All of Him, Half of Me

Love Like Oxygen


He’s going to figure it out, if he hasn’t already. MiRae, you have to tell him.

I can’t tell him. Come on conscience, I just got home do you really think he wants to deal with this with me? I’m too scared. I’m afraid he won’t be here for me…I can’t risk losing him. What if he just isn’t there?

Maybe if you’d wake up you’d know your answer. You shouldn’t doubt his love MiRae. He’s waited and waited and waited. You’ve pushed him so much and yet, he never stopped waiting and never gave up on your love. Stop questioning, stop running and wake up now MiRae.

I don’t want to wake up, I can’t handle facing this reality.

Wake up and see. You should wake up now MiRae wake up…

“MiRae, please wake up now. Please? Baby, come on I need you to wake up. ” His voice yelling out for me brought me so much comfort as I began to slowly open my eyes.

“Oh babe, omo, you came back to me.” He said, digging his head into my shoulder. I couldn’t speak as I gathered my thoughts and began to take in my surroundings. It was obvious I was in the hospital. I could hear the beeping of the heart monitor and feel the IV in my arm. The bed was one of those uncomfortable hospital beds and Jiyong, he was nuzzling my shoulder and neck repeating, “You came back to me, you came back to me.” I lifted my free hand and lightly touched his head to comfort him the only way I could at that moment.

“You…you’re here.”  I muttered out softly.

Jiyong sat up and smiled, taking his free hand and lightly my cheek. “Baby, of course I am, where else would I be? Have you not learned by now I am always going to be here? ”

“Wh-what happened?” I asked a little dazed and a lot confused.

“You passed out. You’re sick MiRae. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He said.

“Ah there’s my favorite patient.” The doctor said as he walked in my room stopping me from having to respond to Jiyong’s question. “You had us all worried dear, especially this boyfriend of yours. Poor guy hasn’t left your bedside since you got here.” The doctor came up and began to check my vitals. “Has he explained to you what happened Ms. Choi?” He said, listening to my heart.

“Just that I passed out.” I said. “What happened?”

“How much had you had to eat today Ms. Choi?” The doctor asked.

“I, I honestly can’t remember. I remember breakfast and I think maybe lunch…but I really can’t remember. I’m sorry.” I said, trying hard to think and not make anyone suspicious.

“Ah well. From what I can tell, your blood pressure dropped and your blood sugar was really low. All of that combined with the small blow to your head from your fight led to you passing out. We ran a lot of tests and you are going to be ok, you just need to go home and rest for a bit, get some food in you, and don’t do anything too exciting or over stimulating. I’ll go get your discharge papers pulled together.” The doctor said, taking out my IV and taking off all the cords, allowing me to be free of wires.

“Thanks sir.” I said as he left the room.

“Jiyong…I’m sorry. I’m just so…”

“Hush now.” Jiyong said. “You don’t owe me an apology. You’re ok and that’s all that matters.” He smiled at me as he got up out of his chair and crawled into my bed with me, wrapping me in his arms. Once again I felt safe like no one and nothing could hurt me. I wanted him to believe that I was ok and I hoped he didn’t know my secret because I wasn’t ready to discuss it. “Want to explain that fight with Dara to me?”

“Hah, um not really.” I laughed as I cuddled my head into his shoulder taking in his scent and relaxing in his arms.

“Let me rephrase that. I want you to explain your fight with Dara to me. There is no option not to.” He smirked.

“What is there to explain?” I said pulling back a little and looking into his eyes. “The woman pissed me off and I wasn’t going to allow her to play that little game. I wanted to show her that I am able to stand up for myself and could play right back. I wanted to be strong and fight for you, so….I did.”

“Yah, yah you did. Damn babe. I wasn’t sure whether to stop you or watch. I was concerned yet flattered and .”

“Kwon Jiyong, seriously?” I laughed.

“But, don’t do it again, ok? She learned her lesson and you, your health took a toll because of it. I can’t watch you faint again.”

“I scared you? Oh, I’m so sorry.” I said, snuggling back in and kissing his neck just below his earlobe.

“You scared us all. One minute you were talking and walking beside me, next you were completely out cold, collapsed in my arms. You’ve been in this hospital for hours having tests run, blood drawn, the doctors doing all they could to find out why you fainted.”

“Jiyong, I’m sorry. I should have eaten more today. I was just really busy trying to find an apartment and I wanted to work on the demo and time and eating got away from me.”

“Stop apologizing to me MiRae, you don’t owe me one. How did the apartment search go?” Jiyong said as he got out of bed and headed over to the closet.

