One Month

Love Like Oxygen

June 6

"Babe. Baaaabbbbeeeeee. You need to get up, you have to leave in thirty minutes. You don't want to make your new boss mad by being late do you?" Jiyong said at the top of his lungs and shaking me in an attempt to wake me from my peaceful sleeping. He'd kept me up most of the night with his rigorous activities and then expected me to go to Jungle by 8 am and somehow get the time to take him to the airport to see him off. 

"Uhhh..just. a. little. longer." I protested sleepily. 

"Aniyo, absolutely not. I will not allow you to oversleep and be late for your first day."

"Jebaalll baby?" I said, attempting to act aegyo in hopes it would sway him.

"Aniyo." He said, violently ripping off my covers, exposing my body to the cold crisp air in the room. 

"Jiyong." I yelled, shooting up and attempting to cover myself with what little cover I was able to grab.

"Glad to see you are awake. Now, I'll go make you some food to take with you in the car. Cha should be here in twenty five minutes to pick you up, so get ready quickly you don't have much time." Jiyong kissed my forehead and shooed me to the bathroom to freshen up. It took what very little energy I had to find the motivation to wash and prep myself for my big first day at Jungle. Tiger JK promised me it would be anything but easy, that he would not go light on me and I would walk in and go straight to work. He'd planned my comeback for July 9. That day my single would come out...I was excited, hoping it would be the song I had written for Ji. The next Sunday, July 14, would be my comeback stage at Inkigayo. There would be no time to waste, one month was little time to pull that all together, plus start my new album, but it was possible and fortunate for me, Ji would be gone for two weeks of that, so I would have little distraction here at home. 

"MiRae....come on, babe, Cha is here, get that in gear and get down here." Jiyong yelled up the stairs at me. "Coming." I said, grabbing my bag of extra clothes, shoes, and my notebook. Running out the door and down the stairs I met my handsome love down by the door where he handed me a box with food and then kissed me and saw me off. "Don't forget, I have to be at the airport at 1. You better be there."  "I'll be there." I yelled back at him as I headed to Cha's car. "Babe, good got this. I love you." He yelled at me as I waved out the window of the car. 

-----A few hours later at Incheon-----

"How's it going today baby?" GD said as we sat in the car to say our goodbyes. It was best, as we were keeping our relationship quiet to the public....only our close friends and family knew. We were parked in the parking garage, hiding from the cameras and the fans that were there to catch a glimpse of G-Dragon. 

"I'm not entirely sure how I am still alive." I laughed. "Forget about my day...lets focus on the fact that I won't be seeing you for two weeks. I am so going to miss you." I said cuddling in closer to him as we snuggled in the backseat of the van.

"Babe...did you not hear me last night? It's not two weeks, it's a month." 

"A....MONTH? What do you mean a is it a month...when did it become a month? A MONTH???" 

"First of all, calm down. Ok? Now. It's not like I wont be home here and there..but yes, it will be basically a month away. I am touring Japan, I have photo shoots, TV appearances, and all of that. That is why it will be a month, I have a lot to do since they've added more shows to my schedule and added in the extra appearances."

"A month." 

"You said that already. Babe, I'm sorry. I wish I could change it..."

" you shouldn't wish that. This is your career, your chance to go out and set records and put on a show. I won't stand in your way. A month will be hard, but we can handle it, right? We went 6 months not talking so a month is nothing in the grand scheme of things." I smiled at him and then turned to him, grabbing his hands in mine. "Let's promise to call, text, and talk as much as possible. I will come out to your last concert, before my crazy schedule starts. Promise?"

"No need to even ask." He replied, kissing me. "And you must promise to stay healthy for me. Keep fighting your demons, because you have quite the future ahead of you my love. Don't throw it away allowing your sickness to win, ok?"

"I work on getting healthy and fight my demons."

"Good. I gotta go...and you do too. Never forget that I love you."

"Couldn't if I wanted to." I smiled and flung myself into his arms hugging him tightly. "I will miss much." 

"I know babe. I know." As much as I loved being there in that embrace with him, I knew now was the time to let him get on his way. I pulled back and put my forehead against his, fighting back tears. I hadn't been back in Korea long and it was hard for me to accept that we'd be separated for a time. Mentally I wanted to take a picture of this moment, just so I would have it in my head and heart. "I love you MiRae." Every declaration of his love sent shivers up and down my spine, especially when followed by the most passionate kiss this one was. "I'll text you when I land." And like that I was sitting in the car watching Jiyong walk into Incheon, praying this month would fly.

June 10

Today 11:31Am

JI!!! I just read the article! You did it again babe! 2 successful concerts to start off your Japanese tour! I'm so proud! <3

I furiously typed out my text to Ji and then put my phone in my lap, waiting for Tiger JK to come discuss some business regarding my training and an article that would coming out in a few days. Four days had passed since Ji had left for Japan and I had started my training with Jungle. I had been in the recording studio a lot working on the new single "Love like Oxygen" and was excited that my first single would be the song I had written for Ji. I relaxed in my chair a bit in the boardroom, taking in the fact that for the first time that day I was sitting...not dancing, not singing, not doing anything but sitting, it was a welcome break as the first 4 days had been nothing but work. Twelve plus hour days had become my life now. If I wasn't working on my single and writing songs and prepping to start making my new album, I was in front of the mirrors in the dance rehearsal room dying. We weren't even working on the moves for my single yet, simply just training my body for those, and I was dying. Perhaps I was a little melodramatic about how hard it was, but the bruises and pains in my body would have begged to differ.

"Saja." Jk said as he entered the room. Around Jungle I was simply known as Saja, partly because it was my new stage name, Am Saja, and because there were now two MiRae's. I promptly grabbed my phone in my hand, stood and bowed. "Anneyong Sir." 

"Enough with these formalities." JK said, signaling me to sit. "There is no reason to be so formal around here, I don't like it, so please, unless we are out in public or interviewing, just address me as a friend, ok?" I nodded in agreement as I felt my phone buzz in my hand. "Now, first of all, how are you feeling? Are you being treated well? I hear your single is coming along smoothly and you are doing decently in your dance training." 

"Neh. Everything is going pretty good. I am working very hard to make a great first single and I am working even harder in my dance training. I am well aware of the fact that I am not always the most graceful thing, but I am certainly pushing myself to make sure that my dancing is up to par. This single is a labor of love since it's about my boyfriend and our love, so of course I am focusing hard on making it perfect." I smiled, proud of what I was recording and a little distracted because of the great desire to know what Jiyong may have texted me back.

"Ah. Neh. This is great to hear and how is your health...are you eating and keeping it in your body Saja? Are you following the regimen set forth by the doctors and therapist?"

"Neh. I have been working hard on conquering my disorder. I won't lie and say I am all better, but I am getting there. I appreciate you finding me a way to seek treatment privately and on my own terms. It's been incredibly helpful to me to not have to go somewhere else. I feel I am healing better because I am able to do it as a normal part of my life." 

"Wonderful. Now let's get down to business. I have just talked with Kpop Weekly to complete my part of the interview. The article about your comeback should be out by the end of the week. I want you to go and make an official twitter for Am Saja and regularly, with the help of your assistant, update it as to the progress of your comeback. i will be doing more interviews as the month progresses. At this point we are on track to still release your single on July 9th and I have finalized with an executive at Inkigayo your comeback stage for July 14th. Does everything seem reasonable to you?" 

"Neh! I am quite excited to read the article, the thought of it coming out and my comeback being officially announced is exhilarating. I have no complaints at this point in time." I smiled and giggled.

"Perfect. I am terribly sorry to make this so short, but I must run and I don't want to keep you from your busy schedule. See you soon Saja!" JK promptly left the room and I without any hesitation looked down at my phone. 

Today 11:42AM

Sweet Girl! The first concerts were Fun. Perfect. Amazing. How are you my love? 

Today 12:00PM

I'm good but very tired. This training is no joke, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I just met with JK, things are on schedule. There should be an article out about my comeback by the end of the week. YAY!

Today 12:02PM

Awesome babe! Wish I could text more, but I am about to head into a filming. We will talk soon. I love you.

Today 12:03PM

And I love hard.

June 13

Today 1:14PM

What are you doing right now MiRae? I'm eating..but wanting you here to try some of this sushi. YUM!

Today 1:16PM

Sitting here in The Den listening to the usual song ;) 

Today 1:19PM

Yah! You and Justin Timberlake...What is it he has that I don't? :(

Today 1:20PM

The song "Mirrors." And you could have that, if you wrote a song like should really write a song like that, ya know? No rapping, no angst, just a good sweet love song. ;) "You are you are the love of my life..." 

BTW...I have a bone to pick with you about your twitter Mr. Kwon.

Today 1:21PM

Kkkk...first of all, I HAVE written love songs thankyouverymuch. Second of all....what did I do on twitter?

Today 1:22PM

Oh I don't know..maybe the whole tweet that went a little something like this.."Haru Haru I wish you were beside me." You can't tweet stuff like that and not expect people to speculate. 

We both agreed we don't want our relationship revealed right now.

Today 1:25PM

Aish can't post anything without a lecture ;) And what if it wasn't about you? Huh? What if it was a new song lyric or something?? (No worries..we are still a secret to the public). 

"Rae!!!!'s's out." Zic said running into the den. Waving his phone in his hand. "Rae, are you listening to me...RAE!"

Today 1:27PM

Aish. Just a sec and I will continue my lecture. Zic is having a fit here...brb.

"What could you possibly want right now?" I said, shooing him a death glare as he had just interrupted the longest conversation I had had with Ji in a couple days.

"Your article...the article...about's out." Sitting beside me Zic wasted no time in shoving his phone in my face. 

"WHAT?!" I yelled, grabbing his phone. 


Your one stop Kpop News Source.

Choi MiRae's Confirmed Comeback

Rumors have been swirling for weeks now, hinting of the return of Korea's favorite non-Korean "Bright Girl" Choi MiRae. MiRae left the Kpop world nearly seven months ago when her then fiance, T.O.P, of BigBang passed suddenly during his mandatory time in the Army. After weeks of speculation, Kpop Weekly can confirm that Choi MiRae will be making her comeback next month, under an all new record label; Jungle Entertainment and an all new name, Am Saja. We here at Kpop Weekly scored exclusive rights to a first interview with MiRae. In a written statement from MiRae, she discusses her time away, clears up some rumors and proudly talks of her comeback.

"...Losing T.O.P so suddenly really shook me to my core. It broke me and therefore I left to go back to the U.S. to decide my future. Being here with the memories that surrounded me was far to difficult and so I chose to go home and regroup, to find myself. Upon returning back to the states, I realized quickly that home was no longer there. Home was now here, in South Korea with the family and friends and career i had built for myself. I wanted nothing more to come home and restart my life. I missed being "The Bright Girl.'"

MiRae goes on to talk about her relationship with YG Entertainment and why she chose to move her singing career to a new label. 

"Upon coming back, I realized that staying at YG Entertainment would not be beneficial to restarting my career. The looming memories of T.O.P make it hard for me to be there and in order to make music I would be proud of, I need to not live every day surrounded and bombarded by those memories. I still remain close to all of YG Family, particularly BigBang. I speak to and see them on a regular basis and am on good terms with President Yang. My choice to join Jungle Entertainment was both easy and hard. I was fortunate enough to have Kang Gary help me get into Jungle. Jungle and their vision is parallel to what I see for myself as an artist now, joining Jungle was a no brainer. I am so excited for what my future holds here at Jungle. "

We were also pleased to be able to have received a written statement from MiRae's new boss, Tiger JK. 

"We are very pleased to have MiRae as the newest artist to join Jungle. We feel she will be a valued asset to us here, as her philosophy on music and ours match together perfectly. She has been working hard, beginning her training and working on her first single with very little time to do much of anything else. As a Jungle artist, MiRae and I have discussed and chosen a new name she will be debuting under when her first single releases. We hope you look forward to the debut of Am Saja. She truly is our new lioness here at Jungle and we are excited for the future."

Am Saja and Tiger JK have confirmed that her new single will be released on July 9th, though have not yet shared the name of the track as it is "a very special surprise" Am Saja stated in her note. Also confirmed is Am Saja's comeback stage on Inkigayo, set for July 14th. 


Today 1:40PM

Did you see it Ji??? It's perfect! The article is perfect. 

June 24

"Do you know how good it is to here your voice babe? Texting you, while wonderful, at times because I can't hear you."

"You got to see me Wednesday...its only been a few days since you last heard my voice, sweet girl."

"So...excuse me for missing you. This has been a long month so far, I can't help but miss you and everything you are. What's up, you usually don't call me because you are busy."

"Well, I had some downtime and missed I have some news and a proposition for you."

"A proposition? What is it?" 

"Well before I tell you, let me explain what I just discussed with president Yang. He called me yesterday. Seems once I am done with my personal tour, he has plans for BigBang. He wants BigBang to have a farewell world tour from the end of August to December. He plans to make the announcement this week."

"A farewell tour? How's that possible? TOP's not around and you all have been doing your own things. How does he expect to make this work and cram it in to a three month tour. That's asking a lot."

"Not really, just means we are going to have a busy fall. There are no plans to release a new album or anything, just go around the world and put on our last tour. All four of us knew this time would come, without TOP it's been very hard to continue but we owe it to our VIPS to give them this, to say goodbye the best way we can. A tour like this would do that...and we would go as many places as we could. President Yang says he has some special surprises in store for including TOP. And, and this is where the proposition comes in...we will be going to USA, probably L.A and NYC and one other place..he wants you to pick and join us on the USA part of the tour...and sing...with us."

"What? Really? I...I...I don't really know what to say."

"Say you'll do it."

"I can't yet.. I have to talk to JK and make sure he's ok with it and make sure it works in my schedule. But...Ji...I want to do it..more than anything. For you guys, for TOP...for all of us. I'll talk to JK first thing tomorrow, ok? I have my own single is ready...I can't wait for you to hear it...and...I'm going to on Running Man again. I signed my contract today. I won't start August after the comeback, but I am going to go back on and be a permanent member."

"Oh, I really hope JK lets you do would mean so much to all of us...and you too. I know TOP was your first love and you will always have a special place in your heart for him. Having you included would be so special. Ah, babe, I am so excited for this new single, I am dying to hear has to be good! And Running Man...daebak!"

"Neh. They said that the first episode I film again will be revolved around me. They had me list all my part of me wonders if they'll have one of my biases on the show."

"You listed me right?"  

"Of course! You were number one...but they wanted a list of 5...boy was it hard to pick. Hahaha"

"Yah! I better have been number one! Aigoo I'm sorry baby, I have to go...dinner reservations. I know it's late there...get some rest...I can't wait to see you in a few days! I love you MiRae, love of my life."

"Ok, bye Ji. Eat some for me. See you Thursday!!! I love you too."

June 27

Today 9:34AM

My plane lands at 5:35 tonight...don't forget...I'll see you there right?

Today 10:05AM

Yes, I'll be waiting for you my sweet girl... remember though...we will meet in the parking garage per usual. No need to cause a stir.

"Rae, you ready to work on recording this song?" Zic asked. Today we were working on the collab song that Zic and I had written together. I was looking forward to the process of making it as it was a very fun, party song, something that I was not used to performing. 

"Neh...mianne. I was just confirming my flight for tonight." I smiled stepping into the recording booth.

"Oh right, you leave for Japan tonight...well deserved if you ask me Rae. You've worked so very hard this month...a small break before the comeback will do you some good. I'm gonna start the music now...ya ready?" I nodded and gave the thumbs up as we began recording.

-------- Later at Fukuoka Airport-------

"Come MiRae...let's hurry, shall we?" Cha said, walking closely to me as we made our way from the gate to the front of Fukuoka Airport. The paparazzi had been particularly bad at the airports today. It started at Incheon and continued here in Japan. People were waiting to see a glimpse of Am was the first that I'd been seen in public like this since the announcement of my comeback, people were excited, but it was hard to stay under wraps and hidden when everybody wanted a picture and a glimpse of me. Cha and I rushed through the airport, paying no attention to the screams being shouted from all directions. I was far to focused on getting to the car that would take me to the car that held my boyfriend whom I had missed this month.

"Get in." Cha said, opening the door of my decoy car, the real one was waiting in the parking garage for me. It was a quick trip there and as we pulled up beside my real ride. My stomach got butterflies as if it were the first time I'd seen Ji.Quickly I alighted the car and ran to his, opening the door and sliding in.

"I miss you beautiful girl...." was all he managed to get out before I attacked his lips with my own, making up for the weeks I had gone not kissing him. "That was quite a kiss babe." Ji laughed trying to catch his breath. "I should go away like this more often."

"Jinjja?" I said, smacking his arm playfully.

"Aniyo....I don't think I'll be leaving you this long again." He smiled wrapping me in his arms as the car headed to the hotel and I relaxed in his arms and smiled thinking to myself. 

Longest. Month. Ever.








A little fluff and filler before some seriously hard stuff. Enjoy! 

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Chapter 24: Loved this story! Great work!
Chapter 24: Aawww sweetest love story.. Thank u for awesome work author-nim!
Foreverhis #3
Chapter 24: Awwweh ! I love this story! <3
Chapter 21: So sweet!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG!!! I need the next chapter! Now!!!! Please save Mirae unni.!! Palli palli!
Chapter 16: OMG !? What did you do Jiyong
Chapter 14: Omg. Jiyong... Why are you so sweet.... Too nice, so perfect... Gosh im so inlove with this story....
JIyongforever #8
Chapter 5: man I just want to cry all the time this is so sad about top but so joyful about Jiyong
JIyongforever #9
Chapter 3: omo that is such a sad letter. and the fact that our beloved top is not alive in this is oh so terribly sad :(
Update PLS