The Strength of Friends

Love Like Oxygen

-----1 Day Later----

"GD, I think it's time to talk." EunMi said to me, walking into MiRae's room. It'd been a little over a day since MiRae had crashed and had been brought back to life. 

I lifted my head from it's resting spot on MiRae's stomach and looked at EunMi, "What about?"

"About MiRae. GD, she's not getting much better, honestly if she can't snap out of this, I'm afraid..."

"NO!" I cut her off, standing up. "You can't give up on her EunMi...we can't give up on her. She just needs a little more time."

"The reality is Jiyong, is that she may never come back to us. I know that's hard to hear, but it's the truth. I have never seen someone struggle so much to come back from this coma-like state. I have given her all the medicine I can to reverse the affect of the alcohol and poison. This is such an usual response, it's not making sense. We are all stumped. It's almost as if she doesn't want to come back to us."

"No." I said, moving to the same side of the bed of EunMi. "We need to give her more time. She just needs more time. You told me yesterday it would take 24-48 hours and we'd know more. Let's give her that time to wake up, please. I am not giving up on her EunMi and I can't believe you as her best friend would either."

"I'm going to let slide considering the situation you are in and how emotional you are,  but at some point we have to discuss the options if she simply just never wakes up." EunMi walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes. "Trust me, I hate telling you this, but I can't beat around the bush. Yes, I am her friend, but I am also her doctor and I am not going to lie to you. I'll give her 24 more hours, then we need to discuss what to do."

"Thank you EunMi, I...I appreciate that. I know my MiRae, she will come back to me. She just needs a little more time." I sat on the side of MiRae's bed and looked up at EunMi, "She's a fighter, I know that...we just need to push her to fight harder."

"GD...there is something else." EunMi pulled up a chair and sat down, looking at me completely stone faced and emotionless.

"Ok? You're face is freaking me out....what...what is it." 

"When MiRae crashed yesterday, her body was deprived of oxygen for a length of time that is very concerning. Not having oxygen for as long as she did, it could cause some side affects if she does wake up."

"Are you telling me she won't be herself?"

"It is entirely possible she could have some memory loss, loss of simple functions, things of that nature. I had them do a scan of her brain and the good news it is still functioning, but there still could be some damage. And honestly, I can't tell you if she will or won't be herself until she wakes up. However, I can tell you that given other cases like this, some patients have struggled with basic motor functions, some have struggled with memory loss. Some have struggled to form simple words. It's all based on lack of oxygen and also, since it seems that she just simply isn't wanting to wake up, from a mental stand point, she could wake up and just be blank. This is why I am concerned with the amount of time that she has been asleep as well as her loss of oxygen yesterday. The longer we wait, the longer she stays like this, the worse it could be for her Jiyong."

"Thanks EunMi. I'm sorry, but...I need to be with MiRae alone right now. i..I need time to process all of this. Can, can we talk later." I felt like I had been punched in the gut. The thought of my baby waking up and not knowing who she was, who I was, or the other concerns EunMi had just shared, the worse I felt. 

"Of course. I know you were just hit with a big shock. I'm sure you feel like there are a ton of bricks we just dumped on you. If you have any questions, I'll be around. Just ask for me, ok?"

I nodded in response as I laid my head down on MiRae's stomach and cry. Why was she not waking up, what would it take for her to just, wake up and be ok? I wanted my baby back, I wanted her to open her beautiful blue eyes and smile at me again. 

"Baby..." I began to speak to her as if she were awake. "Why are you not coming back to me? I don't understand." I sniffled as I cried. "Baby, I don't think you realize how much I need you. You can't leave me, you can't leave James, you can't leave your friends. Baby, what will it take for you to come back to me so that I can see you smile again? I miss those pretty blue eyes of yours. I just want you to be ok, I want to take you home and hold you all night long. Baby, please...please wake up."

"She still won't wake up?" Karin said walking into the room with Seungri.

I turned my head to look at them, holding hands, which I found odd and answered. "Aniyo. I don't know what is wrong, but I can't hardly take it anymore. Karin, maybe you could get through to her." I said, standing up to allow Karin to sit in the chair that had become my new home. 

"I can try." She said smiling, as Seungri comforted me. "Best, it's me Karin. Unnie, why will you not wake up? You have the leader all worried about you. You should see him right now, he's got these big puffy red eyes, he looks like he hasn't slept in days. I can't believe you'd be so selfish and allow your love to go through such agony. And what about James? He would be so sad if he lost his umma. Then there is me. You said you would always be here for me best, so you can't possibly leave me, especially not now." Karin looked up at Seungri and smiled. "Best, I need you to wake up so you can jump up and down with me and celebrate me and RiRi's returning to each other."

I looked at Seungri who smiled and then back at Karin, then back at Seungri. "You two...are back together?" I said shocked.

"We are!" Seungri said, walking up to the bed and grabbing MiRae's free hand. "It's all thanks you to Noona. We see how devoted and in love you and hyung are and have realized the deep love we both feel for each other. Noona, you are giving me too many stress, wake up...or else...I'll tickle you." Seungri said, ticking MiRae's side a bit. As he did, I swore I could see a half smile forming on MiRae's face. 

"Ah, look...Seungri, Karin, look at her face." I said walking up to the top of her bed to get a better look. "She's smiling..right? You see it too, right?" I said. 

"Wah! It sure looks like it." Karin said. "Leader, that's what she needs, she needs to hear her friend's voices."

"Yes, it seems to be helping. Go, send in people a couple at a time...maybe it will help her more." I smiled as Karin and Seungri left. 

"Baby, you hear that? You and me, we somehow helped those two get back together." I said kissing MiRae's forehead. "Baby, I saw your smile. I know you are in there. You're happy aren't you, that your friends found their way back to each other?" MiRae smiled again. I could tell she was slowly coming back to me. 

"Mind some visitors?" Taeyang and Daesung said, coming into MiRae's room with a balloon and a stuffed lion. 

"Of course not, come in." I smiled. "She's smiling, she's been smiling. Look." I said, pointing to the small smile she had on her face. It was the most emotion and reaction I had seen from her in almost 5 days. 

"Daebak!" Daesung said, coming up beside her bed. "Noo-na. Noo-na. Nooooooona. Wake up sleeping beauty." He said happily. "Noona, you need to know that I am not going to be happy if you don't come back to me. You're smiling angel won't smile anymore. I'll be the sad, pitiful angel. See." Daesung made a sad puppy dog face. "We have dancing to do...remember, you and me dancing to Big Hit. You need to do that with me again." Daesung began to sing and do the dance. "It's just not the same without you. Noona....wake up now. Do you need a kiss from your knight in shining armor? You're smiling angel to wake up?" Daesung kissed MiRae forhead and again I saw her smile. It seemed her friends stopping by helped her.

"Noona, what are we to do with you?" YB said, taking his turn beside her bed. "Listen, I know sleep is fun and all, but you can't sleep forever. We need you back with us." YB leaned down close to her ear and whispered. "I told you not to toy with Jiyong like this, you said you wouldn't, so please come back to us, but him especially. I don't think you understand how hard this has been on him. I love you noona, please wake up now." YB stepped back and looked at me. "You ok?"

"Yes. She's smiling Youngbae, that's got to mean something right?" I said, heading back over to her bedside. "Look at her, that smile is so beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes. Hey, looks like you have more visitors. I looked up to see some of MiRae's Jungle Entertainment friends here to visit. Over the next few hours, MiRae was visited by more people than I could count. From her Running Man cast and crew, to friends from YG and many other places, MiRae became the center of attention. As each person would visit, her smile would grow bigger bigger. I could sense her coming back. 

"Hey GD." EunMi said, coming into MiRae's room hand and hand with 5Zic. 

"Hey guys, what's up." I smiled.

"We are here to visit. I took off my doctor hat. Zic and I wanted to just come visit and talk to her, as friends. No medical talk. Is that ok?" 

