets angry. At first he’s saying that she’s a , a , and all that. But in the past month they get violent, describing different ways he’s going to kill her. The most interesting one is the last email that he sent. I’ll read it: I read that Infinite will be coming here to Boston. You better watch your back because or I’ll take a knife and slice your throat.


“And to think I sat in a car with him for a day.” Hana could see her dad shiver.


“Um, sir,” Hoya said. “Hana has some more information on Young that you will not like.”


“What is it?” Everyone turns to look a Hana.


“I think it will be easier if I show you.” Hana takes out the letter she received today and gives it her father. It was very easy to read the emotions on his face as he read threw the letter.


“I want an explanation. Now.” His tone was calm, but Hana could see the anger in his eyes and the small quiver in lips indicating fear.


“A couple of months ago I started to receive letters from a secret admirer. At first I ignored them, but after a couple of weeks the letters started to become creepy. Whoever was sending them to me knew things about my life, things I did when I was alone. That was when I realized this person was stalking me. I was scared, but I thought I could handle it. It was when I met Hoya the letters got worse. The letters were becoming more violent and…”




“One night, while I was sleeping he broke in and hung a picture on my wall. The picture was me sleeping. The letter you just read was sent to me this morning.” When she was done the room was silent. Her father was the first to speak.


“Hana,” His voice was calm, but she could sense a touch of sadness in it.. “How could you keep this from me?”


“I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry. I had no idea that it could get this bad. Are you going to tell mom?”


“No, you need to tell her. If I do it then she won’t think you trust her enough.” He took a deep breath, then stood up. “I’ll bring your mother, and brother to your apartment tonight and you can tell them there.”


“I have to tell Rico too?”


“Rico is a smart boy, he will know that something is going on and you know he won’t stop until he finds out. Also I’m taking you off the case.”




“If Young is the one stalking you, then that means you are in serious danger. For now on you are not aloud to go anywhere alone. Hoya, I assume you plan to stay with her?”


“Yes. I’m not leaving her alone until Young is caught.”


“Dad, I can help.”


“I’m sorry Hana, you may be a great cop, but you are my daughter and I need to know your safe. Salma, I want her home under surveillance.”


“Don’t worry, I got it.”


“Good. Mars, you and I need to go talk to the lieutenant and tell him what's going on.”


“Yes sir.”


When Mars and Hana’s father leave the room. Salma gives Hana a big hug. “First of all, I knew something was wrong with that guy. Second of all,” Salma lets her go, “You should have told me.”


“I’m sorry, Next time I get a stalker you’re the first to know.”


“Even before him?” She said pointing at Hoya.


“Yes.” The break out into giggles.


Salma looks at Woohyun. “Hi, I’m Salma.”




“I know, when Hana told me about Hoya I did some reserch on you guys.”


“What, don’t trust me?” Hoya asks.


“If Hana trusts you, then I trust you, but I just wanted to know more about you guys.” There was a pause. “So, have you guys talked about the whole ‘Hoya has to go back to Korea’ thing?” She asks.


“We did.” Hoya replied.


“I’ve talked to my mother about this, and she agrees. I’m going to move to Korea.”


“What?!” Everyone looks at Fang who is now standing with shock all over his face. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to scream that. It’s because I’m really shocked about it. Are you sure it’s a good idea to move all the way to South Korea. You’ll be far away from home, and I know how important your family is to you.”


Hoya thought it was really weird that Fang was getting upset over this. As far as he knows Fang and Hana only work together, there is no personal connection between them, right? He’ll have to ask Hana about it later.


“To be honest, I am a little scared moving to a new country away from everything I know, but Hoya, Woohyun, and the other will be there. Also I know my mom, She will visit at least once a year. And I’ll come home for Christmas.”


“But-” Fang was cut off.


“I’m going to be very sad when you leave but, you can call me any time. You know that right?” Salma said giving her another big hug.


“Of course, and you can call me any time too.” Hana said as she returned the hug.

Just then Mars came back. “Hana, it seems a lab tech gave Young the emails, not knowing that Young was the sender. He has gone off the grid.” Hana started to shake in fear, but Hoya grabbed her hand squeezing it and Hana felt safe in an instant. “Your father has gone to pick up you mom and brother. He wants you, Hoya and Woohyun to go back home. Salma and I will follow behind you and set up a perimeter with other patrol officers around the apartment building. We’ll keep it up until Young is caught.”

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))