Be Happy

I Want A Relationship...


Junhyung’s POV

I looked at the couple rings at the store and found the perfect silver ones.

“Junhyung oppa, you don’t have to do this…” Hyunjae whispered to me.

“Why shouldn’t I? It shows that you’re mine, beautiful,” I smiled

She flushed red again. She’s just adorable. This date is going to be for the whole day and I planned everything! I’m going to show her my favourite places. It was perfect. I just wanted to make her happy.

“Can we take these please,” I said to the employee, he measured our fingers and gave us a pair.

“Give me your hand,” I said to Hyunjae.

She gave her hand to me and I slipped on the ring on her ring finger.

She looked at her hand and stared at it for a while.

“Like it?” I asked while putting on my couple ring.

“It’s more than enough oppa, thank you,” She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

My heart melted. I grabbed her hand,

“Let’s go, I’m going to take you my favourite ice cream shop,” I smiled and she just followed.

 “Pick any flavour you want,” She looked in amazement at the massive selections.

“I’ll take cookies and cream with marshmallows in top,” She pointed to the flavour.

I chuckled at her cuteness and got our ice creams.

“Yummy,” Hyunjae said and grabbed my hand and started walking out the shop.

“You got some on your nose,” I wiped the ice cream from the tip of her nose and it.

“You’re I messy eater,” I joked.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?” Hyunjae and I both turned our heads. It was Hyunseung.

Hyunjae was shocked. Hyunseung was infuriated.

“She’s not your-“ I was cut off by Hyunseung,

“Jae-ah lets go,” Hyunseung pulled her hand but she refused and flung his hand away.

“Jae-ah come on, why are you with him? You’re not picking up my calls! I’ve been calling you since this morning! I want to take you somewhere today,” Hyunseung pulled her harder this time which made her drop her ice cream.

That made me really pissed… and I balled my fists…

“She’s not your girlfriend anymore, “I said in a firm voice.

“What? Hyunjae? You’re cheating on me?” Hyunseung’s eyes were about to fall out of his sockets.

He really doesn’t remember… ANYTHING?


That left Hyunseung speechless.

“What? No? I didn’t kiss another girl?” Hyunseung said with uncertainty.

“You honestly don’t remember anything? My last words to you were ‘its over’ and I’m not planning on going back on my word,” Hyunjae tried to hold her tears back.

I didn’t know what to do at that point. The tension was really…. Scary…

“You… Broke up with me? Jae-ah… I’m so sorry…. Give me another chance…please…”  Hyuseung took her hand that had the couple ring on. He saw the ring and gave me a glare.

“I guess I’m too late…” Hyunseung let go of her hand and walked away.

“Can we go now?” Hyunjae’s voice was about to break.

“Sure,” I caressed her hair and led her to my car. When we got inside she started to cry.

She sniffled constantly. I tried to calm her down.

“Jae-ah shh, it’s okay….” That was all I could say. Heck, I didn’t know what else to say… I don’t want to see her hurt again…

I started the engine and started to drive. I just let her have her time. She stopped crying after a few minutes. I got out of the car and opened her door.

“Thanks,” She made a small smile, “Where are we now?”She asked looking around.

“You’re probably hungry, so I took you to my favourite restaurant,” I smiled widely, “The food is… AH-MA-ZING.”

She chuckled and we entered the restaurant and sat down. Hyunjae went to the washroom to fix herself. I talked to the manager because I wanted to rap for her “Be My Luv” by the Quiett. She came out of the washroom and we ordered our food.

“Can we have Mr. Yong come up to the stage please,” the manager called. It was show time. Hyunjae looked oblivious and kept her eyes on me.

The music started.

“This song is for the beautiful girl sitting over there,” I pointed to Hyunjae and she was blushing.

baby be my love jeoldaero mangseoriji ma girl come to me
baby be my love jeoldaero mangseoriji ma girl come to me
baby be my love jeoldaero mangseoriji ma girl come to me
baby be my love jeoldaero mangseoriji ma girl

The song ended and the whole restaurant clapped. I went back to the table and asked,

“Did you like it?”

“Nevermind the food, your singing and rapping is AH-MA-ZING,” She said.

I smiled ear to ear. I’m glad I could make her happy. I had one more place to show her though the Han River. I paid the bill and walked outside with her.

“I have one more place I need to show you,” I started the engine and I played the guessing game with her.

“Are we going to a skating rink?” She asked.

“Deng!” I said it like we were in a game show.

“Oh gosh, I give up!!!” She rolled her eyes.

I pinched her cheeks.

“You’re such a cutie,” I said.

“Hey! Hey! This cutie bites!” She tried to bite my hand but I pulled away.

We both laughed and I parked the car.

“Okay, final destination is THE HAN RIVER!” I put my thumbs up.

“It looks so calm when it’s the night,” She said.

I held her hand and we started to walk.

“We have to present our dance assignment  tomorrow,” Hyunjae reminded me.

“I know. We’re going to ace that!!! We’ve been practicing basically every day,” I reassured her.

I then felt a raindrop on my cheek. It started to rain. I put my jacket over our heads. Our bodies were really close.

“You’re it,” Hyunjae said and ran away. I was kind of surprised but I ran after her anyways.

We played tag and that went on for a few minutes.

“Gahhh!” Hyunjae yelled.

She almost slipped but I caught her from her waist and pulled her close. Our faces were centimetres away.

“Umm,” Hyunjae said trying to avoid my eyes.

I smirked and just went to kiss her.

SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE T_T  School+projects+homework=no fanfic update....


Thank you to the new subscribers! <3 I LOVE YOUUU

Credits to my BFF for L lilaznangel14 :) 

Thank you for every view ♥ 


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pinkylipgloss #1
Love this story!It's awesome =)^^
Awesome! It's so interesting!!! ^__^
Cecee9 #3
Love the fanfic >.<
Love the fanfic :)
junseoblover #6
oh i like this fanfics haha XD<br />
i was about to cry on the second to the last chappie
ohmyyoungbae #7
WOOOHHH! AWESOMMMEEEE! :D thank you so much for an awesome fanfic:)
strawberry_bloom #8
LOL this fic was like a big dispute between JunSeung XD LMFAO<br />
seob & sunhee are so cute~ hehe, great fic ! keep up le good work~ :]
ohmyyoungbae #9
congrats on your freedom then:) can't wait to read the ending! update soon please! :)
sesangeun #10