One Night Can Change EVERYTHING.

I Want A Relationship...


Hyunjae’s POV

“Hyunseung this is your last one… you drank like 2 beers already…” I said hesitantly to Hyunseung

We were at a private room on the second floor of the club. Yoseob, Hyunseung, Sunhee and I were in the room. The rest of them drank but I just watched. I didn’t really want to go but Sunhee like forced me! She was all over the idea after I told her.

“JAE-AH, COME ON! Have another drink?” Yoseob tried to persuade me.

“No thanks…” I declined.

“Jae-ah, come on… Loosen up a bit! We’re here to have fun!” Sunhee reminded me.

“Yeah I know…” I looked down.

“Maybe some dancing will loosen you up” Hyunseung pulled my arm to the dance floor downstairs.

It was really packed. I was really uncomfortable.

“Come on! Just move to the beat! You can dance. Loosen up a bit,” Hyunseung pulled me closer.

The music boomed through the speakers and I started to move my body. We both moved to the music. I felt a little more at ease and having fun until some girl pushed me out of the way.

 “WHAT THE HECK” I yelled.

I searched for Hyunseung. It was hard to see with the LED lights flashing and hard to concentrate with the music blasting. I looked long until I spotted him… kissing another girl… My heart shattered into a million pieces I tried not to believe what I had just seen.

“Maybe he’s just drunk. Maybe the girl came onto him first” I tried to convince myself, but I failed and my emotions took over.

I felt rage, anger, sadness, and betrayal. I needed air. I needed time to think. I ran upstairs to the rooftop. I opened the rooftop door with tears already falling down my face. I spotted a bench and sat down and curled into a ball crying silently with my eyes closed.

“Beautiful girls shouldn’t cry. They look ugly” A voice said

I looked up and it was Junhyung and he wiped a tear from my face. I wiped the rest of my tears trying to compose myself.

“Shut up! Can you just give me some alone time!” I slapped his arm, “I’m not in the mood” I said with no emotion and buried my face into my knees.

He took the seat beside me.

“Why are you crying?” He looked at me with curious eyes.

The feeling struck me again. That feeling of hurt and betrayal; and tears came flooding down.

“’s just… Hyunseung… he-” I sniffled and I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Junhyung’s POV

“Hyunseung’s a weak drinker…. He gets “rowdy” and doesn’t know what he’s doing” I said looking into her eyes. It hurt me seeing her cry. I was defending Hyunseung even though I had no idea what he did. I wanted her to be mine but I just can’t see her hurt like this. She continued crying.

“He doesn’t know what he’s doing,” I tried to reassure her but she wasn’t convinced.

“DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? They KISSED! Some random chick pushed me out of the way and just took him! I tried looking for him but when I found him he was making out with another girl. I-I know I should stop getting to conclusions but I feel a bit hurt… I mean I saw the whole thing right in front of me… It kind of feels like he didn’t even care I was there!!! He lost his mind!!! He-” Her voice broke and started crying more.

He kissed another girl in front of his girlfriend while drunk? And he’s her first boyfriend? He didn’t even kiss Hyunjae yet but kissed another girl? Her first heartbreak… It must be hard for her right now…

“Shhh” I hushed her and brought her closer to me and she leaned on my shoulder.

We stayed like that for a while. I let her cry on my shoulder. After another few minutes she stopped sniffling and came closer to me and curled into a ball. I wrapped my arms around her.

“Want to dance?” I suggested.

“Tch. No way. Not after what I saw.” Hyunjae put on a face of disgust.

“Slow dancing,” I laughed.

She hesitated a bit but agreed,

“Fine… you lead” Hyunjae got up on her feet and wiped her tears again.

I plugged my headphones into my iPod and gave her the other headphone. I put on a slow song and she came closer and she rested her head on my chest. I intertwined my fingers with hers and we slowly swayed to the music.

“You’re feeling better right?” I asked.

“Somewhat,” I saw small smile form on her face.

My heart raced.

“Your heart’s beating faster” I heard her chuckle

I was a bit embarrassed but I just wanted to savour the moment.

“Shut up! Just dance” I said.

The song ended and she returned the headphone to me.

“Want to go home?” I suggested.

“PLEASE!” Hyunjae tugged my arm.

 “I need to get my purse” she said.

I just nodded. She grabbed my hand and I didn’t refuse. We walked down to the room and I opened the door.

“We’re going to leave” I said. Hyunseung was sitting on the couch with some random girl who was sleeping beside him. The rest of the guys… God knows what they were doing. I looked over to Hyunjae as she got her bag and she didn’t bother making eye contact with Hyunseung.

“Jae-ah! I’ll drop you off!” Hyunseung stood up and walked losing his balance.

Hyunjae didn’t answer and came behind me.

 “You’re drunk. I’m going to call a taxi for you,” I was about to turn and leave but Hyunseung grabbed me.


“You’re drunk,” I tried to walk away again but Hyunseung pulled me back and punched me in the face.

I was furious! I balled my fists and was about to throw a punch. A hand stopped me and it was Hyunjae.

“WHAT? You’re not going to fight back?” Hyunseung slurred his words.

Hyunjae came in front of me and slapped him across the face.

I was shocked by her actions.


“Jae-ah, please. It’s not what you think” Hyunseung tugged her arm but she flung it away.

Hyunjae’s POV

This is just absurd. He needs some sanity in him.

“THIS IS RIDICULOUS!” I threw my hands up on the air.

“Come on, I’ll drive you!” He grabbed my arm again but I pushed him.

“NO. You’re DRUNK! You have no idea what the you’re doing!!!”

“Calm down! You don’t know what YOU’RE saying!” He laughed

Junhyung was about to punch him again but I gave him a look to back off.

“HYUNSEUNG, WE’RE THROUGH,” I turned my back against him and walk away not caring what he had to say. I just couldn’t handle it.

sorry for the late update guys! i hope you like it! i'll try to update tomorrow! some more beef is about to come up.

especially when  JunJae present the assignment... 



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pinkylipgloss #1
Love this story!It's awesome =)^^
Awesome! It's so interesting!!! ^__^
Cecee9 #3
Love the fanfic >.<
Love the fanfic :)
junseoblover #6
oh i like this fanfics haha XD<br />
i was about to cry on the second to the last chappie
ohmyyoungbae #7
WOOOHHH! AWESOMMMEEEE! :D thank you so much for an awesome fanfic:)
strawberry_bloom #8
LOL this fic was like a big dispute between JunSeung XD LMFAO<br />
seob & sunhee are so cute~ hehe, great fic ! keep up le good work~ :]
ohmyyoungbae #9
congrats on your freedom then:) can't wait to read the ending! update soon please! :)
sesangeun #10