Day 3 Part 6

7 Days

Burt’s Motel - Wednesday 6:30pm


It took them almost an hour to reach the motel. The car ride was one of the worst car rides in Hana’s life. The entire time Hoya was silent. His face had a cold mask on the whole way there. She knew something was wrong but she was afraid to ask. Mars and Fang went inside to talk to the the owner of the motel.


Officer Young turned towards Hana. “So, Hana, I’m really curious, what’s the relationship between you and him?” He asked pointing at Hoya.


Hana opened to speak but before she could get a single sound out Hoya spoke “Nothing. I’m here to help.” Again Hana was in shock. She was going to say the exact same thing but, his tone just broke her heart. It was like he was also telling her that he wanted nothing to with her anymore. She didn’t understand why he was acting this way. Before she could ask him Mars and Fang returned.


“Alright the owner gave us permission to enter the room.” They walked to room fifteen which was on the first floor. Mars took out the key and opened the door. Hana right away saw the beer bottles and the cigarette butts lying all over the floor. James was definitely here. “I found something.” Hana turned to Mars. “Looks like a white cloth.” Mars sniffed at the cloth. “It’s doused in chloroform. I’ll call Linda to check for chloroform in James’s tox pannal. Young, give me an evidence bag.” Young took one out of his pocket and Hana noticed his hand was shaking a little bit. She thought it was weird but let it go.


“Mars, Alice’s laptop was never found right?” Hana asked.


“No. Why?”


“Well, I don’t see it here. Fang didn’t you say you would see if she had an email account?”


“I did find one, but she had extra security on it. I think she was afraid that someone was reading her email or something. I am running a description program on it. I should be able to access it tomorrow.”


“Call me right away when you have it.”


“Will do.” For a split second Hana could swear that she saw panic on officer Young’s face. But when she looked at him again he was completely neutral.


“Hana, if you want you can leave. We will handle the rest.” Mars asked.


“Are you sure?”




Hana turned to Hoya to see he was standing in the corner with the same cold unrevealing mask. “Lets go.” Hoya nodded and followed Hana out of the room to the car. She sat inside, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. Ten minutes into the drive Hana couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you okay?”


“I’m fine.” He didn’t even look at her, he continued to stare out the window.


“No you’re not.”


Hoya turned to look directly at Hana, while she kept her eyes on the road, but she could feel his stare. “Oh, so now you can read my mind and my face?” Hoya’s tone scared Hana. His tone was telling her to be quiet and not talk to him. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw him look straight ahead and for the next hour or so they drove in complete silence.


They had reached the hotel and Hoya got out of the car and went straight to his room. He slammed the door shut causing Sungyeol to flinch. Hoya walked over to the bed and fell on top of it.


“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that something made you very upset.”


Hoya turned his head to see Sungyeol sitting at the desk with a smug expression on his face. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. Sungyeol caught the pillow and started to laugh. “I hate you.”


“No you don’t, you love me.” Sungyeol said chuckling to himself. “So are you going to tell me what is wrong or do I have to guess again?” Hoya kept silent. “Guessing it is. I am going to guess it has something to with ….Hana?” Sungyeol saw Hoya’s face go from angry to sad. “Bingo!” Hoya threw another pillow this time succeeding in hitting Sungyeol’s face. Sungyeol burst into another round of laughter. “But seriously, what about Hana has you so upset?”


Hoya looked at the ceiling wondering if he should tell Infinite’s very own prankster his problem. He sighed, deciding that it’s worth a try. He looked back at Sungyeol. “When this case is over what happens?”


“Um... we go back home.”


“Exactly. We go back to South Korea and Hana stays here in Boston.”


“Oh, now it makes sense. You’re worried about what happens with your relationship with Hana when we go back. Shouldn’t you have thought about this before you got so close?”


Hoya groaned. “I know but, the thought just didn’t cross my mind. All I thought is how amazing this woman is and how I am so happy that I’ve met her. I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t think I know how to live without her anymore.”


“You met her like three days ago.”


