'Till the End

Love Like Oxygen

"Ok, MiRae, on the count of three I want you to cough for me, the biggest cough you can and as you do I will get this pain in the tube out of your throat, ok?" I gave EunMi two big thumbs up, I was so ready to have this lame tube out of my throat so that I could tell JiYong how much I loved him and of course say hi to everyone too. 

"Ok, now, 1 - 2 - 3 and cough." I coughed as big as I could as EunMi guided the vent tube out of my mouth. "Say something." 

I looked right a Jiyong and smiled. "I, I love y,you ba-babe." 

"I love you too sweet girl." Jiyong said, smiling but with a look of concern. 

"MiRae, repeat after me, ok?" I nodded and looked at EunMi. "My name is MiRae."

"M-my name is M-m-MiRae."

"I like to eat pizza."

"I, I, like tototo eat pi-pizza."

"I live in Seoul, South Korea and I sing songs."

"I, I live in S-s-seoul S-s-south K,korea and I, I s-s-sing s-s-songs." Looking at EunMi I began to freak out. "W,what's wr-wrong w-with me? Wh-why am I, I t-talking like t-this?" Jiyong came up beside me and held my hand, attempting to sooth my worry with his touch.

"MiRae, let me fill you in on all you've been through the past few days. You came to us after collapsing at Jungle. You were both heavily intoxicated and had been poisoned. During you're time here, you ended up an a coma-like state and at one point your stat's crashed, causing us to have to shock you and revive you. During that time, your brain was without oxygen and the stuttering seems to be a side affect. Your brain is working overtime right now to function completely again. I believe with a little time and some speech therapy you should be just fine, back to your old self."

"So she'll be ok? She'll be able to talk normal again?" Ji asked.

"I believe so yes. Your brain just needs a little time to heal and get back up to it's old self, that's all." 

"G-good, b-but EunMi, w-what do y-you m-mean by poison?" I was confused. I didn't have much memory of the night I collapsed. In fact the last thing I remembered without fog was yelling at Ji. 

"MiRae, I need you to think really hard for me ok? Did you purposely poison yourself?"

"NO! NO! Absolutely not, I d-d-did not. I w-w-ouldn't." To think that people thought I would have done that to myself pissed me off. 

"Babe, calm down. She just had to ask...none of us actually think you did, but we need to know. The police need to know." Ji attempted to calm down again, this time taking his free hand and my hair lightly. "Think hard babe, what happened?"

"I-I-I-I I don't re-remember." I began to cry, frustrated by my stuttering and scared and confused.

"You know what, Rae. We can talk about it later, why don't I give you and Ji some time together. I need to go fill out some paperwork and I will let everyone know how you are doing. Just rest now and spend time with your boy ok?" EunMi said, leaning down and giving me a hug. "And don't cry, ok? I know you are scared and frustrated, but you're back to us now and we are all here to help you through this ok. Love you girl."

"B-Bye EunMi. T-thank y-you." I said through tears as Ji climbed into bed with me and pulled me into an embrace. "I-I'm s-s-sorry Ji. I-I j-just don't..."

"Shhh...we can talk about that stuff later. You need to rest and relax ok? We'll deal with everything later."

-----3 hours later-----

You know, your proposal could have been better and a little more romantic Ji. I was ordered to rest my voice by my doctor, so I was on strict writing or typing as a way to communicate. Which wasn't at all a bad thing, doing that I was able to actually form a sentence without stuttering. I handed the phone to Ji smiling.

"Who even said that was my actually official proposal? Huh? Aish, woman, what am I going to do with you?" He said, sitting beside me on the small couch in my room. 

Well if I know you, probably love me and tell me you love me and all that junk.

"You know me too well babe." Ji laughed, kissing me. "I am so so glad you are ok babe." He said pulling me closer to him. "This has been 5 days of complete hell." 

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

"You have nothing to be sorry for sweet girl. All that matters is that you are ok!" Ji kissed the top of my head and then tightened his embrace on me.

I think it was Dara. Dara did this to me. I typed out. It was really the only logical outcome. I knew I hadn't done it to myself and I would have been utterly surprised if it was a mishap by the bar and while I could't figure out how Dara would have known I was there or had poison, I knew it was her.

"What do you mean it was Dara?"

She poisoned me Ji. I know it. I just don't know how.

"Babe, I know you hate her, but how could you even think she would do that? She's not as bad as you think." Ji said defending her.

How could you defend her? Ji, I wouldn't make this up, I am not like that, even in my hatred. It was her, I know it was her. I looked a Ji with a stern look on my face, trying to fully show that I wasn't just saying it because I didn't like her. 

"Hey you two." EunMi said, coming back in my room. "MiRae have you been resting your voice?" I nodded yes and gave a thumbs up. "Good. I hate to do this Jiyong, but I have a speech therapist outside who wants to spend some time with her to evaluate everything. It'll take an hour or so and I will be here too, promise."

"That's ok, I need to make a quick errand and I should get something to eat. I think I can leave her for a bit now that I know she's ok." He smirked at EunMi then turned to me. "I'll be back in a bit, ok? You want anything to eat? I'll bring you back whatever you want?"

"C-chicken b-bulgogi!" I exclaimed. "A-and a c-coke!" 

"I think I can mange that." Ji said, taking my face in his hands. "I love you babe." He pulled my face to his and kissed me deeply for a moment.

"You two are so......adorable." EunMi laughed.

I laughed, breaking the kiss and then smiled as Ji excused himself.

