Day 3 Part 3

7 Days

Hana’s Apartment - Wednesday 11:46am

Hana had just parked her car in the garage. She and Hoya got out of the car and entered the elevator. Hana pushed the button for the 7th floor. Hoya could see that she was bothered by something. He wanted to ask her what was going on, but just as he was about to the elevators opened and Hana exited. Hoya sighed to himself, every time he wanted to ask what was wrong something stopped him. Hoya followed her into the hall to the last door on the right. Her hand was shaking when she put her key in the lock. Hoya thought that was odd. She opened the door and they entered. Hana showed him to the living room. There were two couches, one in front of the tv, and one to the right with a small coffee table in the middle. There was a wall bookcase on the left wall. Hoya looked at the books while Hana was making sandwiches for lunch.

Hana could see that Hoya wanted to ask what was going on. She also noticed that he noticed her hand shaking while unlocking the door. She was afraid that there would more roses when she got home. Luckily there were none. She finished with lunch and went to call Hoya. She saw him reading one of her books. It was a James Patterson book. “Enjoying the book?”

“Only read the first chapter, but so far so good.” Hoya put the book down. “Lunch done?”

“Yep.” Hana lead Hoya to the kitchen. In the middle there was round table with sandwiches and two cans of coke. They sat down and ate in silence for a couple of minutes. Hoya decided it was a good time ask her what was wrong. “So are going to tell me why you seem scared or am I going to have to figure it out myself?”

Hana knew once they sat down he was going to ask. “There is nothing wrong.”

“Really? Then why was your hand shaking while you were opening the door?”

“I am just tired and hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.”


“I’m fine Hoya. Just leave it alone.” Hoya sighed and kept quite.


Motel - Wednesday 12:13pm

James was currently sitting on the bed in the motel he was staying at. The motel was one those ones which only accepted cash and didn’t ask any questions, more like they didn’t care. He was watching tv and drinking beer. The more drunk he got the more pissed he got. If Alice didn’t run away, he would not be here, and his favorite play thing would be pleasuring him right now.

There was a knock on the door. He ignored it at first but the knocking was becoming louder. He got up opening the door about to beat the person for bothering him. But before he could a cloth covered in chloroform covered his face. Within seconds he was unconscious.


Hana’s Apartment - Wednesday 1:00pm

Hana and Hoya were sitting on the couch drinking coffee. Hana could see that he still wanted to ask her what was going on but she did not want to worry him. Especially since they were not a couple. She wanted to be, but Salma’s words were still bouncing around in her head. But the kiss would not stop replaying in her head also.

They were going to meet her father tonight and they needed to tell him something about their relationship. “So, my father.”

“What about him?”

“Well he saw us kissing and he is going to want to know the relationship between us.”

“Well, he is your father. You can tell him whatever you want, I will play along.”

“We will just say we met on the case and you are helping me. If he asks anything more I will change the subject.”

“Okay.” Hoya wanted there to be more to their relationship, but he decided that he would give Hana room, and when she was ready they would talk. Hoya took a sip of his coffee, looking around the living room. He saw a bunch of photos hung on the left wall and got up to look more closely. The photos were of who Hoya assumed to be Hana’s family. There were a couple of photos with Hana and her mother standing with with a tall rough looking man and a hispanic boy. Then his eyes fell on a photo on the bottom right corner. For some reason that photo bothered him. The picture was in a different frame compared to the others. It was a picture of Hana sleeping in a bed or roses, but if one looked closely the roses were photoshopped in. “Why would Hana put a picture like this up?” Hoya asked himself.

Hana was sitting on the couch watching Hoya look at the wall of her family photos. She could see that he was studying each and every photo. It made her feel a little embarrassed. She wished could know what he was thinking as he was looking at them. A couple of minutes passed in comfortable silence. Then she noticed that he was looking at a photo with a very confused and curious expression on his face. She tired to remember the photo that she hung there but for some reason she couldn’t. “Can I take a closer look at this picture?” Hana slowly nodded yes, still trying to figure out the picture.

Hoya took the photo off the wall. He turned the frame over and saw something written on the back.


I love watching you sleep.

You remind me of an angel.

I wonder if you dream of me when you sleep?

Or do you dream of that korean bastard?

Because if you did that I would have to kill you.

Hoya was in shock. He had a feeling that Hana did not put this picture here. She probably had no idea it was here. He walked over and stood in front of her. “What is this?” Hana looked at the photo in question and Hoya could see that she did not recognize it. He turned it over so she could see what was written on the back.

Hana recognized the handwriting right away. It was the same as the note that came with the dead flowers. She stood up quickly grabbed the photo and through it in the trash. Hana was scared, and Hoya could clearly see it.

“Hana, I am going to ask one more time and this time you will tell me the truth. What is going on?” Hana sighed. She could not hide it from him anymore. He read the note on the frame so he would not leave it alone. Hoya saw Hana walk into another room and less than a minute later she walked back to the living room holding an envelope. She took a deep breath and gave it to him. He took it and carefully opened it. He took out the letter that was inside an read it.

Hana could see the horrifying face on Hoya as he read through the letter. When he was finished she spoke. “I got that last night after I went to dinner with you and the rest of Infinite. It came with a bouquet of dead roses. I found them on my kitchen table. I threw the roses out right away, but I kept the note. I think he has been following me for awhile.”

“Hana...” Hoya started. “This person is a stalker.”

“I know.” She said quietly and looked to the floor.

“Have you told anyone?” She shook her head no. “Why not?”

“I can handle it.” Hoya was starting to get angry.

“Really? It doesn’t look like it. You look terrified.” Hana kept quite. “Hana this person can come and go and he is threatening to kill you!” He shouted at her. Hana could feel the tears starting to come.

Hoya saw Hana’s body shiver then saw tears running down her face. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He then grabbed her and pulled her into to his arms.

When Hana felt his arms around her, she felt all her walls break down and she let out all the tears that she had been holding in since last night.

AN: Oh my god! I am so sorry for the late update. How long has it been? Over two months? I feel so guilty to my subscribes. I will try my best to update more often. Please forgive me.

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Sorry for the late update. The start of Day 4.


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Chapter 19: This story is so underrated. The plot line is great and writing style is excellent. I was hooked on since day 1. XD please continue and update this story! ♡♡♡
Milray #2
Chapter 14: Daebak~~~ Update please~! can't wait for the nx chapter. yeah.... ><
Chapter 10: The one who sent the dead roses is someone from Infinite? or no? XD
Chapter 9: daebak ! Waiting for ur update . Oh im so curious ... Yeah~ kekeke
kami-anne #5
Chapter 7: Poor girl:(( like the way you write your story:) ^^
kami-anne #6
Hee hello authornim! Loving your story till now:) update soon:))