“Thats the strange part. I just met her but, I feel like I’ve known her my whole life.”


“Have you talked to her about this?”




“You’re such an idiot.” Sungyeol said while shaking his head. “Talk to her as soon as you can.”


Hoya knew Sungyeol was right. He had to talk to Hana first. “You know, you give pretty good advice. We should talk more.”


“I’m always here.” Sungyeol smiled.




Davies’s Penthouse - Wednesday 8:35pm


Hana knocked on the door to her parents home. She really wanted to talk to her mother about what happened today with Hoya. The door opened and she saw her mother. Hana started to cry and she fell into her mother’s arms.


“Hana? What’s wrong?” Hana’s mother said while pulling her into their home and shutting the door. “Why is my baby girl crying?”


“He hates me.” Hana sobbed.


“Who hates you?”


“Hoya.” Hana’s mother made her sit on the couch, then she went to the kitchen to grab a slice of banana cream pie and also to make some hot chocolate. Whenever there was a boy problem pie and hot chocolate always made Hana feel better. Ten minutes later she came back and placed the pie and the hot chocolate in front of Hana on the the glass coffee table.


“So why do you think Hoya hates you?”


“Today I brought Hoya to my apartment and we talked.”


“Talked about what?”


Hana froze. She remembered Hoya telling her to tell her family about the stalker but she really didn’t want to worry her mother. “Just random things but the important thing is that he told me he like me a lot and then I told him I like him too.”


“Oh, I am so happy for you Hana. Wait if he told you he liked you why do you think he hates you?”


“It’s what happened afterwards. I got call saying we found a suspect in the case we are working on. For some reason after we were finished with the scene and were about to go to a second one he started to act really cold. It was like he was trying to push me away. Why was he doing that?”


“Honestly I have no idea, but I do know that you need to talk to him.”


“I know.” Hana’s mother could tell there another thing that was bothering her.


“What’s the second problem?”


“Salma said something that has me concerned.”


“What is it?”


“When this case is done Hoya has to go back home... to South Korea.”


“So?” Hana turned to look at her mother with a confused expression on her face.


“So? Thats all you have to say? Hoya is going to South Korea and I am going to stay here in Boston.”


“Who says?”


“Mom, Hoya is a very famous idol there and around the world. I’m not going to stand in his way saying that he has to choose between me or his career. I refuse to be one of those women who makes the men they supposedly love choose between them or their dream.”


“No, I meant who says that you have to stay in Boston?”




“Hana I’m going to be honest with you. Out of all the boys you have dated Hoya is the only one who is not scared of what you do. In fact he finds it amazing. Where on earth are you going to find another man like that? Nowhere. Hoya is a one of kind man. I say go to with him. Also...” Hana’s mother paused.




“When you were young I know you tried to find out about your birth parents.” She turned to look at the coffee table and Hana looked at her mother with shock.


“Mom, please don’t misunderstand. I love you and dad so much but, I just wanted to know...” Hana trailed off.


“Don’t worry dear, I know you love me and your father and it’s totally understandable to want to know where you come from. And I know that you can’t find much information here in Boston but, if you here in South Korea then maybe you might know what happened.”


Hana smiled and hugged her mother. Hana knew that if she did find her birth mother she would always believe the her real mother is the one she is hugging right now. She pulled away “What about dad?”


“Don’t worry about him. Ever since I told him about Hoya he had this feeling that you might leave but, you still need to go talk to him and he also wants to officially meet Hoya.”


Hana hugged her mother once more “I love you mom.”

“I love you too my beautiful baby girl.”

A/N: Sorry for the taking so long. This chapter was a hard one to write. Well I hope you liked it.

A/N 2: Also I checked the poll. Looks the majorty wants . For the people who did not want it I'm sorry, but I will mark where the is so you can skip it if you want to.

A/N 3: Did you hear that Infinite might be part of the SMTOWN concerts? Honestly I have no idea if that is a bad thing or not? I guess I just have to wait and see what happens in the future.

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))