Don't Tell Me Goodbye

Love Like Oxygen

--------5Zic POV-------

"What do you mean she's dying?" EunMi asked on the phone.

"Dying...who's dying?" Cha asked as he entered the room. I looked up at Cha who then realized that MiRae was the one who was dying.

"Cha, call 1-1-9...I have EunMi on the quickly." I yelled out then directed my attention back to EunMi. "She has collapsed on the floor, her breathing is barely there EunMi and she looks like a ghost, she's so pale. She's unresponsive and I am scared for her." I said calmly. It was my time in the military that has helped me to keep calm in these situations. 

"What happened hunny? Why is MiRae like this?"

"I, I don't know. I saw that the light was on here in the rehearsal room so I came in and just found MiRae on the floor. Cha just got here, but he's on the phone with 1-1-9. Maybe she drank too much?" I said to EunMi and then looked at Cha who was just getting off the phone with the 1-1-9. "Cha what happened?"

"We went to the bar after we left here and she drank. I couldn't stop her. She asked me to bring her back here and I stepped out to call my wife and came back to this." Cha said, sitting beside MiRae, seemingly trying not to cry. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let her continue drinking..."

"Aniyo, it's not your fault. MiRae has a mind of her own. Is she still breathing???" 

Cha listened and then looked up at me. "Yes, but barely." 

"Hunny, have the paramedics bring MiRae here to Seoul National University Hospital, ok? I am going to call GD and have him meet us here. If she stops breathing before they get there, call me back right do know CPR right?"

"Yes babe, I do. Cha and I can handle it now." I hung up with EunMi and ran out to the front of Jungle to wait for the arriving medical help. It was out there that I had a moment and allowed myself to feel the emotions I was fighting back. I was usually a strong man, but to see my friend like this and hear the fear in my girlfriends voice was too much, even for me.

---------GD's POV----------

"You can't blame yourself Jiyong, this isn't your fault." Youngbae said doing his best to comfort me.

"Yah, you know MiRae...when she's drunk she doesn't think clearly and she gets very emotional. You know that hyung." Seungri said. I had called my three bandmates over to sit with me. I couldn't be alone right now after what I had just experienced with MiRae and in the mental state I was in.

"That's easy for all of you to say. You weren't there, you didn't see the look in her eyes. You didn't hear the words she said to me. I should have followed her, I should have followed her and brought her home and made sure she was ok. Why am I so irrational? How could I have thought she was cheating on me?" i paced back in forth in the living room. I prayed MiRae would just come home after blowing off steam, but the later it got the more worried I became. 

"Hyung, didn't you say Cha was with her?" Daesung asked. I nodded yes and went back to pacing. "Then stop worrying, you know he will take care of her. You need to calm down."

"I don't know how to calm down right now dammit. I ed this up...again. I am always doing that, ing it up. I thought it would be fun to surprise her so I came up with the whole two more weeks in Japan thing. I knew she'd had a bad day, yet I still decided to play this trick on her and she's out somewhere drinking and it's all my fault. I pushed her too far." I stopped pacing and walked over to my chair and collapsed into it, covering my face with my hands to hide the forming tears from my brothers.

"Jiyong, you know maknae is right. MiRae doesn't think clearly when she's drinking and gets irrational. She will be fine, just let her have this space and talk to her when she isn't irrationally drunk. You can't do anything right now and worrying and blaming yourself is certainly not going to help the situation. You know MiRae loves you and she'll be back, just give her time." I did my best to listen to Youngbae, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I had really messed things up, all because I was a ing idiot. 

"Hyung, your phone is ringing." Daesung said, bringing it over to me from the table. 

"Thanks Dae." I said, taking it from him. "AnneyongHaseyo, This is JiYong."

"GD, this is EunMi."