I sat up slowly as I watched him pull my things out and bring them to me. “Well…I need to talk to you about that actually…”

“Don’t worry, all your stuff is already safely at our place.” He said. “Here, get changed.”

I giggled as I moved slowly to get myself positioned to where I could put my clothes back on. “How did you know? And why did you just assume I would come home with you?”

Jiyong turned around to give me some privacy as I changed. “You forget babe, I know you. I know EVERYTHING about you. You love me, you fought Dara for me, of course you’d come home with me and move in. Also…I…Uh…I talked to your realtor. She called and I told her you weren’t able to talk…she told me how the search went.”

“Damn you’re sneaky you know that?” I laughed. “All done.” I said signaling Jiyong to turn around.

“I didn’t mean to be sneaky.” He said walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “I know you, you shouldn’t forget that.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. I wanted to believe he didn’t know my secret, but I wasn’t sure. The way he said he knew me was like he was wanting me to just open up, to share my deepest secrets with him, but I wasn’t ready.

“Ji…I wanna go home.” I said leaning into him, my body still very weak from the lack of food and the fight and the hospital visit I hadn’t planned.


"Good morning babe." Jiyong said in a lovey dovey tone as he kissed my cheek and ever so lightly rubbed my side. "Wake up, I made some breakfast for you."

"Ugh, sweetheart, I don't feel like going downstairs to eat right now, I'm sore." I said keeping the covers pulled up and my eyes closed.

"Who said anything about going down stairs?"

His response enticed me, made me want to know more. My eyes shot open to find holding a tray with a huge selection of food on it. I sat up and he placed the tray over my lap then sat beside me and smiled.

"Breakfast in bed! Because you need to gain strength. Running Man on TiVo, because you need to laugh. And me, because you need to be loved back to health." He said, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

"Ji!" I screeched. "I, you..I love you, thank you for doing this." I said, not caring that I was about to eat a huge amount of food. 

"I hope you like what I made. I am not much of a cook but......clearly you don'' care because you are currently stuffing your face." He laughed as he sat down and Running Man. I was so hungry that all I could do was inhale the food in front of me. I didn't care much about my bulima or wanting to stay skinny. It felt good to eat, it felt good to eat the food that the man I loved had made me. Sure, I would throw it up later, but right now, I wanted to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did.

"That's the fastest I've seen you eat since you got back." Ji said, taking the tray off my lap then climbing back into bed. "Let's just relax here in our bed for a today. I cancelled everything until tonight."

"What's tonight?" I asked.

"Oh we are meeting up with Seungri, YoungBae and Daesung for dinner. Daesung is back from Japan now and misses his noona so very much. I thought maybe you could use a little BigBang reunion. What do you say?"

"You had me at Daesung! Of course! I say lets do it." I smiled as I fell back into his embrace, laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his left arm around me and then flipped the TV over to some anime show I never really understood. It was nice to feel like a normal couple. My heart was till reserved and not completely open, but the normalcy of this moment made me forget that. 



"I got you something."

"You got me something?" I said sitting up.

"Yah. I wasn't going to give this to you yet, you know, because I didn't want to rush anything, but when I watched you collapse yesterday and then thought maybe you wouldn't come back to me I knew I couldn't hold off."

"OMO, Jiyong, you can't propose..sweetheart I love you, but you can't..."

"I'm not proposing."


"Just open this...ok?" He said handing me a small black box. I slowly opened it to reveal a set of couple's rings. I gulped as I remembered back to the day I was explained why rings like this were so important in Korea. I knew now, that it mean he was in...150% and he would expect me to be too.

"Ji, they're...gorgeous."

"I never planned to do this so soon. Listen, I've waited for you for a long time and I have never ever stopped loving you. I should have, but I couldn't. Because our love is insane. It's deep, its mind numbing. I want you to wear this ring with me, because I want you to never ever doubt that I am yours eternally." He said pulling it out. "You have me, all of me, in my entirety. I'm yours alone." He said putting it on my finger as I cried. I looked down at it for what seemed like an eternity and then back up at him. "S-say something."

"Ji..." I said quietly as I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"What baby?" He said, taking his hands to wipe my tears.

"I love you."







*Aigoo - this seems so disjointed and I've tried many ways to re-write it, but it keeps ending up like this. So I guess the way it's written, as off as it seems is what it will be.

*No new chapters for a week. On vacation! Brother's wedding! YAY!

*A look ahead...old friends make an appearance. MiRae continued to hide her bulima to everyone. Demo's will be made. A new company will be introduced. And Jiyong and MiRae will continue to grow closer.




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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS