Will She Be Alright?

I Want A Relationship...


Hyunjae’s POV

We finished the dance and I looked down at the floor with embarrassment.  I heard Junhyung smirk to himself and I looked at the rest of the class. Their faces were priceless. It was quite funny actually. I then saw Hyunseung walking toward us with a dark expression. I felt something bad coming. I then stepped in front of Junhyung.

“Hyunseung, please don’t,” I looked into his eyes but he ignored me.

He pushed me hard and I hit the mirror and I heard it crack. I fell to the floor and the whole classroom gasped.


He ignored Ms. Lee and Hyunseung punch Junhyung square in the jaw.

My eyes widened at the scene. I tried to stand up to stop a fight from starting but I had no energy.


“Stealing my girlfriend huh? I thought you were my best friend but you go steal her instead!” Hyunseung grabbed Junhyung by his collar

Junhyung didn’t fight back. Tears already streamed down my face and I was sniffling. I was so scared. Junhyung looked at me and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

“You aren’t going to fight back?” Hyunseung was waiting for an answer then after no reply he let go of his collar, “you’re just going to break her heart anyways. You’re just playing with her aren’t you?”

“I’ve changed. Don’t tell me who I am. Hyunjae is important to me,” Junhyung said looking Hyunseung straight in the eye.

“You’re just toying with her. You don’t care about her anyways. I CARE ABOUT HER,” Hyunseung raised his voice.

Junhyung was furious. He was ready to throw a punch. I saw him bring his fist back to build momentum. I gathered all the energy I could. I stood up and ran in front of Junhyung to stop him. I then felt a blow to the back of my head and fell down straight to the floor. I felt my head thudded against the floor and felt my head throb in pain. After that everything went black.

Hyunseung’s POV

“JAE-AH! JAE-AH! ARE YOU THERE? CAN YOU HEAR ME?” Junhyung was shaking Hyunjae to see if she was awake.

I…. I just punched her…. Now she’s collapsed on the floor and Junhyung is trying to help her. I stood there in disbelief and didn’t know what to do. Anger took over me. I should have just accepted the fact she moved on… I was foolish and let my emotions take over and now this mess had happened.

“SOMEONE CALL 911,” Ms. Lee yelled.

I was scared. I was scared that I might lose her… and I didn’t even have the chance to properly talk to her.

“JAE-AH!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!” Junhyung tried to check if she was still conscious.

I didn’t know what to do at that moment. It all just happened.

“MOVE! MOVE!” Junhyung picked her up bridal style and ran out of the studio and I ran after him.

“I’ll drive, get into my car,” I said as we entered the parking lot.

He didn’t hesitate and took the back seat with Hyunjae still in his arms. I put my car in reverse and sped to the hospital. Junhyung carried her out of the car and through the main doors.

“SOMEONE HELP!” I yelled.

In an instant doctors came and Hyunjae was taken away. Then it was just Junhyung and I left in the waiting room.

The clock ticked and the silence filled the waiting room. Junhyung and I haven’t exchanged any words since we were at school. I looked over to him and he had his arm crossed with his head titled back to the wall and his eyes closed waiting with worry. I took a deep sigh. I opened my mouth trying to say sorry but I couldn’t bring myself to it. What would “sorry” do?

“Are the guardians of Ms. Lee Hyunjae here?” Junhyung and I got up on an instant.

“Ah, doctor, her parents are working…. But Me and him are here to see her” I said.

“You boys are?” The doctor looked at us suspiciously.

“I’m her boyfriend and he’s her best friend. What’s her condition…?” Junhyung said nervously.

My heart ached when Junhyung mentioned he was her boyfriend. I tried to ignore that fact and listened to the doctor.

“Well, Hyunjae’s condition, luckily, isn’t awful. It’s a good thing she isn’t in a coma. The blow to her head plus the fall to the floor caused her concussion. She has a rare form of amnesia actually. She has what is called “selective memory loss” meaning her brain gets to chose what she wants to remember and forget,” the doctor explained.

“W-will she remember me?” I asked the doctor hesitantly.

“You won’t know until you find out. Follow me.  Miss Hyunjae is sleeping soundly,” The doctor said.

He brought us to her room and opened the door.

“I’ll leave you two,” The doctor said then closed the door behind him.

Both of us sighed in relief. Junhyung sat of the right side of her and I sat on the left and waited anxiously for her to awaken.

My eyes felt kind of heavy. I looked at the clock and it was already 11:00pm. I closed my eyes, sank into the chair, and fell asleep.

Junhyung’s POV

Hyunseung fell asleep. I too was sleepy but wanted to see her awaken. Time passed by and I listened to some music to keep me awake. I felt my eyes slowly close.

“Mmmmm,” I fluttered my eyes open as I heard Hyunjae stir.

“JAE-AH! ARE YOU AWAKE?” I threw my headphones off and stood by her.

Her eyes slowly opened.

“Mmmm, Junhyung oppa? Where am I?” Hyunjae looked around.

With that Hyunseung also awakened and came to her side to.

“Hyunjae-ah! I’m so sorry! Thank goodness you’re awake,” Hyunseung reached for her hand but Hyunjae flinched and came closer to me in panic.

“GET AWAY FROM ME! WHO ARE YOU?” Hyunjae yelled.

hehehehe :) UPDATED! i hope you guys like this chapter. thanks to lilaznangel14 and ---BaboMich (CHECK OUT THEIR FANFICS!) for helping me with ideas. we totally discuss fanfic ideas during math class.... some more chapters then i'm thinking of ending this fanfic soon and starting another one.... anticipate more DRAMA!!!



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pinkylipgloss #1
Love this story!It's awesome =)^^
Awesome! It's so interesting!!! ^__^
Cecee9 #3
Love the fanfic >.<
Love the fanfic :)
junseoblover #6
oh i like this fanfics haha XD<br />
i was about to cry on the second to the last chappie
ohmyyoungbae #7
WOOOHHH! AWESOMMMEEEE! :D thank you so much for an awesome fanfic:)
strawberry_bloom #8
LOL this fic was like a big dispute between JunSeung XD LMFAO<br />
seob & sunhee are so cute~ hehe, great fic ! keep up le good work~ :]
ohmyyoungbae #9
congrats on your freedom then:) can't wait to read the ending! update soon please! :)
sesangeun #10