"Ah, EunMi, what can I do for you? Wait, before you answer, I am sorry for earlier at Jungle. I allowed myself to not think and ended up making an of myself causing me great humiliation. I just get so dumb sometimes, especially when it comes to the thought of losing MiRae. I hope you can accept my apology."

"Oh, GD, really it is ok. 5Zic and I know you didn't mean it. I'm sorry to be calling like this, but...are you alone?"

"Aniyo, I am with the guys, wae?"

"Ah, good because I am calling because MiRae is headed here to SNUH and I you need to get here as soon as possible."

"What, wae? What's wrong with her, EunMi, what happened, please...Oh My God." It was impossible for me to even process what EunMi had just said, all I knew was my heart dropped and I was suddenly shaking in fear.

"All I know is 5Zic found her collapsed back at Jungle. He and Cha have called the medical team and they should be on their way here. I plan to take care of her personally, but you need to get here now! It's not good from what it sounds like."

"Yes...of course...we're one our way. Just please, please don't let her die." I said hanging up the phone and looking at the guys. "It''s MiRae, she...she's...we have to get to SNUH now!"

"Of course!" Youngbae said as we all ran out the door and to his car. 

"God, please don't take her from me. Please." 

--------2 hours later---------

I don't remember the drive to the hospital. I don't remember walking into the hospital. I don't remember anything, but yet I find myself pacing in the ER lobby while my bandmates, Cha, and 5Zic try to keep me calm. The thought of losing MiRae was making me physically ill and I couldn't sit and stay calm even if I wanted to. MiRae was my everything, she was my life and I finally have her as mine, losing her is not an option. 

"Dammit, why has EunMi not come out yet? Where is she?" I said walking up to the doors to the internal ER trying to peer through the window to see if I could see anything. "Dammit...come on. She's dead, she must be dead..."

"Hyung, stop! I am sure she isn't dead, they're probably trying to make sure they know as many facts as they can before they come talk to us." Daesung tried to reason with me.

"What the happened...huh?" I said walking up to Cha. "You told me you would watch over her, how could you let her do this to herself? You're supposed to be a bodyguard, not allow her to just do whatever the she wants. That's my love in there, dying and sick. WHAT THE HAPPENED?" I grabbed his shirt and tugged him hard towards me.

"Jiyong!" Youngbae yelled. "Don't blame Cha. Calm down." He attempted to pull me off Cha.

"No Taeyang, Mr. Kwon is right, this is my fault. I should have watched over her better. Mr. Kwon, we went to her usual bar spot and I allowed her some space. She mostly talked to the bartender and drank down several drinks. After a while, Ms. Park showed up and they got into a verbal fight and then they ended up drinking and laughing together. After a while MiRae was asking me to take her back to Jungle to practice, not thinking I listened to her and took her back, where she started to practice. I had to step out to call my wife and when I got back, Mr. 5Zic was there and I have no idea why she collapsed."

"Well I do." EunMi said from behind us. 

"Ah, EunMi, is she ok, what happened? Please..I need to know." I said frantically.

"GD, I'd like to talk to you privately. Can you please follow me to our consult room?" EunMi said, beginning to lead the way. 

"Neh, but can I have Taeyang come with me, I don't think I can hear this news alone." I asked barely able to move, crippled by the thought of what EunMi might say. EunMi agreed and the two of us, along with my best friend headed to a private room where EunMi could tell me more news. We all sat down and EunMi looked at me, her eyes very watery.

"GD. I want you to know that I have done absolutely everything I can for MiRae, OK? But I'm afraid I don't have good news." EunMi fought back tears as my stomach turned in knots and I listened to her tell me my loves diagnosis. "GD, unfortunately I have to inform you that MiRae has been a victim of poisoning. Although it's a commonly used poison, she was intoxicated with alcohol at the time and the poison seems to be having an atypical response on her body. Despite resuscitation measures she remains unresponsive. Her vitals are stable and she is very much alive and well physically. However, her consciousness seems to be on a slightly lower level for reasons we aren't sure of. At this point there is nothing we can do other than wait and watch and see how she progresses."

I sat staring at EunMi trying to allow my mind to process all the information she'd just told me. Poison? How...who... Unconscious? Wait... " did she get poisoned?" This was all I could even vocalize at this moment. 

"We don't know. There are several possibilities, but until she can tell us what happened, we aren't sure. I will let you know that for safety reasons she is under careful watch, just in case this was a suicide attempt.'

"Suicide...she...she wouldn't do that...I know her, she wouldn't..." I said becoming defensive. 

"GD, I am not saying I think she did this on purpose, but it is hospital rules to have people we might even possibly suspect of a suicidal attempt under 24 hour observation." EunMi said, lightly touching my shoulder trying to comfort me. 

"But she's in a coma...she can't do anything. Am I allowed to be with her, I need to be with her."

"She isn't in a coma, she's just simply unresponsive. It's hard to explain, but it's almost as if she doesn't want to be awake. I think it would do her some good to hear you and know you are here, but I have to warn you that right now she is intubated. I can take you to her now if you like?" EunMi said standing.

"Yes, please. Youngbae, can you please let everyone out there know what's happening. I, I have to go be with her." 

"Of course Jiyong." YB said hugging me. "She'll be ok, she's a fighter...and she has you to live for." 

"Thanks brother." I said hugging him back. He left and I turned back to EunMi. "Are you ok? I can't imagine it's been easy working on your best friend under these conditions." 

"Aniyo, not really. I am scared too, but being the doctor I've had to fight back all those feelings and stay focused. It's not an easy thing to balance, especially when it's your best friend." EunMi said, tears starting to slowly stream down her face. 

"Thank you for saving her life EunMi." I said hugging her as we both stood crying over the girl that made both of our lives worth living. "I can't even tell you how happy I am she had you here with her tonight."

"Thank you GD. I appreciate that. Come, let me get you to her room. She is in the ICU for the time being until she wakes up. I'll have the others escorted up here to the waiting room, but I want you to have time with her. I know you must be terrified." EunMi escorted me up to MiRae's room, stopping outside her door. "Remember she is on a vent for now, so she will have a tube in . Also, she can hear talk to her. That will be one of the best things for her, to hear your voice. I'll be back in a bit, ok? If you need anything, don't hesitate to call her nurse. Now go be with her." EunMi said, opening the door and resting her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. 

"Thank you EunMi." I said, slowly entering her room. I walked into the room and immediately stopped, taken aback at the site of my baby strapped up to machine after machine. It was almost too much to take in and just seeing her in that condition caused me more pain than I had ever felt. I attempted to fight back tears but it was too much. I couldn't walk up to her so I stood in the corner of her room, sobbing. I am not one to cry like this, but when you see someone that means everything in the world to you in such a scary terrible condition, even I, usually a hard nut to crack, ended up sitting on the floor sobbing. I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out and drilled into it. It hurt, I physically hurt. What hurt her, hurt me. In more ways then I had realized. Somehow after a few minutes I managed to get up and make my way to the side of her bed. 

MiRae was laying there, as if she were fast asleep. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing lightly with the tube down as EunMi had described. Her hair was a mess, she was lifeless, but I knew she was breathing and her heart was beating, the machines told me so. However, regardless, seeing her up close, I felt like collapsing on top of her. I leaned over her bed and put my head on her stomach, wrapping my arm one arm around her waist and the other grabbing her hand lightly. Every time she'd breathe in and out, my head would rise and fall with her. It was the best feeling in the world, because it meant she was alive. It gave me the little peace I needed to believe she'd be ok. Standing back up I located a chair and pulled it over to beside her bed. I wasn't going to leave her side until she woke up. I would live in that chair as long as I needed to, for her, because I loved her. 

"MiRae? Baby can you hear me?" I said still standing up beside her bed. "Babe, please wake up. I need you, you can't leave me." I tried to fight back tears again, but it all became too much. They slowly began to fall as I brought my face as close to hers as I could, resting my forehead against hers. "Babe, please." i sniffled, crying. "Babe...please let me know you can hear me, do something so I know you know I am here." I stayed with my head against hers, my hand holding hers, simply being with her.

"Babe, I listened to your song tonight. It's beautiful." I began to sing it to her, hoping it would help her somehow. "You are the part of me. I know I'll always need. Breathing life in me, you are my energy." I sang. "You should be singing this not me. Baby, sing with me please." I said, wanting so much to hear her voice. "Our love is oxygen to me. Our love is the very air I breathe. Our love is blood rushing insanity. Our love is everything I'll ever need." I continued to sing, the song I had listened to immediately in the car after our fight began to run through my head. 


Verse 1:

I tried to pretend it wasn’t you.

I just couldn’t let go of all I knew.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Falling in love with my best friend.

But now I see it was you all along.

And I know it’s with you I belong.



You are the part of me.

I know I always need.

Breathing life in me.

You are my energy.


Our love is oxygen to me.

Our love is the very air I breathe.

Our love is blood-rushing insanity.

Our love is everything I’ll ever need.


Verse 2:

This is our love; like oxygen.

I will love you until the very end.

The only thing my heart beats for is you.

I just can’t exist without you.

Walk this path with me until the end.

I couldn’t stand to lose my love, my best friend.





There ain’t no love like our love.

When everything’s wrong you make it right.

There ain’t no love like our love.

Forever I wanna be in your arms so tight.


Chorus x2


No matter how much I sang, she didn't respond, she just laid there. I sat down and held her hand resting my head on her bed. It was early morning now, 3:30 am and I was exhausted, but fought to stay awake incase she woke up. 

"GD? GD?" A voice whispered. 

"Yes, baby, what?" I said shooting up only to see MiRae still sleeping and 5Zic standing behind me. "Oh, sorry. I thought..."

"No problem. I came in here to give you a break, you've been in here all night." He said, walking up to me. 

"What? What time is it?" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes with my free hand. 

"It's 8 am. Good to see you slept, but you should go get something to eat and get some fresh air. EunMi suggested I stay here while you go out."

"I'm fine. I can't leave her side...but I appreciate that." I said, smiling.

"EunMi said you might say that. I won't force you too, but I think it would do you good. Your band members are in the lobby waiting for you. Just go out for a few minutes, go get something to eat and some fresh air. I'll be right here with Rae, I promise."

"Oh. Well I guess some coffee would be nice. But if she wakes up, will you..."

"I'll call you. Promise." 5Zic said as I stood up. 

"I'll be right back sweet girl. Zic is here now." I kissed her forehead and thanked Zic one more time and then headed to the lobby. I was surprised to find not only my bandmates but many other friends there waiting. Everyone there offered me hugs and asked me many was overwhelming. "She's stable. She's still unresponsive, but she isn't getting worse, so I guess that's good." I said to everyone waiting. "You all are more than welcome to visit, but one at a time...and please understand she won't be responsive, but she can hear you." 

"Hyung." Daesung said coming up to me. "The three of us talked and we want to take you somewhere."

"I can't leave, what if MiRae wakes up. I have to be here." I said, afraid to even go downstairs, let alone out of the hospital. 

"We aren't even leaving the hospital. We just want to go to the chapel and pray with you." Taeyang said. 

"Oh. Ok, sure." I said, following the lead of YB as we all headed to the chapel. It was comforting to be there, God would heal her. I believed it. We all took a seat and began to each quietly pray. 

God, you know I love this woman more than anything. I can't imagine my life without her. I need her to be whole. So please, please don't take her from me. Please heal her fully, help her to wake up. God, please, I know I have not always relied on you, but I need you now, she needs you now. Please, I can't tell her goodbye. Please bring her back to me.





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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
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