------GD POV----

"She is going to love this surprise!!! I just cannot wait to see the look on her face." I said, excited for the proposal I had planned in an hour.

"Ah! Leader, she's going to be so excited." Karin said as I sat in the waiting room with my Big Bang Boys and C.L.

"You are so love sick hyung." Seungri said, causing me to shoot him a look of disgust then laugh.

"I suppose I am, but I am totally ok with it." I smiled.

"Leader, have they determined how MiRae was poisoned?" Karin asked me.

"No, but you know, she's convinced that Dara did it to her. I mean, she 100% believes it was her." I just couldn't see Dara ever doing something so mean and devious like that. 

"You don't believe her?" Youngbae asked.

"It's not that I don't, it's just...I don't know. Seems like she's allowing her hatred of her to overtake her. She could have easily dreamed it when she was in her coma."

"I don't think she did." Karin said speaking up.

"Yah me either." C.L agreed.

"What do you mean?" I looked at each of them confused.

"Leader, Dara admitted it to us that she had hurt MiRae."

"WHAT?" I yelled in disbelief. 

"I didn't believe her at first either Jiyong, but the more she explained to Bom, Minzy, Karin and me, the more it became quite obvious." C.L said.

"If she admitted it to you then why would you have not gone to the police." I asked upset.

"I think none of us really truly wanted to believe her." Karin explained. "At least not until you just now told us what MiRae said. It has to be her GD."

"I, I....oh I am so pissed. How dare she hurt my girl. How dare she?! I'll kill her." I began to pace.

"JiYong calm down. The police are on it, they'll take care of it all." Youngbae said.

"You're right...you are right. I need to relax and focus on MiRae.

--- MiRae's POV-----

2 Day's Later

"Ready to get the hell out of here babe?' Ji asked as I sat myself in the wheel chair to be escorted down to the car that awaited to take me home - finally!

"YES! W-where's EunMi." I said, as my nurse began to push me out of my room.

"She's off work today. She said since you get to go home and don't need her anymore, she was going to stay home and sleep, but I think she plans to visit later tonight."

"Oh, ok." I said as we headed down the hallway. "G-goodbye!" I waved to the nurses that had taken care of me so well all week.

"Guess what babe." 

"Hmmm?" I said looking up at Ji who was holding my hand walking beside me and carrying my stuff.

"Dara was arrested today. She confessed, turns out she did in fact poison you."

"Kn-knew it! Sh-she deserves the w-worst punishment s-she can get." I said as we exited the side door to our awaiting car, driven by Cha.

"That she does, but hey, let's not focus on that right now, let's get you home." Ji helped me to standing and guided me in the car. He then put my stuff in the trunk and climbed in the other side. 

"H-hi Ch-cha." I smiled up at him.

"Hi MiRae. I am so glad to see you all better." He smiled as he began to drive off. 

"I-I am s-sorry for w-worrying you Cha. I-I s-s-shouldn't have made you take me-me to the bar and then b-back to Jungle." I said, feeling like an idiot.

"Don't apologize MiRae. I should be apologizing, not you. And you know what, it's over now...you are ok, you are going home. That's all that matters." Cha smiled as he drove us -  to YG.

"Wh-what are we-we doing here Ji?" I said confused.

"I have to pick something up quickly. Will you come in with me?" 

"Sure." I said.

We walked hand and hand into YG and up to Ji's recording studio. Ji grabbed a cd and a couple things then we headed out. As we walked down stairs near the lounge, I began to hear many voices. Ji lead me into the lounge where I found many of my friends awaiting my arrival. 

"Oh god, Ji, y-you didn't." I said, realizing he was surprising me yet again. Ji said nothing as he sat me down in a chair in the center of the room and one of his guitarists began to play a beautiful melody. Ji smiled as he began to sing a song he'd written for me. 


"I can’t promise you

That life won’t have pain.

But I'll do all I can to fix it.

I wish I knew of a way

to stop the pouring rain

when hurricanes threaten to hit.


You are the love of my life, baby

I won’t walk away from you, no never.

I am here for the long haul, oh my love, my love.


Let me be your one and only.

Let me be your love.

Let me hold your hand through thick and thin.

I will love you till the end.


Let me guide you.

Let me catch you when you fall.

I am your man. I won’t let you go.

I will love you till the end.


I wish I could promise you

A prefect life forever,

But that’s not how it works.

When your world falls down.

You feel lost and not found,

Look beside you, I’ll be there.


You are the only one for me, baby.

You are stuck with me I swear, forever.

I am here for the remainder of your life, your life.

Oh our lives our lives.


Let me be your one and only.

Let me be your love.

Let me hold your hand through thick and thin.

I will love you till the end.


Let me guide you.

Let me catch you when you fall.

I am your man. I won’t let you go.

I will love you till the end.


You’re falling apart.

I’ll be here for you.

Don’t give up on us,

Cuz our love’s enough.


Stop holding it in.

Stop turning away.

Life will get better this I promise you.

Just run to me.



Let me be your one and only.

Let me be your love.

Let me hold your hand through thick and thin.

I will love you till the end.


Let me guide you.

Let me catch you when you fall.

I am your man. I won’t let you go.

I will love you till the end.


I need you till the end.

I need you till the end.

My love, be with me till the end, we are the end."


And as Ji ended, he got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful square-cut ring I had ever seen. "Will you be my wife and let me love you and be your oxygen until the end?" 

"Yes! A million times yes!"





A/N: Sorry it's long, I feel I owed you...and myself.










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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS