Welcome to the Jungle

Love Like Oxygen

"Do you know much I love you Jiyong." I said, walking up and wrapping my arms around him. "You are quite possibly the best man in this entire universe." I smiled, kissing him sweetly on those amazing lips he owned.

"Aigoo, baby, you're making me blush." 

"Good!" I laughed still attached to him. "This whole night has been nothing short of amazing. I can't believe you planned a surprise party for me, I can't believe you got so many people to come and most of all, I can't believe Karin is here, it's...it's...well it's daebak!

"Why do you say that?" He asked breaking away from me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to a bench in the corner. 

"Because," I started as I sat next to him, still holding his hand. "Because I never expected to hear from her again...and to have her here and to see her and so many other people who meant so much to me, to see them tonight, I just...I remember now why this place is so important to me. I am reminded now why this is home to me. It makes me just love you all the more to know that you would do this for me and get all my friends to be here tonight."

"Sweet girl, you deserve this. You are home now. This is where you belong and I wanted you to remember just how many people here love you and care for you. You aren't alone baby, you have more love and support here than I am sure you will ever know what to do with. You must not ever forget that you are loved and tonight I wanted to show that to you. You have an amazing support group here for you, always. We all lose our way sometimes, but in the end, when you look around this room, you can see that even if you lost your way, the people that love you the most will be here for you, to love you, support you, build you up. It wasn't hard to get them to come, because they all adore you. You've got a family here, never forget that. Never forget all the people that care about you."

"Honestly, Jiyong, to me all that matters is having you." I smiled as I placed my hand gently on his cheek. "I am still not entirely sure how I fell in love with my best friend, but I do know I don't want to love anyone else." 

Jiyong smiled his shy smile and kissed my lips. "Promise?" He smirked. "Promise to only love me...forever?" 

"Promise....forever and ever." I said leaning my forehead against his and then lightly rubbing my nose against his all while gazing deep in his lovely eyes.

"Excuse me." A voice chimed in. 

I broke my gaze into his eyes to see Gary smiling.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping to steal MiRae away for a bit, I'd like to talk to her if you don't mind G-Dragon?" 

"Of course. Of course! You two chat, I will go mingle. I'll find you soon baby." Jiyong smiled and kissed me, then politely excused himself. 

"Gary, oppa, sit...what is it?" I asked laughing at how awkward Gary seemed. 

"I wanted to talk to you about Jungle Entertainment."

"Ah, yes, of course. They are on my short life of places I want to look. But I don't know Gary, isn't it that Tiger JK wants it to be a mainly R&B or Hip Hop company. I know that is his vision and I am not sure that I fit into that vision."

"Neh, but Tiger JK is always looking for new upcoming artists. He isn't limiting himself to only the R&B/Hip Hop singers these days. He's been wanting to get a little something different into the mix. He knows about you, he's heard your singles from when you debuted with YG Entertainment and he's very into your style. He especially loves the tone of voice that you have as you sing. It would be something different for the company."

"My style? I don't have much of a style Gary. What I was back during my debut, is not what I am now. My music, what I want for that music, is something much different. I can't rap to save my life, but I can be soulful and the demo I am hoping to make is soulful. I need a company that will understand the story behind the song and the tone in which I sing it. I have a specific direction to the music I want to create now, anyone I end up with has to respect that and be a support to me as I take this direction."

"And Jungle could be that for you. Tiger JK wants to invest in growing someone. Jungle has a lot of great talent, but they lack a good soulful woman voice. Knowing you as I do and knowing your vocal talents, you could fit perfectly. And, MiRae I have to admit, I have talked to him about you, many times. He sees much potential in you as a singer and now that I know you can be soulful and at least somewhat on the way to R&B style, I think he would love to get that opportunity. The opportunity to grow you and develop you as a singer. Do you have your demo all set?"

"I haven't had the chance make it. I had a health scare and Jiyong's been very cautious as to how much I work. I don't have anything, other than lyrics to a song."

"Hmmm..." Gary pondered for a while. I giggled at his serious thinking face, his scrunched up forehead looked like it would stay that way forever. "Fine, I'll call you tomorrow. I am going to personally go to Tiger JK and talk with him...I think you need this company and I know we need you. We need more women in this place."

"You just want someone pretty to look at Oppa." I laughed.

Gary blushed then laughed. "Don't most men?"

"Neh." I giggled.

"MiRae-ah?" Gary asked in a serious tone.


"You are going to come back to Running Man, aren't you?" 

"I hope so." I smiled. "Someday."


"When you going to tell Jiyong about your issue?" EunMi asked without any hesitation.

"What issue?" I said playing dumb.

"Don't 'what issue?' me MiRae. I am not only a very observant friend, I am also a doctor. I know a bulimic person when I see them." She loudly proclaimed.

"Shhhhhhh. I don't need the whole of Seoul hearing you say that EunMi." We were supposed to be having a nice cup of tea to catch up the morning after the party, but somehow I found myself being questioned like I was on trial.

"How long has it been going on? Hmmmm? Karin told me you were going to talk to GD, did you? MiRae, stop avoiding my eye contact and talk to me." 

"It...it...it started when I got home after Top died. I was depressed, so very depressed. Usually I would eat my feelings, ya know, over eat and do it constantly, but I was sick of being too heavy and so it kind of happened. One day I binged on food and the next thing I knew I was in the bathroom throwing up."

"So what, thats been 6 months now?"

"Give or take."

"MiRae, do you know how horrible that is for you and your body?" EunMi continued to push.

"Yes, Doctor, I am fully aware. And you as a doctor should know how hard it is for someone who's addicted to it to stop." I said bitterly. "I don't want to stay this way, but its difficult."

"You told GD right? You have to tell him. Not only because you love him, but because you know that man would go through hell and high water for you. You know he will support you, push you and help you focus on getting better. So did you tell him?"

"Well...no...not yet, but I will."

"Yah? When, when you are so bone-thin that even the sometimes non-observant G-Dragon finds out?" 

"I'll talk to him EunMi. I promise. I just, I didn't have time after the party and then I met up with you first thing this morning. He's busy making music, I am busy with you, I haven't had time to sit and chat with him about it, but I will tell him."

"You better." 

"I will." I said frustrated. It wasn't that I didn't want him to know, it was just that I was too scared to actually admit it. "I will tell him, ok, I promise EunMi. I promise, I just, I need to find the right time, ok? But it will happen....today."  Or tomorrow, or next week or...

"It better, I know he leaves soon for Japan for part of his tour. He's going to be gone two weeks you have to tell him before he leaves, do you understand me. I will keep bothering you about it until I know for sure you've talked to him."

"Yes, doctor. I will tell him. So you are with 5Zic now?"

"Yes I am...wait, don't change the subject on me."

"Too late." I laughed. "It's changed. Did I tell you that I am looking into signing with Jungle? Gary is supposed to be talking to Tiger JK today about having me audition. I'd so love to do a duet with 5Zic or even Yoon MiRae. Imagine to MiRae's working together."

"First of all, Choi MiRae, 5Zic, he's mine. Second, I think you'd fit in wonderfully there. They need more women around that place. But can you rap?"

"Nope, not even a little bit. But I was wanting to go the R&B route with my music. And I can assure you, I will keep my hands off your man. I have one of my own that I am pretty smitten with anyways." As I said this my phone rang. I looked down to see Gary's name flash on my screen. "Aish, hang on, its Gary."

"Yoboseyo! Oppa! How are you? What news do you have?" 

"MiRae-ah. I am good, great actually. Excited, really excited. Are you free this afternoon?"

"Neh, I am! Wae?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Tiger JK and our CEO Cho Sun Oh would like to sit down with you and discuss your training here at Jungle. MiRae-ah, they want you! You are going to be a part of the family!"

"Omo, jinjja!?" I yelled excitedly, almost on the verge of tears. "What time should I be there, what should I bring, what do I wear, where do I go?

"NEH! Really! Can you be here at 1? I will meet you and show you around and make sure that you get to your meeting with them. Bring any music, lyrics, ideas you have and dress comfortably, but in business attire. Oh MiRae-eeeeeee I am so so excited. I knew this would work out. I just knew it."

"Daebak! I will be there! See you in a couple hours oppa! Goodbye."

"I take it that you just got some great news?" EunMi smiled widely.

"Neh! You are looking at the next big star of Jungle Entertainment."









Hello Readers! I am back...almost 3 months or something like later. Life got away from me and I lost all desire to write, but here I am, ready and excited to work on this story. 

I know there's a lot of dialogue in this. These next few chapters are setting up for a plot twist and story line that I am very excited for and an ending that I am even more anxious about. 

Thanks for staying around!

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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
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