"Of course." I smiled allowing them to get near her bed.

"MiRae, you're smiling. That's great." EunMi began. "Zic and I are here to say hi to you."

"Hey Rae." 

"See, he's here, though he's a little scared it seems. You kind of scared him when he found you collapsed on the floor."

"Just a little. Rae, I miss you. We all miss you, we want you back. You can wake up anytime now Rae. You're gonna miss your debut."

"Zic, don't bring that up." EunMi said. "MiRae, just come back to us when you are ready, we will all be here, ready. I should probably tell you you are my favorite patient, but really, I am kinda of sick of working on my best friend. I sorta need you to wake up so we can talk girl's hard to do that when there are nurses in the room with you. Also, as much as I love your boyfriend, he isn't very good at girly feels. I have something super important to tell you and can't until you wake up. It's not the same being girly without you." 

Zic and EunMi excused themselves and for the first time in hours I was finally alone with my MiRae. I climbed into bed with her and cuddled close holding her in my arms, as I did most nights. 

"MiRae. Let's talk about our future, huh?" I said lifting her left hand up and kissing it. "What would you think if I put a big 'ol ring on your left ring finger here? You'd say yes, right?" I kissed her hand. "I want you to be awake before I propose, but girl it's hard to wait. If I have realized anything in the past 5 days it's that I have no desire to wait to make you my wife. Hell if you were awake right now, I would have a minister in here to marry us. I can't wait. This whole ordeal has been almost too much to handle. When you almost died yesterday I almost died with you, because honestly, babe, I can't live without you. I want to marry you so badly baby. So so badly that I can't hardly stand it. MiRae, will you marry me?" I looked up at MiRae's face to see her smile bigger than ever, I took it as a sign that she liked my idea. 

"Wanna sing with me? Come on, let's sing your song. Ready? 'You are the part of me, I know I'll always need. Breathing life in me, you are my energy.' Baby, you aren't singing. Sing it for me please." I know that with a tube down she couldn't but I was desperate to hear her voice. Ok let's try the chorus? 'Our love is oxygen to me. Our love is the very air I breathe. Our love is blood rushing insanity. Our love, is everything I'll ever need.' I see that smile baby. I know you are in there and ready to wake up." I continued to lay beside her and hold her and her hand. I played with her couple ring as I held her hand, thinking about the day I could turn that ring into an engagement ring and then finally see a wedding band on it. The thought of her being my wife was more than exciting. She was my everything, the Rose to my Jack, the Juliet to my Romeo. She was my Bonnie, I was her Clyde. She completed me and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted her to be Kwon MiRae more than anything and I could hardly wait for her to take my last name. As I laid beside her thinking about our wedding day I drifted off to sleep still holding her hand.

-----MiRae's POV-----

It's time to go back. You've been asleep long enough.

I know. 

Then why are you putting it off?

Because...well I don't know.

Exactly, get back to him MiRae. That man wants to marry you, wake up and tell him yes. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see the ceiling of a hospital room. I tried to talk but couldn't, something was stopping me. I looked over to my left to see Jiyong beside me, asleep, holding my hand in his. I smiled and leaned my head against his, squeezing his hand in mine. He squeezed it back, interlocking his fingers with mine. Looking up at me....

----GD's POV----

Either I was dreaming or I had just felt MiRae squeeze my hand. I squeezed back and felt her squeeze again. interlocking my fingers with hers I looked up to see MiRae smiling, her blue eyes open for the first time in 5 days. 

"BABY! You're awake." I said kissing her lips the best I could. "You came back to me." I began to cry tears of joy as she tried to talk. "Babe you have a breathing tube down your throat, what are you trying to say?" I said trying to read , finally giving up and getting her my phone to type it in. 

Carefully MiRae concentrated and typed something and handed me the phone, smiling with tears in her eyes. I looked at my phone to see the 6 best words I could have imagined.

Yes, of course I will marry you.




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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS